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AF December Challenge

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    AF December Challenge

    I feel wacked to; there must be something in the air eh? I have just bought metatone tonic from the chemist to try and pick me up as bit ...never had anything like that before but I think I need a bit of a boost.

    Lol Roberta I have nearly fallen asleep in many a meeting I have attended in my non AF days!! That awful feeling when you eye’s start to cross and your head wants to drop on your chest – I don’t think I have every actually fallen asleep yet though x

    I have been working in IT for the last 12yrs and I hate it, I have always loved Psychology so I am taking my Psychology degree with OU (Open University) it’s about a third cheaper than doing it at an actual university, I will be working part time in social care to bring in some pennies also. My ambition is to study up to Dr level which will take roughly 7 years if all goes swimmingly! I will unfortunately be taking a ?50,000 pay drop to do this but I really don’t care - life is way way to short to be stuck in a job you hate. I am just serving my three month notice period now and will be free from the 22/12 – whoooopppppeee!!

    Knowing that I am leaving this job has helped me with the AL to, used that for years as a crutch for my career ..... Although that wasn’t the only thing I used it for, I used it as a crutch for any emotion!

    Yes its annoying when you’ve been typing for ages and then lose it all isn’t it? I tend to type in word now and then paste it in – I have in the past though when it loses it done the back button and it’s still there.

    Have a nice rest of the day everyone x


      AF December Challenge

      I'm in. I drank enough prior to this sober run to last a lifetime just in the past YEAR. No way am I slipping into another binge in December. No freaking way.


        AF December Challenge

        Gearhead - welcome aboard, you sound very determined, good luck.
        hdb - wow, thats so brave, not many people would be brave enough to make that leap, good on you, and you sound so happy, its wonderful news.
        Roberta - I fall asleep in meetings sober, thankfully we only have them once a month, and I've learned that planning dinner in my head keeps me awake. I am working most of Christmas, but I get the day itself off, so I'll get a lie in before going off to see the family. I'm just hoping the traffics light, as one of the dogs gets car sick, not nice.
        Angelcakes - good to hear your new job is going well, and I know how easy it is to slip into old ways, I'm there now, but you must remember what an achievement doing 30 days is, I wish I could do that.
        I've not given up on an AF December, but I've not been very good recently, I am going to comit to a completely AF January and just try to get through December as best I can.
        Take care:l


          AF December Challenge

          Hi - You must be pretty brave and confident to do the new course/career shift hdb! I have been stuck in the same job/field since leaving college. When I look back it seems ridiculous that I didn't try anything else- but was always too scared/tied by money commitments/paying for child care etc. so I could carry on flogging myself to work full-time in a job that had started to bore me rigid!(think I was a mug)- Good luck with it- you're going to feel so much better.
          Sleeping seems to be a major pastime with me- especially when I feel depressed- suppose it's a form of escapism like drinking and chocolate!
          Hope the new job is still good AC and that you can keep away from the Xmas binge syndrome GH!
          I used to have a dog that was carsick too Elsa! I used to take her into work with me and when the traffic was bad the car and me would be in a right state! God knows what I smelt like! she never got out of it.
          I'm not doing too well at present but will have to do a lot of driving in next few days so hopefully that will sort me out!
          Love to all - R


            AF December Challenge

            Hi - suddenly realised (re-reading last thread) that when I said "never got out of it "you may have thought I meant the dog getting out of car!!!!- she was fine!- sitting in my office or garden outside office! (pretty rural here)she never stopped being car-sick!


              AF December Challenge

              I guess at 17 mine won't grow out of it either, I'm just glad she's still going strong(ish). I need to find a job where I can take the dogs in with me, I hate leaving them to go to work.
              Good luck with the next few days, driving always makes it easier to say no.
              Had the first snow of the year here today, looked very pretty.
              Take care:l


                AF December Challenge

                I really need to get back on track, I've been slipping back into my old ways lately, and once I've started to slip it is much easier to keep on going backwards. I am back to stopping at the corner shop on my way home from work, and getting that 'look' from the man behind the counter. I was so much happier without the AL, the depression lifted, the anxiety attacks lessened, so why am I back to the bottle again?
                I guess it's the only coping tool I've learned, 'having a crap day - drink a bottle of wine (or two)', I need to find other ways to cope, I've a treadmill in the garage (hardly ever used), that would be a much better way to get rid of - or numb - the anger and hurt, but stupid me turns to AL instead.
                Anyway, enough of my self pitying waffling, I hope everyone else is going well and enjoying the run up to Christmas, take care:l


                  AF December Challenge

                  Hi- have just posted long reply which has somehow got lost! will have to come back tomorrow to repeat- as so much going on here at present- family etc.
                  chin-up Elsa- I'm having a bad time too!!!!
                  be in touch tomoz- love R


                    AF December Challenge

                    Done that so many times myself, I know I should write it in word first, but I never seem to think of it at the time.
                    Sorry you are going through a bad time as well, I don't wish feeling like this this on anyone. Sounds like our problems are opposite, I have no one around. But I guess thats mostly my fault.
                    Take care:l


                      AF December Challenge

                      HI elsa- quick message whilst waiting for offspring to return- probably early hours in morning- 3-4am almost like they become teenagers again!!! who needs it- not me! have already had to do loads of dropping off/taxi/pickups in last few days and of course they don't go out together and come back from all points of compass and you wake up at early hours realising that they are not back and worry!!!!!!(husband won't do any of it) then there are the friends they invite for Xmas day - more problems with my mother (80+) who starts throwing wobblies as she hates anything/anyone she dosen't know!
                      Poor old cat hates all of them and won't come in house (more problems for me)-have to leave bedroom window open!! something to be said for being you! with lovely dogs! swap places??? please X


                        AF December Challenge

                        Hi everyone- hope your'e all hanging on in there? Feeling so much calmer tonite- having got rid of children etc.until Xmas Eve.
                        How are you Elsa? no need to feel bad or lonely- it's not your fault! I feel lonely all the time and I'm surrounded/ swamped with duty/people and obligations to family etc!- just talking to you makes me feel so much better- because your life seems to be real!- not putting an act on for other people (24/7)
                        Have managed to finally get everything done today-presents/food/etc - finished work until 27th Dec and will be free to just clean and knock the house into shape over next 2 days for everyone to arrive and then depart!. Bit worried about cat as she is quite old and I found her under the quilt in my side of bed- obviously needing some love ( needless to say I just left her for the day)got lots of fish in for her)
                        Hope u are ok hdb

                        Love to all friends R X


                          AF December Challenge

                          Thats what I do for the old dogs as a treat, cook them up some fish, smellier the better (for them - not me).
                          I have to put on an act all day at work, 'the I'm always fine' act, it is good to come here and just be me for a while. I have 2 more days of work left before Christmas, work's not so bad at the moment, with so few people in, driving there and back with the snow and ice is scarey though. This country is just not set up for snow.
                          I hope the Christmas preparations go well, and the cat survives the trauma, poor thing, sounds like my dogs, anything out of their usual routine and its sulk and sleep time.
                          Take care:l


                            AF December Challenge

                            Hi all sorry i have been awol,

                            Hope you are all well and organised for xmas ? sounds like you are Roberta, going to do my chrimbo food shop tonight yikes that should be fun!! I have been bad since last Thursday till last night, not proud of myself at all but I will jump back on now until Xmas day. I think I will join you for the AF Jan if OK? x Nice to see you both on here supporting one another. No being naughty for me tonight - need to grab onto that will power!!

                            Have a nice evening girls x


                              AF December Challenge

                              Hi Elsa and hdb - hope you are both surviving this dreadful time (alcohol wise) I have not been too good lately but have managed to be AF for any kind of driving requirements - so can't be too bad!
                              Hope your dogs are ok Elsa? my cat is fine at present- especially as a couple of guests have cried off due to illness - hallelujah!!!! she has found a nice quiet warm spot in one of spare bedrooms and good luck to her!- didn't realise that dogs like fish!
                              Happy Xmas everyone- can't stay on-line much longer as husband is monitoring my every move at present- which is probably one of the reasons I have this big alcohol problem!
                              Love to all of you- just good to be able to talk to friends who understand!
                              Love R X


                                AF December Challenge

                                Almost christmas day here, I hope you have a good Christmas.
                                hbd - I cheated and had a delivery of Christmas shopping, I could'nt face the overcrowded supermarket again this year. Much easier, even more so as it had snowed and frozen over, I'm too much of a coward to drive in that.
                                Roberta - being an independent old lady, otherwise known as terminally single, I could'nt think of anything worse than having someone watching and judging my every move, I hope you get some time for yourself at Christmas to relax and enjoy.
                                I really haven't been very good so far in December, but I have said that January 1st I will start all over again, and i think I may actually mean it this time, I have really got too close to rock bottom for comfort. Hope you will join me in January, I know I can't do this alone, and I would'nt be at this point of attempting to stop without your help and your friendship.
                                Thank you, and take care:l

