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Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

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    Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

    Hi Folks,

    I haven't posted for ages on this forum. However, I am seeing a psychiatrist tomorrow who may prescribe baclofen for my alcohol problem. Having read Dr Ameisen's The End of My Addiction, I know that baclofen helped him not only with his alcohol problem but also with his anxiety.

    I have both obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). If there are other members of MWO who also have either of these conditions and also take baclofen, have you found baclofen to be helpful against these anxiety disorders?

    Any feedback would be most valuable.

    Thanks in advance.:thanks:


    P.S. I did a forum search for OCD and GAD for both threads and posts but it yielded no results.
    "Love's the only engine of survival"

    Leonard Cohen

    Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

    Hi Folks,

    Me again!

    I've just realized that I should have started this thread under the Medications section. I guess I'm unable to move the thread. Is that something a moderator can do? If so, please go ahead. Otherwise, I presume that I could delete the thread and start it afresh in the Medications section.

    Advice, please.

    V. :sorry:
    "Love's the only engine of survival"

    Leonard Cohen


      Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

      Hi Virgil,

      I have suffered with OCD/depression/anxiety and have been seeing a Psychologist for the past 18 months. I have never taken any baclofen so cannot help with whether it helps with OCD and GAD. I have been on antidepressants for the last 6 years. Substance misuse and mental health problems often occur simultaneously although I struggled to find any on line support for those with specifically OCD and alcohol misuse. I am sorry not to be able to help with the baclofen question, just wanted to post and let you know a bit of my history and that I know how hard it is as I have problems similar to yours. I have been AF for almost 11 months now and my mental health problems are contained/managed. My anxiety levels have dropped considerably, and in the past I used to obssess so much about perhaps one particular incident that I would drink to pass out and only this would stop the obsession. Thankfully the obsessiveness is soooooooooo much better since stopping the drink, amazing really. I did take diazepam for a couple of weeks initially after stopping drinking to help with the anxiety related to withdrawl. I wish you all the best.



        Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

        Hi Virgil:
        I do take bac (2 months) and I haven't been diagnosed with any anxiety disorder, but I have had some interesting behavioral changes that I think might relate. I no longer shop compulsively, online or otherwise. I was "sober" for three years with AA, etc., but that particular issue grew and grew during that time. It is gone, just GONE. I am also eating more healthily because my appetite is minimal and I am eating to nourish myself instead of from craving or habit.

        I consider myself a perfect example of Dr. Ameison's theory around somatic anxiety, addiction and compulsion. My life's work is in the field of somatic therapy, so I am on the edge of my seat to see what comes from us baclofen pioneers. I think we might be amazed. I certainly hope so. We need some light at the end of these gruesome tunnels!

        All the best to you, and if you decide to bac I hope we can share experience.
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

          Ok virgil

          You posted here that is ok......... I never thought I had OCD, but all my worrying has really ceased(well most of it anyway, and anxiety is nil), always bothered by that, even before I ever drank!!!! It has helped me tremendously w/ drink problem, there is another site called, try it out, Phill is extrmely helpful, love his site!!!! Best of luck to you, pm me w/ any questions any time!!

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

            dora;770863 wrote: Thankfully the obsessiveness is soooooooooo much better since stopping the drink, amazing really.
            Hi dora,

            Thanks for the feedback.

            I find it interesting that your obsessiveness was much better after stopping the drink. I need to give that careful thought.

            "Love's the only engine of survival"

            Leonard Cohen


              Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

              RT12 & cowgal,

              Thanks for your comments, which are greatly appreciated.

              "Love's the only engine of survival"

              Leonard Cohen


                Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

                Hi Folks,

                Well, I had my appointment yesterday with the psychiatrist (as mentioned above) and it went very well. I now have my very first prescription for baclofen. My interest in baclofen follows an unsuccessful 38 week period using The Sinclair Method (TSM). I am a regular poster on the TSM community forum (under the same username). I dearly hope to benefit from baclofen. So much is at stake.

                I really would like to hear from any other MWO members that have either OCD or GAD (or both) - even if you don't take baclofen. That would make me feel a lot better.

                Thanks in advance.:thanks:

                "Love's the only engine of survival"

                Leonard Cohen


                  Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

                  Virgil, my Hubs has OCD and stress/anxiety disorder, and 2 weeks ago I finally forced him to go to our doc. I was with him when Doc came in (we use the same one, a friend) and I almost broke down telling him how this was affecting me, how hard it was to be Hubs metaphorical punching bag, the one he takes out all his frustrations on. Hubs is now on Celexa for the anxiety and OCD, and trying hard to think about his actions. Plus, he has cut back his drinking to almost nothing. He had a VERY stressful week at work, and is handling it well, thanks to the meds. He's gone back to the doc now, so we'll see what comes next, but this has been wonderful so far. He doesn't have a problem not drinking, but combined with all the other problems it made him almost impossible to live with. I wish you well on your quest for wellness.
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

                    Hey Virgil. A cursory search for articles on the subject didn't turn up much in the way of results for me. I emailed one PDF you might find interesting to your bach email addy. -E
                    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                    A Forum
                    Trolls need not apply


                      Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

                      Rubywillow & Lo0p,

                      Many thanks to you both.

                      "Love's the only engine of survival"

                      Leonard Cohen


                        Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

                        I'm right there with ya. I was having some minor problems with the Bac and went to titrate back down by 20mg, and had three anxiety attacks... two the evening I didn't take the pill, and I woke up in the middle of one the next morning.

                        I asked my doc for a prescription before realizing I wasn't having any cravings, so I probably shouldn't have started it at all. I've been on 100mgs Prozac for a couple years now, and it calmed my OCD down to lethargy, and for the first time in my life I've stopped biting my nails. Other incidents that would have driven me crazy before just don't anymore.

                        I'm honestly not sure if the Bac has helped, but it hasn't hindered. I do know it's going to be awful to go off of.


                          Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

                          UrbanFool;771951 wrote: I'm honestly not sure if the Bac has helped, but it hasn't hindered. I do know it's going to be awful to go off of.
                          Hi Kelly,

                          Thanks for your comments.

                          Withdrawing from certain drugs can create problems. Speaking from experience, I have just tapered off clonazepam, zopiclone and Seroxat within the last eight months. Knowing vaguely how baclofen works, I would expect some problems if withdrawing from it. But, I truly am a beginner where baclofen is concerned.

                          Best wishes.

                          "Love's the only engine of survival"

                          Leonard Cohen


                            Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

                            When I was taking the Clonazepam regularly, I ran out of pills once and the withdrawal was horrible. Instead of taking it twice daily now, I just take it if I have an anxiety or panic attack. It saves a bunch of money that way and I don't have to worry about the withdrawals anymore.


                              Is baclofen effective against OCD and GAD?

                              Well, it very much looks as though I'm well and truly in the minority here. I had thought there would be a good few people with either GAD or OCD on the MWO forums. Based on the current MWO membership of almost 11,500 members and knowing that 2% of the adult population is supposed to have OCD, that would mean that 230 members of this community would be expected to have OCD.

                              Oh well.

                              "Love's the only engine of survival"

                              Leonard Cohen

