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December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

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    December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

    always great to see you back ruby .. so whats everyone doing for this last holiday of the new year
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

      going out

      to a Tai restaurant, free food, drinks, will be AF gang, will dance, just hope my bf Tanya is better, she has been sick for 2 days now....................don't want to go alone, if not, will go to an AA party or something fun..................

      what is everyone else doing??

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

        wel there are so many paths i have been thinking about sence the kids want nothing to do with me and sue might want to go somewhere and im hoping its going to be warm that night might run in the yard naked and howl at the moon .. but do it all sober you know .. lmao .. just trying to smile here
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

          That post does not sound like you. I may have missed something but I hope we can catch up and you can tell me way that sounds like such a down post for you. I got your e-mail and will respond via e-mail. I hope that you can change your attitude before 2010. I am so happy to see 2009 I can not even explain it!!


            December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear


            T r u ok?! I will be righht down, hell, only an 8 hr drive Time & I coud catch u!!!?? It did make me smile tho! MA
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

              well good morning gear shifter just stop in to say have a great day and thank cowgal ok ..
              time always good to here from you ..
              catch hope all is well and ow ruby where oh where is ruby ..
              and well im off to give a bid on a job and get some more work done on a house that is taking alot to get somewhere with .. this guy is what i call a procasatnator .. there the word of the day can anyone spell that for me lol.. sorry no spell check .. enjoy everyone
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

                all good here

                Glad you are ok T, that howling at the moon naked stuff had me concerned!!?? :H

                Went to lawyer today, ended up bawling my eyes out(imagine that??!!!) while talking about everything, but ended up giving her a big hug at the end, she let me know everything is going to be ok...................rested my fears a little.........................Mike will have to cooperate and come up w/ financial stuff, it is going to be alot of work in that respect, me too, as I have paid the kids health insurance for the past 5 or so years..............have to try to find out how to come up w/ those records!?? It will be alot of work, but I am feeling free at last, she said this can end in as little as a month or drag on for 6................don't know if I can handle that tho.

                Enough of me, how is everyone??? Catch, you doing ok honey!!??? Rubes, More 2?? Whoever else I am missing, came home exhausted and slept from 9:50 or so til 11, now am up eating, and hopefully can get some more shut eye, or I will be a mess tonight.......................hate this time adjustment, it is killing me!!!!:upset:

                love and hugs :h:lto you all..................Jan is almost here, it is going to be an AWESOME 2010!!I can feel it!!!

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

                  I just want you to know (from someone who has been there) that although this will not be easy you will feel a true sense of relief in the end. You will need to be strong and let yourself feel the ups and downs along the way. There will be days you doubt yourself and days you feel stonger than a bull. Just know that this is a time for you to be selfish and take care of yourself. This has been a very difficult year for me, but I have never once regretted the divorce and I am sure this time next year you will feel the same way.


                    December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

                    Thx time!!!

                    I know u & I have had this conversation millions of times before & I applaud you for your courage & strength & success! Hope to speak w/ you really soon for pointers, cuz I know I am in for quite a ride in the near future, it's already begun as a matter of fact!

                    Lots of liove for u, and admiration for your strength, I closely remember bfore u did it, great job girl!!!!


                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

                      well good day here .. got a job line up for saturday morning pressurewashing a pool deck and roof fun fun .. well sound like everyone is doing fine cowgal get some rest girl and time baby really good to see you back at the site and we still have alot MIA where oh where are they
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

                        Too late T!!

                        I could only sleep about 3&1/2 hrs today, feeling ok now, but 3 or so am will start sucking!!! Thank god I have some artwork to keep me busy and coffee, need an IV of caffeine tonight tho!! Wish I could get to chat, but cannot from this damn phone!! Oh well, will get over it, u all have a wonderful night, will check in later, god knows I'll have plenty of time, right?!


                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

                          have a good evening cowgal and love your art work
                          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                            December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

                            Thanks sweetie,

                            Sweet dreams everyone as I still have about 5&1/2 hrs left, not happy at all w/ the drawing tonight, my beautiful gf turned out looking like a blonde Michael Jackson??!!!! Did not have a great reference photo, beautiful photo, just not easy to work from, esp on people, which I usually suck at.... Nonetheless I promised my gf I would post it on fb tomorrow so she could see it, hopefully she is still my friend after seeing the injustice I have done to her gorgeous face!?

                            Wondering if I will ever get used to these hours, it has been over a month and my poor body clock is so f'd up I cannot stand it!!!!

                            Sorry to be so depressing, thanks for letting me vent AGAIN!!!

                            Love u guys!!!!!!

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear


                              R u upset w/ my ventingor something?! Sorry, I am bored shitless and needed to get that off my chest!!!

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                                December to remember so whos ready get your ass in gear

                                themummou;782450 wrote: Sweet dreams everyone as I still have about 5&1/2 hrs left, not happy at all w/ the drawing tonight, my beautiful gf turned out looking like a blonde Michael Jackson??!!!! Did not have a great reference photo, beautiful photo, just not easy to work from, esp on people, which I usually suck at.... Nonetheless I promised my gf I would post it on fb tomorrow so she could see it, hopefully she is still my friend after seeing the injustice I have done to her gorgeous face!?
                                Quite frankly that's the wrong first post on the wrong forum. If you have an addiction problem, feel free to chime in properly here. If not, take your woeful artistic ability somewhere else.
                                There's enough of us tortured artists on here.
                                "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."

