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My First Sober Holiday Season

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    My First Sober Holiday Season

    Okay, so it is now past Thanksgiving and onto Christmas and New Years. As you may know, I've made an additional 30 day commitment after doing 60 days. This brings me to January 2nd, 2010. Curious how things played themselves out. I had only a thirty day plan initially and had to keep questioning the moderation method. I decided that for now, I'm not interested in having one of anything. I am still, interested in having five. Hence, I am not in the mindset of moderation.

    So, today, I worked, gym, tanning and now I'm off to store to buy X-Mas lights to decorate outside of the house. I have NEVER had lights outdoors and last year was such a blur that I didn't even get a tree (kids are grown and live in different states). This year, I'm going to have a BIG tree, taking out my dusty X-mas village and am even going to put baby Jesus in the manger on X-mas eve. I want to bake cookies and pies (and try not to eat them). Last year, I was probably to hungover every weekend to get anything done (0r even care about it). I've already made a few excuses about some of the big parties I've been invited to. I am a little ancy, but I know the temptation is to great and I don't want to be burdened with having to announce to everyone that I'm not drinking. I hid my problem VERY well (I always waited until I was at home or a place where nobody knew me before I chose to embarass myself). Some days are tougher then others. I STILL drive another route home as to not pass by my liquor store where I used to buy my spirits.

    So, tell me how everyone else plans on spending their X-mas. What are the grand plans for being sober or moderating? Is this anyone elses first sober X-mas? Thanks for all of your input!
    AF since 2/4/10
    Nicotine free since 3/31/10

    My First Sober Holiday Season

    Well Shiragirl.
    I plan to be sober again this Christmas. Last Christmas I had the arrival of my first grandaughter so I had the resolve to quit drinking for the 30 days before she came. I had a wonderful AF Christmas.
    I did really well with modding up until about March. So I came back to write entries on MWO in March as Wannabee(was Wannabe before) as I could see thing were deteriating in the controls. Once again I got to the point that the only time I wasn't taking a drink in the evening was when I knew I was going to be babysitting my beloved little bundle-Catalina. I suppose I am fortunate in that- if there is a will there is an easy way to say NO!!
    Long and short of it is I know I can mod if it is important enough to me.
    I drink with my husband because we enjoy this time together or this part of our relationship. My problem is - I sometimes weaken my resolve and think I can drink the same amount as him, which gets me into the state of having to much.
    I came back to the MWO forums again in Nov 11/09 and have been modding really well. Have had one drink 3 different times with my family before dinner gatherings. And once after a "bad day" picked up a six back on my way home and drank 5 beer. Felt dissappointed about that for sure but am trying to only think of the positives in my life these days so won't beat myself up for this weak day.
    We; our family of 5 kids and their partners and Catalina, plan to all be together for Christmas, and I plan to have a drink before dinner and a glass of wine with dinner.
    Look forward to hearing other people's Christmas plans..


      My First Sober Holiday Season

      Hi Shirazgirl,
      I am definitely in until Christmas and beyond. I was challenged on my joint custody by my ex back in October and her attack on my character in court was completely based on alcoholism. As a result, I submitted to random screening tests which have kept be sober almost 50 days so far. We had our hearing Thursday and the judge was extremely pleased with my progress and squashed my ex's temporary sole custody order hearing. He said we could reconvene one last time in February where he would (implied but pretty clear to me and my attorney) kill off my ex's petition for full custody. She was of course not happy with this, so I intend to stay 100% sober at least until the next hearing. I want to demonstrate beyond a doubt that I have a leash on this demon. I no longer have the random screening test requirement, but have learned my life is better when I'm not buzzed. All around! So, a long winded answer, but I'm in too. PS I think you are cute.


        My First Sober Holiday Season

        This is my first christmas in over 30 years that i wont be drinking any alcohol,And i am really looking forward to it,for some reason it seems there is not the same pressure on me,even though financially i am worse of than before,it just feels good to be sober and in control and actually enjoying christmas for what it is suppose to be all about.

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          My First Sober Holiday Season

          G'day SG,
          Good on you for going another 30 day's. Why not? What's it gonna do, kill you?......;-)
          Love your comment about not being interested in one, etc, Me too!....And exactly, so why would we bother? 2nd Christmas sober here, but this time i've had the whole year af, so i'm a lot more relaxed, and ready for all the socialising, etc. I'm looking forward to it actually.

          Merry Christmas to you and your's SG, and a Merry Christmas to everyone.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            My First Sober Holiday Season

            I plan on only drinking a couple of times this month to get drunk. I may do a third but if I do it may only be a few beers.

            I got a party on Friday and then my b-day. But I plan on spending Christmas with AF.
            I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

            Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

            Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


              My First Sober Holiday Season

              Allison, I gotta ask... you are planning to get drunk? Can you elaborate on that, I'm confused.

              My first AF holiday season was last year. I loved it. Every single thing about it. Husb. had left, I was alone and spent Christmas Eve, Day and New Years by myself by choice. It was great. I had a real tree I put up by myself and some kick ass special meals. I've got my tree this year (bird's nest came with!) and am decorating it today. I have some AF sparkling cider and pomegranate that is rather festive but I'm happy to just be AF.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                My First Sober Holiday Season

                Well, all the AF Christmas plans sound delightful! Shiraz....your Christmas decorating plans sound beautiful! Have you ever seen the movie, "Christmas in Connecticut"?....So Funny!

                This will be my third AF Holiday season and I am so happy about that! In our family we spend Christmas Eve with our immediate families and Christmas afternoon with all of us together! This year, my oldest son will be hosting....but I will do most of the cooking. We always have a really great time....having my granddaughters has really made these times extra fun!

                When I used to drink during the holidays....things were so different. Even with the best intentions, the alcohol would depress me, and I would begin to dwell on all things negative and sad......OH! the self pity and destruction that lies in each and every bottle! Arggghhhh! Without alcohol, the mood and spirit is one of Joy, Gratefullness and the True Spirit of the Season.

                Allison.....I don't get it......the planning to get drunk?

                Wishing everyone a wonderful, sober, happy Christmas!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  My First Sober Holiday Season

                  Shiraz-Your Christmas plans sound almost identical to mine. This will be my first af Christmas in many, many years. My children are also grown and gone. Last year was a blur for me as well. I did absolutely nothing for Christmas except buy a few presents.

                  This year, my kids will be home for an early Christmas and I am pulling out all the stops (and dusty ornaments.)

                  My HB retired this year but we were still invited to the company Christmas party. I have decided to take a pass on that one and HB is okay with it.

                  I am truly looking forward to an af Christmass.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    My First Sober Holiday Season

                    sobriety puts a new light on the holidays-
                    My your light shine and keep you safe for 2010!
                    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                    • Yesterday is History
                      Today is a Mystery
                      Tomorrow is a GIFT


                      My First Sober Holiday Season

                      greeneyes;770141 wrote: Allison, I gotta ask... you are planning to get drunk? Can you elaborate on that, I'm confused.

                      My first AF holiday season was last year. I loved it. Every single thing about it. Husb. had left, I was alone and spent Christmas Eve, Day and New Years by myself by choice. It was great. I had a real tree I put up by myself and some kick ass special meals. I've got my tree this year (bird's nest came with!) and am decorating it today. I have some AF sparkling cider and pomegranate that is rather festive but I'm happy to just be AF.
                      Every once in awhile I will let myself get all the way. But not very often. I may do it once or twice (depending if I can get a designated driver otherwise the first one is out) I am MOD. So far I am doing pretty good. But its tough to stick to the plan.

                      When I drink. I don't do it till I puke or pass out. I just don't do it as often as I used to. I was starting to do it weekly, now I only do it a couple of times per month.
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                        My First Sober Holiday Season

                        Nice to hear of everone's plans. I do believe the Holidays mean something different when you turn it into a special event instead of a party. I hope everyone is able to maintain their goals and enjoys their time w/ their families. This year I am dusting "myself" off for X-mas presentation. Last year, on Xmas even, I drank so much grapa that I was in "wackadoodleville". Xmas days was hell and I'm sure it reflected in my attitude and appearance. Thanks for sharing.

                        PS- Thanks for the compliment Gear. That photo was taken on my b-day this year before I started to celebrate. Glad it was the only one.
                        AF since 2/4/10
                        Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                        FINALLY FREE


                          My First Sober Holiday Season

                          Hey Shiraz, I can totally relate to the idea that you get so much more done when not drinking...I usedto work full time then spend at least one day on the weekend hungover. Now I get so much done & when I think about plans I don't have to factor in 'hangover days' - I didn't even realise I did that until I stopped drinking!!
                          Yesterday we put our tree up & my 4yr old decorated it - it has a little lean & all the baubles are clustered together - it's beautiful! I'm avoiding big Christmas dos...just too early for me at this stage - if I do go it's driving, staying for an hour, moving through the crowd for a quick chat & well wishes and outa there.
                          I hope you have a great Christmas my dear!



                            My First Sober Holiday Season

                            :goodjob: SG

                            Thanks for the great thread. It's so nice to read everyone's plans for the holidays, wow SG I really enjoy reading your posts. I can so relate to the still wanting to drink five, so therefore AF is where you should be. Oh my gosh, talk about hitting the nail on head...sheesh that put such a prospective on my "plan" for moderation :thanks:

                            Allison - I TOTALLY understand your "plan" about not being drunk on a weekly basis and that need to let off some steam to have fun. I guess I would say that as long as it's within moderation, have fun. I have a friend of mine who drinks to get alittle buzz and once she gets this slight buzz (nothing crazy) by the end of the night she is drinking water, to me that shows control. If I saw that she was doing this every day or every weekend, well yeah I would raise a brow. But she doesn't and I did but worse I was sloppy drunk, no one wanted to be around me drunk....ick ick ick thank you I will take AF for now and I am happy with that, so very happy

                            Here is my feeling about drinking, you make a plan for yourself and it should work for your best interest and well being. If drinking starts to effect you, your loved ones, your health, in general YOUR EXISTENCE then by all means stay away from it until you find that plan and stick to it.

                            Anywho, I ABSOLUTELY love Christmas and it's even better when I am not stumbling drunk or worse hungover. I have been decorating like crazy (I went overboard this year :H ) and will finish up hopefully by tonight and it's nice to know that it's not going to be a drunken night nor month for me. My boyfriend too, is wanting to mod and is working on his "plan" as well, kind of, long story. We are going camping in two weeks and will be AF til then, I haven't decided on whether or not I will drink, if my feeling is "five drinks" then I will have to stay strong,keep posting til then and "plan" to be AF. We are going to a campsite called Aqua Caliente (check it out in California) and it's a an hour drive from where we are (we live in San Diego), it's great place to camp, go running (I am a die hard runner) hike, oh and the best part is there's a hot springs pool...sweet. I am hoping to shed a few pounds til then (start my training tomorrow). So, I am very confident that with the tools that I am learning, there will be plenty of activities to keep me busy. Today, we are heading out to get our tree and then tonight I will take my doggie Mya (she's a Siberian husky, blue, blue eyes) for her walk, it's nice to see all the lights. Last night, I passed by a window where I saw a little girl putting lights around the Christmas tree, wow it's made me appreciate being alive....that lite at end of the tunnel feeling...gosh wow it just brought tears to my eyes.

                            Okay, I think I wrote alot and sorry for that, oh and the grammar and typos. Thanks again SG for a great thread, I will most definitely be saving this one to help me out.

                            Have a great holiday everyone and thank you so very much for being a part of my life.

                            Lots of hugs,
                            AF Since May 2nd 2012

