I have been AF (with a few bumps in the road) for a while now and took a level headed decision to moderate tonight. I had my quota and no more (yes I am amazed myself - hey but maybe my hard work has paid off???? and this is not my first AF attempt). My husband is now in bed and had a paddy because of some teeeny tinnny episode with his drink. Geeeez I was kinda looking forward to spending past 10pm with my hubby - he has drunk way too much, he will apologise tomoz but what does that mean really?? He has left me with his poker game to!
Its was and still is a big night tonight and it feels a bit of a damp squib... just wanted to speak with some like minded people and say hey I did it - I did what is normal for most folk but not for me so waheey - just wanted to share :upset: