I remember your post about your pug. I'm so sorry to hear and send you hugs. I love dogs too and right now I only have my yorkie...but he's my cuddle buddy, friend and confidant. Had a large Yellow Lab in days gone by. Loved them all... so hugs to you.
A big thank you Ladies...if I truly am inducted into the Menopausal Tampon Club.....or how about the Meno P Va Jay Jay's Club, we must include a lot of words about cramps and kotex and tampons....maybe throw in something about vaginal itch...that should keep the ner-do-wells, the rapscallions, the cads, the rabble rousers at bay.
And as far as the stilletos go....we are not too old...ok, they don't have to be 3", but 50 is the new 30, so let's show those yung un's a thing or two.
You girls rock!
