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Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

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    Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

    Hey you all,
    First MUCH LOVE from me to all of you !!!
    I have 58 days AF today !!!

    I'm really struggling NOT getting drunk right now.
    I have been giong thru lots of bullshit drama with the EX lately.
    As many of you know I was AWOL for a bit due to computer crash.
    (By the way THANK YOU all SOOOOO much for your concern)!!!!
    Anyway I was going thru big time withdrawal with out you all.
    I had a PC at the ex's that I left for my girls.
    But she let the internet get turned off so I asked her if I could use it till I could get my laptop fixed.
    She refused to bring it to me (as many know she TOTALLED MY car).
    I asked many times but she refused.
    So I got a cab that I could not afford (still no job).
    And went and got it.
    Well now she has filed a restraining order aginst me !!!
    And filed theft charges !!
    She tells me that I come to MWO "just to play" !!
    That I don't need the computer.
    It's MY fucking Computer !!!
    I have to rent a truck (that I can't afford) to get the last of my stuff out of the there with the police there!!!
    She turned me into child support for not paying the full ammount (2,000 a month).
    I only get 1,800 a month from unemployment !!!
    And have rent and all the other bills to pay.
    Then tonight she tells me that I'm trading one addiction AL for another Campral the anti-addiction med I'm on!!!
    What a bitch !!!!
    Why the FUCK do I still love her !!!
    Why can't I just put her in a hole and forget her forever !!!
    I really just want to get SHITFACED drunk and forget it all !!!!
    But I WON'T !!
    I CAN'T !!
    But I REALLY WANT to !!!
    I'm sorry for the rant.
    I'm just so hartbroke,ANGRY,and frustrated !!!
    I'm not even going to read what i just wrote.
    I just to needed to puke this all out!!
    Hope I didn't get any on you all !!!

    Again I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!!

    Much LOVE and PEACE to you all !!!!


    ps. sorry for the rant !!

    Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

    PC I have seen your progress on line and can I say - your progress is trully admirable and how she could be so evil to you I have no idea at all. Keep strong, dont apologise for your rant get it out, rant more if you need to, anything that will help PC x

    If she only knew how hard you have worked to get off the evil AL she would be ashamed of herself. We are very very proud of you PC, as hard as it is keep your chin up, we are all here for you and know what a trojan you have been.

    You and your beautiful girls have a wonderful life in front of you, hopefully one day your love for her will die and someone else will fill your life with true love.

    Sending you love and strength xxxxx


      Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

      Dear Bob i have watched your journey you have been a inspiration in so many ways are not ranting please stay here and keep talking you will get through this and you are well aware of the barstard that is telling you to drink with the illusionary promise that you will feel better...... you know that thought is bullshit thinking...... all the other stuff is hard i know and real...... but the deceptive rubbish (thought robots running through ya mind urging you to drink ) have no intention of helping you to sort that shit out...... they deceive ....once they have done their job they will leave you sick and more distressed than ever in the morning....hang in my freind you will be Ok. ALL THINGS PASS
      PS happy to go into chat ( Imnot very good) if it will help


        Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

        Hi PC: just wanted to say hi and wish you well ... sorry your ex is being such an ass .. hugs and hang in there !!!:l:l
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

          hang in here bob and rant away,life can be crap sometimes,we all know that here. but you also know by getting ratfaced wont change anything be all still there will work out just hang on.
          remember bob when you reach the end of the robe....tie a knot in it.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

            Hi Bob,
            I'd just like to let you know that I'm wishing you well.
            We all know the dangers and consequences of our bad drinking habits, yet somehow we reach a point occasionally where we just don't care.
            I have found that I have to take time each day to get calm and to keep the lid on my impulsive nature and realise that people can only get me down if I let them. I know how hard these things can be, believe me. There are times when I could just explode but I rarely do anymore, and when I do, I feel as bad about trying to hurt someone as they do about what I've said.
            There's a lot of good to be had in this life regardless of what other people think or want from you. In order to take care of anything, you first must take care of yourself.


              Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

              PPc, so glad your'e back, you stay strong, youv'e come such a long way, I just sent you a pm, do you want to go to chat? love Tawnywitch


                Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

                Bob, take a breath, dear boy. Then another. We must face the fact that there will be things in our life that will push us so near the edge. You have us to keep you from going over. I don't understand the game she is playing, unless it is pure revenge. It's obvioius she is using everything to try and break you, and I'm so sorry for that. As I've said before, let your girls see you as the stronger, wiser one. It will pay off for you in the long run. For now, remember that it was AL that got you here, and it sure as hell won't get you out of this. Just like a builder, think twice, then speak or act once. You need advice legal advice; surely there are free legal advocates you can ask. I know you can go to for a lot of inexpensive legal info from lawyers. Also, can you talk with the police department, find out what you can and can't do? IMHO, you will feel better if you take some constructive action. And keep a record of everything, everyday. Is everything final? Has the property been divided? If so, everything should be clear. Do the right thing today, Bob, for your girls, but especially for you.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

                  What popeye said.

                  And a couple :l s
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

                    Pro...some people have no idea how we need our support group here.... for me I am so proud of you for venting hun...that is a very important step you are at buddy....instead of reaching for the posion you chose us ..thank you so much for being there for me when I was down...I am glad you are reaching out for us when your chips are down..... stay strong and stay sober!!!!......
                    :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                      Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

                      Sounds like a bad situation, but you have stayed strong and you will only get stronger!
                      Never apologize for ranting--better out than in I always say! (Well, I stole that from Shrek)
                      Hang in there and do what you know is right in your :h!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

                        PC - After wiping stuff off my face... just had to say, I'm SO sorry for all you've been thru, are going thru. I don't know why you still love her, either!! Too bad there's not a pill for that.

                        Anger is probably my Worst trigger! Good for you for venting here instead of giving in to the Monster.

                        PS - Forgot to say... 58 DAYS is Awesome. And think of all the money you saved...
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

                          Pro, hang in there, getting through the tough times will make you stronger.
                          Big hugs and lots of strength coming your way buddy :l:l:l
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

                            Hello there,
                            58 days is a wonderful achievement. Stay strong and you will be glad. Your ex clearly has little understanding of what you are going through, and it sounds like there are lots of ugly feelings there. Hard to let go of someone you love though, even when things turn nasty. There's something to be thankful there in that, but to be honest I'm not sure what.
                            I would not characterize campral as another addiction, but as a tool, actually. Hard drugs would be another addiction - this is an aid to help retrain the brain. Hang in there buddy.
                            Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                            AF since May 6, 2010


                              Trying HARD not to get drunk !!!!

                              PC...58 days is a wonderful is also just the Beginning of your New Life. I know this is a rough time for you. Unfortunately all of the problems that were caused during our drinking days do not disappear overnight. It takes a while to heal those wounds. Especially to those that depended on us and loved us. Be Patient! You have said that your Ex was patient with you for years. It sounds like she is still hurt and angry.....think about it! PC, you have made so much progress with your daughters....something you felt was lost only a few short weeks ago. Perhaps you can talk to your Ex...offer to give her "something"...during this time that you are out of work. Something is better than nothing at all. It shows good faith!

                              Most of not drink! Do what you did, reach out to us! Remember, it was drinking that got you into this and it is Not Drinking that will pull you out of it!!
                              Stay Strong!
                              XXX Kate
                              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                              AF 12/6/2007

