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AF December Challenge

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    AF December Challenge

    Angelcakes - congratulations on the new job, thats great news.
    Roberta - good luck with the dinner, and I don't think you're paranoid, maybe he just does'nt know to say it directly without hurting your feelings. I hope you can relax and enjoy it, although I know it will be hard.
    Hdb - I hope you are feeling better today, it is hard, after so many years of blotting out my emotions by drinking, when I stop and let myself think about what I am feeling it can make me very down too, but it helps to be able to talk about it here with people who know what I'm talking about. Most people in my life don't know I have a problem (thank god for make up!), and would look at me like a two headed freak if I said to them what I say here.
    I am a sad old cow, my internet went down tonight for a few hours, and I found myself almost panicking, not being able to get on here for my nightly fix, luckily good old brother to the rescue, very handy having a comp expert in the family. Although now I am spending more time sober, I realise that I think he has a problem with AL too.
    Anyway, I'm rambling again, the dogs are snoring away like warthogs, so I guess its time for bed.
    Take care:l


      AF December Challenge

      Good to hear from everyone again- you're not sad Elsa!- I really look forward to hearing from you as I value your views and opinions- which are always sound!
      hdb- you sound on-track again- i've had a couple of bad days myself - leading up to the dinner from hell this weekend! I keep on looking on it as I used to look at the childrens parties years ago "this time next week it will be just a memory" something to get me through!!! welcome Raven and good luck with the new job AC !
      I told husband I would not be drinking tomoz and would be driving (not that there is any chance of him drinking- serious night for him!!!!) because I want to watch my weight- he looked at me with soooo much love! I need to do this for him!!!If I pull it off a lot of it will be due to you- my friends X


        AF December Challenge

        Hi Roberta
        Good luck with the meal, well done for deciding to drive, and WHEN you pull this off it will be down to your strength and determination, I hope it is'nt too dreadful a night, you never know- you may even enjoy some of it.
        Take care:l


          AF December Challenge

          Hi All

          Good decision Roberta, good luck with your evening this weekend, you will feel really proud of yourself when you have done it. Sorry to hear about you PC problems Elsa, glad your bro got you back online again x

          Good luck with the weekend all x


            AF December Challenge

            good luck Roberta. The look of love sounds like a reason and a half.
            I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


              AF December Challenge

              Hi All,
              Hope your computers not playing up Elsa? Like you, I'm lucky to have a family member who is an IT manager- otherwise I'd be sunk! You're right about this new sober thing being a bit scarey-and the memories are bad for me too. Times when I made a complete idiot of myself and even though smashed was quite aware of the disdainful looks and odd snide remark directed at me. Hope that will be just in the past from now on and maybe those people were not very nice anyway as Its easy to kick someone when they're down.
              The dinner last night went down fine!!!! I didn't touch a drop(which was the best thing for me to do-as one would started me off) I was probably the only really sober person in the place (for once!) and at least 10 people tried to buy me a drink after the meal but I kept on the fizzy water and tomatoe juice. I kept on remembering AC saying how she'd been indiscreet about husbands colleagues and if I had had a few last night I would have done just the same thing!!!
              I even gave some people a lift to the station!
              Thanks hdb and raven for your support and hope you're both coping well this weekend- I'm walking on air at present- just hope it stays this way!!

              Love R


                AF December Challenge

                Congratulations Roberta, sounds like you enjoyed it as well. :goodjob:
                Take care:l


                  AF December Challenge

                  Hi Elsa
                  Thanks for your support! though I'm way out of the woods yet!- my cat snoors every night on the bottom of the bed and wakes me up all the time! Hope your job is going ok and you aren't having a hard time with bullies in the workplace at present?
                  How are you hdb,AC, Raven hows it going?
                  Love R


                    AF December Challenge

                    I just wrote a long rambling post about how I'm not doing so great at the moment, maybe its for the best that I got logged off and it got lost.
                    Anyway, I am slipping back into my old ways and need to get back on track. I don't want to go back to my life 3 months ago, I am blaming it on a bad things going on right now both at work and at home, but I know its no excuse, and that it would all be easier to deal with sober, but I keep going back there.
                    Anyway, Roberta, I have two old mutts who snore for England, but arthritis means they rarely attempt the stairs, so I get a break when I go to bed, not sure how it works for cats though, are'nt they meant to be stealth like and silent animals.
                    Take care:l


                      AF December Challenge

                      Well done Roberta you did brill xx I am the same either none or one would turn into many more! So glad you are feeling really up beat x

                      Hi Elsa, sorry that you are having a tough time at the moment, I hope things at home and work will improve for you soon xxx Its awfully easy to slip back into our old ways in an attempt to give ourselves some kind of comfort but we both know that its doesn't help us to deal with things better - AL just tricks us into thinking it will. You have done so very very well over the last three months. As hard as it is try and kick that AL in the eye :bat and tell him to buggar off and tell him your dont need him to help you through x

                      We haven't seen much of Angel recently have we, I hope she is OK, maybe she is in preperation for her new job?

                      Good luck all x


                        AF December Challenge

                        Thanks hdb, I'm definately not drinking today, I'm so tired, this must be what I felt like all the time before I started to give up AL, I wonder how I functioned.
                        Hope everyone is doing well, where are you all?
                        Take care:l


                          AF December Challenge

                          Hi Elsa and hdb and other friends
                          - will be in touch tomoz as can't get any real privacy at computer at present- haven't been too brilliant this weekend alcohol-wise-(since saving my face at "the dinner from Hell" thanks to all your support!)- but not totally destructive-this new decline is mainly due to massive amounts of stress with having to be there for all the family-(I have quite a lot of ancient relatives (mother etc.) to monitor daily -as well as my immediate family)this weekend- its strange as I've begun to realize what my pressures are and what really makes me drink- just a couple of weeks AF away from it all starts to clear your mind!
                          The cat is still snoring on the end of bed!- but she is a huge cat (not fat- just a very large breed)- and unlke many of my aged relatives- I love her a lot!- I know that that sounds bad!
                          Speak tomoz- gud luck all and good night - Love R


                            AF December Challenge

                            Hi guys...been a bit AWOL.
                            I need to do another 30 days - 2 weeks and I've fallen back into old behaviours- crazy huh??
                            Anyway, so today's Day 1.
                            Thanks for the well wishes on the's going really well.
                            And thanks guys, for being here.


                              AF December Challenge

                              Hi all

                              Glad your back angel, we have all certainly had our bumps in the road over the last few months but lets dwell on those good days and learn from the crappy ones eh? x - its a tuffy this one and speaking just for me I know it will be a tuffy forever but I am grateful that I am not where I was three months ago. That grateful that I hope that I will never go back there again x anyway less of my wafflin - well done with the job Angel, I will be looking in the New Year, I finish this job on the 22nd Dec.... I am then changing profession which will mean starting at the bottom after reaching the very top of my current career which will be exciteing gulp! I am also studying to for the new career... i had to study constantly for this one tho so I should be ok. yikes!

                              Have a good day everyone, off to sort read and sign off my Will which I have just had done ... I swear it is not written in English thats for sure


                                AF December Challenge

                                Hi again,
                                I know what you mean about feeling tired Elsa! I can remember having to nap mid-day at work in my office years ago. I used to leave the door unlocked and now wonder how many people went in and saw me - dosen't bear thinking about! Some cats may be stealthy and silent- but not mine- sometimes I think she thinks she's a person as she "talks" a lot too.
                                Glad the jobs going well AC- I'm afraid I couild do with 30 days AF myself as I'm sliding again. Hope the job isn't getting you down Elsa- are you having much of a break at Xmas? seem to remember you were having to work.
                                Good luck with the new job training hdb- what made you decide to shift? is it better money or just more interesting?
                                Better log off now or I will find this lot being timed-out! It's happened to me so many times and then I can't remember half of it to re-write! Old age
                                Love to all - R

