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AF December Challenge

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    AF December Challenge

    It sounds both lovely and horrible where you live, why do people feel the need to shoot animals in this day and age?
    My studies are going at a snails pace, I think I took them up again ten years too late to be any good at it, but it is interesting, if only I could stop the panic of 'what if I fail' being constantly in the back of my mind.
    I hope things are going well at the moment, my moods are up and down and all over the place as well, one day I'm very determined, the next I've almost given up giving up. I would love to come on here one day with the title Elsa has done one year AF, but at the moment I'm doubting I'll ever get there.
    The snow really does'nt help my moods, but I guess I should'nt moan considering what they have in America right now.
    Sorry it took so long to reply, I just did'nt want to come on and constantly sound so negative, but I know 'll turn it around soon, I hope.
    Take care:l


      AF December Challenge

      Hi - Had a bad couple of days and need to get back on track. Like you I would also love to be able to post that i've been AF for a year! even a month would be gratifying at present. The problem with me is that when I get a week or two AF under my belt I begin to feel so well that I think I can drink moderately! Big mistake because (like most of us on this site) I obviously can't.
      Ten years isn't that big a gap to start doing a Masters- especially as you're doing it for the right reasons and are genuinely interested- you'll probably do much better than a lot of the new graduates that are pouring into it (as they can't get a job and it seems the only thing open!) Daughter had the option of doing one when she graduated last year and very sensibly didn't as she realised she'd had enough of full time education and it isn't something to take on if you're only doing it for the sake of it.
      I think we'll all feel more positive when the spring arrives- it's been so dark, cold and miserable lately. How are the dogs? Take care-
      Love R X


        AF December Challenge

        time to say goodbye - I think X

