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From Lefty in Asia

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    From Lefty in Asia

    I have been away from the board since you changed the format as my internet connection was so slow in Asia but I am in the USA for a few more days so getting back on line. Where are my friends, are you all still here? I continue on Campral. In fiver months I had three lapses of two days, I stopped the campral and planned some regular rip roaring wine tasting. One was on my flight back. I had a business class seat so decided to make the best of it. I think I made an utter fool of myself both times I drank. China Airlines could care less how much you drink but I bet the poor guy next to me was ticked off. I have no idea how much I rattled on to him but wow getting off the plane, coming back to earth I just stopped again, went back on the supplements and Campral and am okay. You lucky American's to get O'doul's I have enjoyed that a few times while out and with friends. So I wonder how you are. I had some positive comments from some lovely people so hope to hear from you and how is your journey. No matter how much I love it I have to admit I am a lousy drunk. Truly. Once I start I simply go for the entire bottle and no matter what I do I screw up. I came home one night reasonably sober but had packed a little drink for the ride back home (in Asia no one cares) and the bottle had leaked on my new $600. Nokia N 80 and my new Sony camera and both are shot. It was an expensive drink that I poured myself because neither can be fixed. So while I didn't do anything TOO outlandish that night I did manage to ruin my stuff. I just can't drink without something strange happening. My daughter brought over the supplements, book, cd's and with the campral and all I find myself relatively urge free except when I just feel I need to bring upon some major screw up and go off of it. Let me know how you are doing. I leave for Asia again on Tuesday evening. I have a lousy internet connection there and have been back only a short time and busy while I was here (and sober). This website may have saved my life and definately saved my dignity and has gone a long way in helping me keep my job going very well as Sober I am a far better person. take care, hope to hear from you. Lefty:wings:

    From Lefty in Asia

    Hi Lefty!

    Hi Lefty!
    I was wondering how you have been doing! So, for the most part, it sounds like you are doing well and the campral really works for you as long as you continue to take it...
    Well, good for you on changing your life around...yes we are still here! Have missed seeing you around.
    Over 4 months AF :h


      From Lefty in Asia

      Hi Lefty, Good to hear from you again. Sorry you have a bad internet connection. I would go nuts not being able to log in here all of the time. It's a new little obsession for me. Sounds like, aside from few setbacks, you have come a long way in controlling your drinking. Good for you!!! Hope we hear from you again!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        From Lefty in Asia

        From a fellow Lefty..

        Hi Lefty,
        I too have been thinking about you. You sound so much like me in that every time you add alcohol to the equation....well..something ends up screwed up. Why do we invite the insanity back in every now and then??? Who knows. Boredom...thrill...denial?? Glad you could reconnect for the time being. Stick with the Campral if you can. I take it as well, and know it is a powerful med in the fight for abstinence. Please stay in touch and know you are in our thoughts and prayers! Gina:l


          From Lefty in Asia

          Hi Lefty! Great to see ya!:welcome: back! Have a great visit while you're here... and keep in touch when ya can...

          You too Gina!!:l Haven't seen you in while either!

          Summer has flown by... wish there was a "pause button" I could push... especially on my day off... oh well

          Take care & hugs,...Judie
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            From Lefty in Asia

            Thanks to all

            :thanks: well I am about to take off again... and wish I could spend so much more time on the boards as it truly wonderful to read your stories... what a great place this is to hang out! I ordered enough supplements to take back with me for a long time... just have to stick with the campral but sometimes that urge does hit... But I am determined because I truly cannot drink, well! Darn it. Best to all:h

