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Day 7 here...hard to believe!

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    Day 7 here...hard to believe!

    Well, I could not have picked a more challenging time to begin this plan, but in a way, the time just seemed to pick me. I had been visiting this site and posting a bit - getting a lot of inspiration and encouragement - and a week ago I woke up and knew it was "time". Since then all grades of crapola have hit the fan from kiddo's gpa to other kid's bad cold, plumbing problem, grumpy hubby (in fact, after the complaining he had done I should think he would be serving me dinner in bed every night...alas, not so!) etc., etc. Don't know how or why but have made it this far so will go on for now and we will see what happens. I don't know which direction I will go after the 6 weeks. I plan on abstaining but won't close the door on moderation as I don't subscribe to the dogma that this is a disease...only time will tell but I am anxious to fully experience a brand - new life. I hope I can power through the next 5 weeks! Thanks to all of you for your support!!!

    :h :thanks: :nutso:


    Day 7 here...hard to believe!

    Way to go!!! :wd:
    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


      Day 7 here...hard to believe!


      Good job, Skempy!! Keep up the good work!! You're feeling proud, and you sure do deserve it!!

      Keep us posted on your progress!!

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Day 7 here...hard to believe!

        is there ever a less challangeing time??
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Day 7 here...hard to believe!

          Skempy....7 is a very good number.. lucky 7
          Good for you.
          lot of little steps to get you to 6 weeks...just take em one at at time.
          Best of luck to you!



            Day 7 here...hard to believe!

            Thanks, guys! I guess any time will turn out to be a pain in the butt when you are removing a deeply ingrained piece of your lifestyle from the landscape...
            It's interesting, though. I guess I'm proud, and I feel less fuzzy when I get up in the a.m. But I'm waiting for (hoping for!) a real feeling of transformation that only comes with time, I expect.



              Day 7 here...hard to believe!

              Hi Skempy,

              Funny you just said that because I was thinking the exact same thing this morning, and I have actually mentioned it here before. I guess I am not sure what I am expecting but weight loss, sleeping well, waking up feel refreshed and in a good mood would sure be nice. I also know it is ridiculous for me to expect these things after I have been abusing my body for soooooo long. It just would be nice to have some instant gratification (which I am very in to which is why I drink! ) to spur me along. You are doing awesome though. I have read on here that it is at about day 45 when people starting noticing a change. That sounds so long but I know it would be worth it. Good luck to you.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Day 7 here...hard to believe!

                Im on day 100 somethin.... I remember day 7 and feelin like you. 100 can be just around the corner. You can do it! Gabby
                Gabby :flower:


                  Day 7 here...hard to believe!

                  Way to go Skempy!! 1 week already! Great job!

                  I haven't done that since March ... One of these days... I'll go for it again, for now I'm just moderating.
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Day 7 here...hard to believe!

                    To me it is a lot like going on a diet. As soon as you make up your mind, something comes up, tempting you to do the wrong thing. Seven days is a great accomplishment when the longest you have made in a long time is two. You are doing great. Keep up the good work. The end result is worth all the trouble getting there.

                    Yesterday I realized I now am able to enjoy just being outside and smelling the new fall air. When I was drinking all the time, I never would have noticed how great it made me feel. I have learned in the last year life is just a continuous stream of simple pleasures I had forgotten existed. You?re going to love the way it feels.

                    GB Bear
                    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                      Day 7 here...hard to believe!

                      horray for you coo coo a choo!


                        Day 7 here...hard to believe!

                        I appreciate all the positive replies to my humdrum feelings! I am hanging in there...was just talking to my mom about this though, and there is, I don't know, just a *void* right now. And it isn't even that I want a glass (bottle) of wine that much. I am really a little lost at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I am busy as all get out! Something - and not just the drink itself - something far more complex is missing from my life. The hopeful news is that I want to believe before long the emptiness will be replaced with something happy and healthy. We shall see.



                          Day 7 here...hard to believe!

                          Well, Skempy, if you don't drink, you may be able to figure out what the "void" really is. I'm pretty sure it isn't alcohol. Alcohol is usually what we use to blur our vision or distort our knowledge of what is really missing from our lives! Keep on fighting the good fight! I also need to follow my own good advice!


                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Day 7 here...hard to believe!

                            Hi... I posted to you when you first shared. I have been away for a few days, but I am so excited to hear about how awesome you are doing!! You have got it goin on!

                            What you are feeling about a void is so normal. There IS A VOID. Its like popping a big, huge zit. Was the zit good? No... but what about the crater it left? Sorry... I just have to use the analogies that come to my mind because they help me so much to keep things in perspective. We dont want to fill that crater with more zit juice. Peroxide maybe? Okay, so I think I coined a new expression for alcohol. It is ZIT JUICE. And if you think about it, it really is!

                            You go my friend!
                            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                              Day 7 here...hard to believe!

                              Geez Allie.. When ya put it THAT WAY.... kinda does take the appeal away a bit...! :H You crack me up!!

                              Skempy, hang in there! Sounds like you're doing great!:l
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

