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AF December Challenge

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    AF December Challenge

    Hi- Just cooked and cleared up yet another massivo Xmas lunch (single handedly as always)- people think that because you have a dishwasher that it is a magic machine with no limits to the amount it can take!) Have drunk far too much already today- but because of the excessive food intake -feeling reasonably sober
    My mother (86yrs) has been driving everyone mad as she is quite unpleasant after a couple of sherrys (not that good when sober) and is winding everyone up and playing them off against each other- seen it all before!
    Hope you are ok Elsa- really envy your single-status - dream about being on my own one day with just a few cats and dogs- somewhere by the sea- brilliant idea to get your stuff delivered. We haven't had any snow much round here- but twenty to thirty miles away they're covered in it - very strange!
    Hope you're well hdb - we must get ourselves together for January!
    Love R X


      AF December Challenge

      I'm so glad Christmas is over, I know I sound like a miserable old woman, but it comes with so many expectations of everyone having a good time, but it is usually a let down, the idea of it better than the reality. Then you feel like a failure because it was'nt the ideal 'fantasy Hollywood white Christmas' that you are expected to have.
      Then comes new year, when, apparently everyone (apart from me) is going to a fabulous new year party and seeing in the new year with their 500 or so best friends, and of course, if you are not doing this you are a failure.
      My new year will be spent with a firework phobic dog having panic attacks until 2am, before I crawl into bed.
      Anyway, I am looking forward to the new year, as I am comitted to changing, I know I should be starting now, but it seems to help to have a significant date set to aim for, and I have quite alot of left over Christmas booze in the house, which I do not have the willpower to pour away.
      Anyway, ignore my whining, Roberta, it does'nt sound like you got any time for yourself, I hope you are OK and can enjoy some time for yourself now that Christmas has finished.
      Take care:l


        AF December Challenge

        I'd just like to wish everyone on this thread all the very best for the New year. As far as i'm concerned, every single one of you here, is heroic.

        Best wishes, and Go for it! Eye of the tiger. No fear.......;-)

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF December Challenge

          Hi- like you Elsa- sooo glad Xmas is over and totally share your views about it being an "unattainable perfection" site. (you aren't a miserable old woman! there are loads of us who feel the same!)I won't be doing anything amazing for New Year! just want a good nights sleep 00.05 onwards! being a northerner down south- I still feel the need to "let 2010 in thro front door" but thats about it!!- fortunately old cat isn't fazed by fireworks and we are very isolated/private from main village- so wouldn't be a problem anyway. The firework thing really irritates me as they are let off at any point of the year now!- just don't get it. Still, hope your dog is ok and yes- we need to kick this alcohol thing and regain our lives for 2010! I'm with you there- my alcohol consumption has improved immensely since being on this site(even being able to give up a couple of weeks at a time) and I think I might be able to accomplish being AF (or near it)in next year.
          Thanks for your note of support Guitarista
          and love to all - R X


            AF December Challenge

            Snow again! It looks lovely, but driving in it scares me silly.
            Guitarista - thanks for the support, I'm not feeling very heroic at the moment, but I am hopeful for the new year.
            Roberta - I like to see the new year in as well, kind of gives me hope for the year ahead if I see it in. Next year we will get ourselves better from this addiction.
            Have a happy new year, and take care.:l


              AF December Challenge

              Hi Elsa-( hdb, guitarista if you're around),this is the big nite which most of us dread! I've already had a couple -but nowhere near bender proportions- husband is watching my every move!
              You're right Elsa - we CAN beat this!-thanks for all your messages over last few months and also take care yourself - I'll start a new thread tomoz for us!
              Love to you and dogs - R X


                AF December Challenge

                I've had a few myself, dog is in full blown panic attack, Happy New Year Roberta, lets make it a better one for both of us.
                Take care :l


                  AF December Challenge

                  Hi Elsa
                  Happy new year and hope the dogs have survived the trauma of last night!
                  Was just about to start a new thread for January AF when noticed that someone has already done it - (January AF- just do it) so will probably tag on to that one.
                  Things weren't too bad last night and I managed to stop myself from getting carried away and going on a bender (the first time in years) which is a really good sign for me- not as good as going AF- but at least on small step forward. How did you manage? Certainly has helped me knowing that you and others are out there.
                  Back to work Monday ugh!
                  Good luck - love R X


                    AF December Challenge

                    Hi Roberta, you did really well to control your drinking, I failed miserably, but the resulting hangover this morning has left me very motivated for January. I threw the rest of the wine away this morning, poured it down the sink feeling very ill at the smell of it. I'm really ashamed of myself today, I've wasted a whole day because of drink, a day I'll never get back. On the plus side I've not drunk anything today, and I've got the L-glut back out and I'm trying again. See you on the new thread, and again, well done for all the progress you have made, lets look forward to a better year.
                    Take care:l


                      AF December Challenge

                      Hi Elsa - just lost big message to you!- this is a strange site!
                      Anyway - don't feel bad -about NYE - the fact that you threw the remnants away is such a good sign!
                      what is L-glut?
                      - not sure that the new thread I mentioned will work for me- am probably too sensitive/parochial!- will stay in touch with u on this thread if thats ok with you?
                      Love R X


                        AF December Challenge

                        L-glut is L-glutamine powder from the sports section of the health shop, from the picture on the front I think its meant for body builders, but from what people on other threads have said its an amino acid suplement which helps with the alcohol cravings. When I was being really good and staying off the AL I would have one teaspoon in the am and one in the pm mixed in orange juice. It did seem to help, but I also needed to decide not to drink as well, so its not a miracle cure, it just sort of helps, if that sentence makes any sense.
                        I've not had any AL today, but I did think about it, HOW STUPID AM I, after NYE when I'm amazed I did'nt give myself alcohol poisoning, I still thought about having a drink. I've been so ratty and tired since then, but I know it will pass, as long as I stay off the booze.
                        I hope you are doing OK, and that going back to work on Monday is'nt too daunting, and I know what you mean, I've kind of got used to this thread as well.
                        Take care:l


                          AF December Challenge

                          Hi Elsa
                          The L-glut thing sounds really interesting - will give it a go-
                          had terrible couple of days and (but not out of control)-won't feel able to be under control until husband goes back to work full-time tomoz! - he is such a control freak! even eldest daughter(visiting) had a row with him and the fact she thinks he is so controlling with me! am hoping to go AF from tomorrow- I think I am such a weak person- and very frightened by any kind of oppression/confrontation from family etc. (my mother is another control freak- who makes my life a misery) I am very easily bullied- and just go within myself when it happens- Most people /friends think I am such a tough nut! but this is a joke!
                          Hope you are OK and try to stay off the booze- *you are such a good person!- *you need to believe it yourself!!!
                          Hope your dogs are ok- my cat has survived and loves me to distraction- which can also be quite wearying! I seem to be the hub of the family network!!!
                          Love R X
                          PS work is the least of my problems at present!


                            AF December Challenge

                            Hi Roberta and Elsa! I'm sorry to horn in on your thread, but I noticed this December thread still up and running so thought I'd take a peek. Hope you both and any other friends here are feeling well today.

                            Roberta, I think I remember vaguely you popping in on the "Jan: Just do it" thread a few days ago. Sorry I didn't say welcome to you. It was a trying NYE for me to remain AF and I was all wrapped up in my own stuff. Anyway, there are a great group of gals over there (although the thread is big and fast moving these days), if you'd guys would like to give it a go and join in ~ the more the merrier.

                            Someone starts a new thread each week with a special name for each month (this month obviously "Jan: Just do it"). I'm new here (just since the end of October) and have been welcomed with open arms.

                            Wishing you all the best!


                              AF December Challenge

                              Hi have just posted message which dosen't seem to have loaded up! strange?


                                AF December Challenge

                                Will come back tomorrow as running out of time tonite

