I am SOOOO sorry !!
But There are things that you all don't know about me.
I'm not telling this as a excuse but maybe as some insite as to where that Bob came from.
Before I got with my now ex (15 years ago).
I had a extremly shady (read as criminal) and violent past.
(I have NEVER been violent to her)!!!!
When I first got with her I was living in a tent homeless and fresh out of jail.
I have never been to prison but should probally be there now for some of the things I have done !!!
I still don't know how she saw thru what I was then but she did!!
She TOTALLY changed the person I was with her unconditonal LOVE for me at the time!!
I became a different person even with the AL still in my life!!
I guess that is why I still LOVE her to this day !!!!
Anyway I just realized today that I feel that OLD Bob creeping back !!!
I have had thoughts of my criminal contacts (MONEY)!!!
And the ANGERY/VIOLENT Bob is rearing his head !!!
I realize that most of the anger is really directed at me but I'm projecting it outward !!!
For this I'm TRULLY SORRY please forgive me !!!!
Sorry for PUKING this out on all of you but you are all I have !!!
Hope I didn't get any on you !!
PLEASE don't worry about me !!
I will NEVER go back to what I was !!!
Again I'm SORRY and I'll try not to let it happen again!!!!
MUCH LOVE and PEACE to you all !!!!