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Army Thread 30th November

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    Army Thread 30th November

    mornin' troops.. any vamps about..??? well ma?ana is the 1st, so the countdown to Xmas begins!
    who's ready?? I'm gonna put my tree and decorations up today.

    it's the big meeting today with the bosses etc up in ollie's centre..just hope they don't leave me on tender hooks for too long for the result..

    Army Thread 30th November

    Hi Lady, I cant believe you are putting your tree up today, mine goes up just 1 week before. I must admit I am panaking about xmas as I still have loads of shopping to do.
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      Army Thread 30th November

      Good luck with the meeting, Jan. I'll be thinking of you!
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread 30th November

        WOW. Is it really going to be the 30th already? 14 days AF (although by the time I get back here in the morning it will be 15.)

        Hope everyone has a great day!


          Army Thread 30th November

          Hi Ronnie,
          yep gonna put it up with my girl, not had one up for the last two years, so gonna be nice.

          Folks here have had trees & decorations up for a couple of weeks now !!

          Still not got anyshopping yet, been waiting to get paid from a couple of jobs but then I can, yep gonna get pressies for under the tree for my babes & the four legged members of my family .. have put a deposit on a super red bike for my Ollie, he's gonna love it..

          Hi Tigg's I won't be in on the meeting coz it's with the bosses, the team that's on my case and the carers & director of the centre.

          But I don't know when they will tell me the outcome.. so am gonna be on tender hooks..

          got blood test this morn full everything one..!be interesting to see how my liver is ?? so I sitting here thirsty as hell, hungry but can't have nothing till it's done, it's murder...!


            Army Thread 30th November

            UrbanFool;766978 wrote: WOW. Is it really going to be the 30th already? 14 days AF (although by the time I get back here in the morning it will be 15.)

            Hope everyone has a great day!
            Hey great job, keep it up :goodjob:

            and to you Kelly have a great day, or is it bedtime for you now?? wot time are you at the mom ?


              Army Thread 30th November

              It's 9:30pm on the 29th. I'm heading off for bed. (Dog pile at MY place!)


                Army Thread 30th November

                Morning all,
                LJ I have everything crossed for you today.
                Ronners Im with you, 1 week before or not at all suits me.
                Urban GREAT job on two weeks! You are rocking it!
                Good morning Tigger, just so you know, you slept well and you are now mainlining coffee with the best of us!
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread 30th November

                  Hello everybody

                  be thinking of you Jan, good luck
                  It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                    Army Thread 30th November

                    Hi everyone,
                    Your stupid friend Tulipe is back. I made some really bad decisions yesterday. Last thing I want to do is be a self-pitying fool. I feel like I'm starting all over again. I hate this. Sorry to be so negative. Hopefully things will get better as the day goes on.
                    Yes, LJ - that time of year is upon us. Hoping your day is cheerful!
                    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                    AF since May 6, 2010


                      Army Thread 30th November

                      Hiya Zeppers and Tulipe.

                      Tulipe, its great to see you back! As you know I made some bad decisions last weekend too. But what people have told me is that I will learn from those mistakes. And I really feel I have learned something.
                      I am glad you are back, and you are not being negative, being negative would be to stay away and wallow.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army Thread 30th November

                        hiya starts and tulipe
                        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                          Army Thread 30th November

                          Hi Zeppie,
                          Starts thanks for the encouragement. I was glad to see you get through your challenges. Actually we were away this weekend which is why I wasn't here, but anyway I'm back now.
                          Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                          AF since May 6, 2010


                            Army Thread 30th November

                            Whats on the agenda for today girls? Well in Zeps case, what WAS on the agenda?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Army Thread 30th November

                              Gym, followed by sauna. I've gotta get warm! I am so cold. Then supermarket. Then some work. And laundry. Not so much excitement here. How about you?
                              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                              AF since May 6, 2010

