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    Nightrs Narelle and Noeline ...



      Zenstyle;781828 wrote: No... this diet just came about over the years. I was raised organic so I don't get into too much crap food. I'm not sure what they're like over there - but the supermarkets here, if you buy around the perimeter of them, that's where you'll find the fresh food (i.e. no or little in the way of additives). General rule of thumb is to stay to the sides of the market... "Healthy Supermarket Shopping for Dummies"...

      I've always been low carb and I eat lots of fruit and veg. And I've now started replacing meat with vegetarian substitutes like tofu... but I still eat fish and shellfish.

      My stats are almost the same as Tawny's. 5'9" and 137lbs. I wonder if I can "borrow" her frocks when she's not looking...
      She doesn't wear frocks....except once in a while to go to Melbourne on a 'pink frock day' mission.
      You two are positively Amazonian......I am 5'4.....on a good day.....and somewhat .....erm....more Rubenesque....
      Yep our supermarkets are the same Zenster...and so is the advice.....stick to the sides. I have a long standing passion for the old fashioned green grocer / deli myself ....we have a beauty here in town. Many thanks ladies for thought, so to speak.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19



        We had three hours of sun today. Then the southerly came in. Forecast for next couple of days is dismal. Hail due tonight ......... I swear that this is the worst summer we have had for years!!!!!!!!!

        But there was just enough sun today to get some rays on my new vegie patch!! (red cabbage, spinach, beetroot and lettuce). And I'm with tawny on the "non- processed" stuff....... I've done a few comparisons over the last couple of years and my "home made bread with home made hummous and salad" has about a third of the kJs that a Wishbone salad sandwich does ......

        I will need lots of hand-holding tomorrow and over the next couple of days. It is my designated day one (I want to wake up on the first day of 2010 feeling good about having been AF the night before - is that weird??), and even though I was doing pretty well before Xmas I've been pretty hopeless since then. And suddenly I'm doubting my ability to do this and to follow through. I need some steel up my spine.

        Plans for tomorrow: we have a long (3 hour) and old favourite bush walk planned for the morning (weather permitting) then I am going to immerse myself in my Miss Behaving bath crystals!!!!!! Supermarket shopping (delegated to Mr B) and ukulele practice in the afternoon. Evening will be a quiet one at home ........ Mr B's 11 year old has a concert planned of all his favourite tracks from our music DVDs. Which we are really looking forward to as his musical taste has improved immensely over the last year!!!!:H:H

        Will be here a lot tomorrow!!

        PS Hail arrived as I was typing!!!!!!!!
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe



          Angelcakes;781825 wrote: S'right next to the Dick cheese....
          Thanks for encouragement big G...clearly needed.
          Bridgey - whatever you choose diet wise make it easy to encorporate into every day eating (the Frog speaks the truth)...I've never seen the point of starving myself or radically changing my diet to lose weight, not hard to imagine what will happen when one goes back to previous eating patterns.
          Your veggie patch sounds fabulous...I want regular updates as my inner gardener will be living vicariously through you & your patch. I miss my patch...I remember the night something sat on the bok choy *said wistfully*

          Now I've missed you again.... Good Lord.....
          How are you going, lovey ?
          What's going on over the next couple of days ? Realistically, is it the New Year that you'll be able to buckle down ?
          By the way, even if you are living in a unit, there are roll around pots, things that you can attach to walls (verticle gardening), window boxes with brackets, little mobile greenhouses no excuses girly....all you need is a decent aspect...
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19



            Miss Behaving;781872 wrote: We had three hours of sun today. Then the southerly came in. Forecast for next couple of days is dismal. Hail due tonight ......... I swear that this is the worst summer we have had for years!!!!!!!!!

            But there was just enough sun today to get some rays on my new vegie patch!! (red cabbage, spinach, beetroot and lettuce). And I'm with tawny on the "non- processed" stuff....... I've done a few comparisons over the last couple of years and my "home made bread with home made hummous and salad" has about a third of the kJs that a Wishbone salad sandwich does ......

            I will need lots of hand-holding tomorrow and over the next couple of days. It is my designated day one (I want to wake up on the first day of 2010 feeling good about having been AF the night before - is that weird??), and even though I was doing pretty well before Xmas I've been pretty hopeless since then. And suddenly I'm doubting my ability to do this and to follow through. I need some steel up my spine.

            Plans for tomorrow: we have a long (3 hour) and old favourite bush walk planned for the morning (weather permitting) then I am going to immerse myself in my Miss Behaving bath crystals!!!!!! Supermarket shopping (delegated to Mr B) and ukulele practice in the afternoon. Evening will be a quiet one at home ........ Mr B's 11 year old has a concert planned of all his favourite tracks from our music DVDs. Which we are really looking forward to as his musical taste has improved immensely over the last year!!!!:H:H

            Will be here a lot tomorrow!!

            PS Hail arrived as I was typing!!!!!!!!
            Hand holding guaranteed for tomorrow night......incl. steel up spine if you so desire.....
            Sounds like the perfect day to will you ever find time to be here Miss ?
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19



              Zenners beware Mme Frog's pink frocks...they have been known to pong of the scent of sex if I remember...or atleast bigG seems to think so...methinks she's much more of a lady(and would napisan said frocks after a romp!!!)

              Jonesy I've been a bit slack myself defo giving another AF stint - Jan & MissB I'm with you...will hold hand & may need the same. I have a hard time deciding what it is I really want (not naturally a goal setter) which is an embuggerance, but I can change that...actually I'm going to set some goals for next year.
              I do have tomatoes, lettuce & herbs in've inspired me to get some more seedlings.

              I'm off again...thanks Jonesy - you're a gem.
              I'm in your corner MissyB...will chat tomoz.




                Evening folk's,
                I would just like to say, No one else, can park a car like me.

                Geez, tomorrow IS new years eve! Feck! You can do this Missios. You've done it before, so you can do it again. Do you have many inspiring books/bio's from folk's who've given up? Barry Humphries gave it up in the 70's. He was a problem drinker, and in all that limelight and action. He did it! Maybe some reading up on some such folk's could really inspire you, and get a firecracker up yer arse, and carry you through? All in the mind. Now Missios, the alternative is no fun, a slow boring suicide. So, Go for it! C'mon! Are you a fighter? Get through the first couple of week's, tighten up your plan, and away you go. Gratitude, no time for deprivation thinking. What a life you have waiting for you. And, unlike people with a terminal illness, we have a choice.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                  Door's alway's open for you here too, Angel.

                  Hawney's frock's alway's smell of sex. But, she's still a lady.....;-)

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                    [QUOTE=Guitarista;781900]Evening folk's,
                    I would just like to say, No one else, can park a car like me.

                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                      Even my 3 point turns are superb.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                        Well I will have you know, I drive a station-wagon type thingo, and the last time I got it parallel parked it in a tiny spot, within about an inch of it's life, not a scratch or a bump on either end... was concentrating really hard, but when was done, looked up to see the best lookin fella givin me the 'hat's off', the glad-eye and all.
                        So there Mr G! :boxer:


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                          I can park better than all of you...I have a tow bar on the ute...
                          What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                            I too have a tow bar Dave.. wagon with tow bar... AND ROOF RACKS :H


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                              Hello people. I have absolutely no clue why I'm posting this in here - I just like your attitude. Actually, one of my fondest memories is being rescued from the most ridiculous scam ever in Bali on my honeymoon by a minibus of seven women from Melbourne. It's a long story, but full of the milk of human kindness......

                              After coming up for 4 weeks AF, and then trashing that badly within the space of 48hrs, I'm a fucking wreck again. It's 4.00am here in California and I'm on a frigging message board typing away to a bunch of Aussies who I've never met, will likely never meet and I'm sitting here going "for fucks sake, you're Scottish - get a grip and get rid of this." I've been trying to stop this final end-game addiction with varying degrees of failure for the last two and a half years.

                              I know me - I'm at the tipping point. I can drag myself back right now or I disappear off the cliff again. I managed to bin a terrible drug addiction through sheer self-will and have been clean for eight years, but the whole thing seems to have just coalesced into extreme binge alcohol abuse and this seems to have me beat. It's almost as if I'm just too tired to fight it all again, if that makes any sense at all . I don't seem to have that "you know what? - fuck you" determination that I had then. It was a real inner strength that I relied on and carried me through and I'm digging down so hard for it again and it's just not there now.

                              It's not remotely your problem but a few replies telling me to stop being such a self-indulgent twat would maybe help. I'm not the remote self-pitying type, just genuinely at my wits end here. I've embraced every form of possible sobriety paths known to man - except the drugs path mentioned on here, obviously.

                              Anyway, I'll undoubtedly deeply regret this pile of moaning pish when I wake up tomorrow and apologize unreservedly, but it's been slightly cathartic and in hindsight will be majorly humiliating, which if I can push myself to log on here might just make me think twice before buying more vodka tomorrow morning.

                              Cheers to all who read this and Happy New Year.
                              "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD - DECEMBER

                                Hey Hartley,
                                I know where you are coming from.. hang in there and please check in through the new year!
                                Hard times for many of us.. Will be thinkin of ya

