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    Hartley;778318 wrote: You forgot "chain them to a post"......
    So I did....*slaps forehead*
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19



      Just as well I'm here, isn't it?
      "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."



        I'll say. The old Bridge is losin' the plot ... where's her attention to detail?



          It's complacency setting in. Sloppy child-rearing advice, IMO.
          "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."



            Well, if she needs to come to us for dating advice what can one expect? Tragic. Quite tragic.



              You'd like to think there was still a small window of opportunity for something approaching a normal life but tbh, it's not looking good.
              "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."



                Poor Spanner,

                She prolly needs lots of hugs and throbby heart thingies and such - if you could pl, oblige Hartley - I don't do that stuff.

                Thank you in advance.


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                  Terrible timing I know, but I too find myself right out of virtual love tokens just now..........
                  "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                    Well Hartley, we tried. That's all we can do.

                    BTW :welcome: to the NDT. Glad you found us. :goodjob: Please call again. :thanks:


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                      Warning : Long Post!!!!

                      Domestic harmony has been restored in our household after a very busy day, and all occupants are now on their respective computers. One playing games, one catching up with the news and me here! Think we shall enjoy a quiet hour of not talking to each other!!!

                      Good day though ...... fudge all in containers, wrapped and posted off to Uncle Mame's son's relatives; ham and requisite glazing supplies ready; and black pudding, fennel sausages, bacon and eggs purchased for Boxing Day breakfast! We are not great on presents, but we do like our breakfasts! And I have been a bit more regular with the exercise over the last couple of days so I need a good hearty breakfast to start the day! I eat my cereal most days, but I cant say that I ever really enjoy it ..........

                      Menu for Xmas morning is raspberries and greek yoghurt, followed by chocolate French toast. Made with brioche. Not just any old shop bought brioche, but made with my own fair hands. Never made it before yesterday, but I had a practice run yesterday (made it during the afternoon, left it to rise in the fridge overnight and baked it this morning). It was absolutely stunning if I do say so myself!!

                      The really nice thing about that is that the recipe was from my brother, who as well as being a musician, earned a crust being a baker (and an extremely good one). When i was in Auckland with him, he gave me a copy of the recipe book they had for his bakery. And we talked a lot about what we both liked about baking (particularly baking bread). I had to think about the quantities and process a bit as they were doing it in bigger numbers (and with better equipment!) but apart from perhaps a touch too much butter, it was brilliant. At least everyone that plowed into it at work seemed to think so! And I am also now completely won over to the virtues of silicone baking containers. I feel quite proud of myself .... partly because I paid attention to detail, and that is something that I absolutely give away at the first whiff of wine in any food preparation process!

                      Anyway, I said I would post about the "re-naming of Mame" process. There are reasons why I choose the "Aunty Mame" label (and as someone else said, that was also after having tried to get other names to find that they were already taken!). And for the same reasons that I chose it, I want to leave it behind me.

                      So I've been thinking about what I would change my on-line identity to, and that has been an interesting process in and of itself. I find myself drawn to characters and labels that come from my childhood, or are associated with kids things ....... and it reminds me of the stuff that I still have scars around (and how many times have I tried to deal with those??!!)

                      But I really like my avatar ....... you may not know this useless piece of information but it includes Mahna Mahna (the green character with the orange hair, as well as the name of the song) and the Snowths (the pink characters with the yellow mouths, that do the "do doo, do doo doo" in the background). And I cant sing the song without it bringing a grin to my face, and has somehow become a bit of a touchstone for me in dealing with this beast. But Mahna Mahna is a boy, and I dont like the name ""Snowth" and "Do Doo" just didn't really do it for me!!

                      Anyway, I been experimenting with all sorts of names, and started with a long list, which got down to a short list ........... and lots got eliminated because they were already taken or too similar to regular contributors to MWO. And then they all got thrown out the window this afternoon, when as a result of a whole series of random events, I ended up with a small packet of bath salts ("Lemon Explosion" scented no less!!) that were labelled "Miss Behaving".

                      And I decided on the spot. This is my new name. It registers on so many levels. And there isn't even another MWO member with that name! Now I just need to work out how to de-register Aunty Mame and register the new one ....
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                        Afternoon all.
                        Well Ronnie, we'll wake up early 6ish with the kids, Mr Cakes & I will try pushing each other outa bed saying 'All I wanted for Christmas was to sleep in for a change, f***king Santa gets it wrong ALL the time'. Roll out to the living area unwrap pressies from Santa with a whole lotta oooo's & wow's.
                        Tea will be brewed (leaf in a pot, as always) while I look at the waste & consider the trees that went into making all that paper. Then I'll open my one present (it'll be a collection of goodies from the Body Shop - lovely) while I try to get some fruit into the kiddies who'll already have eaten 1kg of chocolate.
                        Then into our cossies & across to Ma & Pa's where we spend the day opening more pressies, swimming, eating, saying Grace (my Dad has to on Christmas)and then everyone finds a corner to take a nap.
                        Boxing Day we retreat to a mate's farm just outside Sinney for a couple of days of tree gazing (my favourite bit)
                        Although this year we won't have my one brother & sister there - bit sad about that.


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                          Arvo Miss Behaving - it suits to a T.

                          I love a good brekkie too..usedto love going out for brekkie but I can't bring myself to pay $15 for bacon & eggs I do at home.
                          Chocolate french toast with homemade brioche....:sulk::angel::ey: couldn't find an emoticon to express how good that sounds so I threw those in..



                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                            Great name Mame. Hey Ange.

                            Sorry, Miss Behaving...
                            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                            AF May 23 09 to July 09
                            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                              Hiya Pan!

                              How are you doing?

                              Has the rain stopped?

                              Hey - how did you get on with the CES? Were they able to help you?


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                                Hey Tawns. Day 7 and hanging in there. Another storm is on the way. Beautiful sunny days, stormy nights. Long story with the CES, but yes, thanks for asking.
                                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

