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AF December Challenge

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    AF December Challenge

    Miss Behaving - it sounds like a good plan, to do something each day that makes you happy, that is just for you, if anyone deserves it you do, with everything you are going through and all you do for your family. I hope it works for you, and that your weekend has been a good one. It is'nt self indulgent to write down our feelings, don't ever worry about that, this is the only place I can ever be honest and put down what I'm really feeling, the only place I don't have to wear my mask of 'I'm fine - I'm always fine'.
    Roberta - Hope everything is going well and the AF days are stacking up and you are feeling better with each day. You sound very positive and determined, keep it up.
    Guitarista - Thank you for the encouragement, I need every bit of it right now.
    I've spent the weekend working, so I have'nt been able to get on here for a few days, when I've finished work for the day I come home and start work on my masters, and I feel like I am doing nothing but working. Then my brain tells me that after all that work I deserve a drink, so I've been having a couple of glasses of wine, then I've been feeling guilty because I promised myself I would'nt.
    Anyway, I've had 3 powercuts tonight, so the only thing I could do was keep working away on the laptop, which thankfully was charged.
    Take care:l


      AF December Challenge

      Hi All- sounds like you're all doing well and coping! Good luck with studies Elsa and hope the power cuts are few!
      Have got liver function test arriving tomoz (ordered from internet) and have decided to use it as a really big decider on my future life as from tomorrow! unless it tells me I should already be dead!- hollow laughter.
      Hope Guitarista and Miss B are ok - thanks for your support.

      Regards - R X


        AF December Challenge

        Hi Roberta
        I hope the liver function test gives good results, whatever it says, don't give up trying, the liver is an amzing organ and can regenerate. Its good to here from you, and I hope you are winning in the fight right now.
        Take care:l


          AF December Challenge

          hope the liver test goes well Roberta and I echo what Elsa said about the liver regenerating. One of the times I managed to stay AF I did a liver test at the beginning and one 4 weeks later (and I did it through my Dr who I have a really great relationship with). The first one was pretty horrible but just 4 weeks of not drinking brought it back into the normal range. So if it doesn't give you good results when you do it use it as an opportunity to stimulate you to help it get better rather than falling into feeling bad.

          Else, know what you mean about coming home and getting stuck into more work ...... I'm working really long hours at the moment ... am really behind on some work that was due at Xmas because I had so much going on during the last third of last year. I have an extension until the end of March, but it is still going to be a struggle to get it done by then. And in the mean time, it is really hard to relax ........

          well I have to go and get my "nice thing for today" done .... getting a leg wax!!! It may hurt, but it does help me to feel a bit better about myself, and that I'm making an effort. Then yet another "bath and early night" night .... just wish I could sleep a bit better though ....
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            AF December Challenge

            Hi - Can really identify with "doing something nice for yourself every day" Miss B! I think all of us could do with loving ourselves a bit more.
            Hope the work is going well Elsa, thanks for the support on the liver test from both of you.
            I did it when it arrived at lunchtime and it came up with a result of "between normal and mild" I suppose the mild bit must mean inflammation or disease- it didn't give many clues- just said "go to doctor if it isn't totally normal" a bit inconclusive- but could have been worse- like moderate,severe and extremely severe!
            Certainly don't want to see doctor so will do my best to cut out/cut back and perhaps do another in a month as suggested by Miss B.
            More snow yesterday! would you believe!

            love to all R X


              AF December Challenge

              Roberta - great news on the liver test, I'm really pleased for you. It snowed here too, it looked very pretty on the trees at the back of the house, but I've had enough of it now.
              Miss Behaving - I'm finding it hard to relax as well, as I know there is always something that I should be working on, then I feel guilty if I give myself some time off.
              Good luck to you both in your AF goals.
              Take care:l


                AF December Challenge

                Hi Roberta, Elsa, Miss B, and those in the cheap seat's,
                Roberta, i'm not a doc, but i hear that even a blood test for liver function from the doc's can not alway's tell the full story, so be careful, and be wary. I don't mean to put you off, just sharing that which i read on this site a few times from different folk's. Still, just not drinking is what makes the difference, providing it's not too late. My liver has taken a pounding over the year's, but i'm as fit as a fiddle now, after stopping completely. My feeling, at least for my body, is that if we even cut back our al intake a lot, just the still regular small amounts ingested, still maintains the carnage. I'm sure you'll be fine though, as long as you address this soon, as you seem to be in the process of.
                Life is great though, isn't it? Sobriety just get's better and better. Once you're over a few annoying little hurdles, and are aware of your tricky little mind games, AF life is so magical, free, and huge, it's inexplicable, and you would never believe it, or what we are capable of.

                Best wishes with your studies, Elsa! Have a read of some post's by some long termer's. Fallen angel's are good, and also err, can't remember, but it has a lot of stars next to it. Inspiring stuff.
                Keep going, and hang in there, but without a realistic plan, and commitment, we will stay on the merry go round, going round in circles till we pull our finger's out.

                Best wishes....G.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  AF December Challenge


                  I'm having an easy time of it this week for some reason and being AF has been effortless. I have no idea why this is happening .......... diet?? supps? shift in thinking?? weather?? hormones?? I'm very cautious as I dont quite trust it and dont want to get complacent. I've also been feeling a it better in myself .... again dont know what to attribute this too, except that I'm think that a little bit of everything (nutritious food, exercise, going to the addiction counsellor, sunny days, having a leg wax :H) has helped.

                  How are you both going??
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    AF December Challenge

                    Glad to hear you are having a good week, you deserve it, and be proud of yourself . :goodjob: Keep doing all of the things you are doing, they are obviously working (although don't leg wax too often, ingrowing hairs are a real pain)
                    Take care:l


                      AF December Challenge

                      Hi - had a bad couple of days (not AL related) and had to force myself to get back to posting- sometimes everything just seems to get too much- family commitments mainly- but know that connecting with this site and the friends I've made always makes me feel better. Too much time spent on my own throughout the day- but being hassled by family by phone etc..
                      Glad to hear that everyone is coping & thanks for all your support - G- quite aware that the liver test was pretty basic - need to steel myself for a proper one, Elsa- how are the dogs/and your studies- would love to have the abiliity to do an MA! - you will never regret it- Miss B- your problems are greater than mine and you seem to manage them- what is the secret?
                      Love to all R X


                        AF December Challenge

                        Hi Roberta
                        Sorry to hear you are having a bad time, I hope things get better for you soon, and I hope the AF is still going well. You and Miss Behaving are both amazing, how you cope with all that goes on with your familes and stay so strong is inspiring, you are both very caring people, just remember to care for yourselves as well.
                        Take care:l


                          AF December Challenge

                          Hi Elsa-
                          Thanks for your support-feeling much better tonight- hope you are coping well with stress/studies/dogs
                          Have been watching the wild life a lot recently- this garden is a total haven! this morning there were 2 deer, a fox, a couple of jays, 4 squirrels, nuthatch and a buzzard which actually landed and a red kite which went overhead!- real bonus!
                          - think I really need a holiday- haven't had one for 7-8 yrs and hardly ever get to go anywhere much- hope everyone else is coping
                          Love R X


                            AF December Challenge

                            I'm, jealous, the most wildlife I saw today was a very fat pigeon. I'm not coping so well at the moment, guess I've not got round to pulling my finger out, but I'm getting there. A holiday would be good, not had one in many many years like you, but I guess thats the way things go sometimes. Good to hear things are going better for you, stay in touch.
                            Take care:l


                              AF December Challenge

                              Just lit

                              I just lit a candle, the power of the universe/mother nature will take care of your daughter, I know she will be fine in my heart.

                              Lots of love and support....... MA
                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                                AF December Challenge

                                Hi Elsa- see lots of pigeons!! unfortunately they shoot them around here and had a really horrid couple of months when they were dropping dead and dying in the garden-after being shot in next field- husband is a very kind/country person savvy- but works in city- and can put them out of their misery (reluctantly) but finds it as unpleasant/upsetting as myself.
                                We are both aware that we must keep totally Mum about the wildlife around here- if we want to keep it!
                                How are your studies going?hope you are feeling better? My morale goes up and down- thanks for your support.

                                Love R X

