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Where are all the professional women?

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    Where are all the professional women?

    When I first logged on here it seemed like there were alot of interesting posts from a wide variety of women in many different professional positions and that's what attracted me to the site. Where has all that gone to? Lately, there's nothing to hold my interest atol and I leave feeling totally unstimulated. Some of the threads are just so much drivel. There's room for everyone, of course, but I notice a marked absence of what drew me here in the first place. Things seem to be going down hill and I'm concerned. Em

    Where are all the professional women?

    New but interested

    Well Em - I am just about to embark on this little advventure so you can expect to be hearing from me if that's any consolation. I nknow these drugs work becasue I tokk Naltrexone four years ago and completely walked away from the fridge until 9/11. Then I went down like a ton of bricks and I was 2,000 miles from the folks that helped me out. I am hoping that the CDs and viatims will take me over the top this time. Last time I only had the drug and an online chat. But I think the whole pahrma concept combined with nutrition (what is that anyway?) and exercise and the hypo will help me manage on my own. I have always been a Lone Ranger and hate asking for help. AA was a total disaster and I cannot imagine ever going back there. It was counter productive. :new:


      Where are all the professional women?

      Hi Em

      We're here Em.

      Just staying under the radar for now.

      Hoping all is well for you.



        Where are all the professional women?

        Hello Em,

        Your post is music to my eyes. I believe a lot of women stopped posting because posts often went "off-thread" very quickly.

        I really hope your comment today can turn that situation around and that we might, for once, allow a good thread to run its natural course.

        Thank you for saying what a lot of us feel. OK, who's next?



          Where are all the professional women?

          I would consider myself to be a professional Em. Only been here for about 4 months. I am completely alcohol free tho. I still get a lot of stimulation but maybe it is because I'm newer and still need it here for my healing.

          And you have grown.
          Something to feel proud of.

          Just a thought. Gabby
          Gabby :flower:


            Where are all the professional women?

            Hey Grateful,

            There are tons. Some haven't posted as of late because summer is over and they are teachers and are just busy. I am on leave of absence right now for my daughter (she is having some issues) and start back at work next Monday in the publishing field where I am a marketing director in NYC. I've been out for 11 weeks.

            There is a CEO on chat every day and two therapists as well.
            There is also a nurse that deals with preemies that just decided to switch careers
            There is a teacher who is a PHd.
            Also a new guy that owns his own company that had roughly 400 reporting to him.
            Also a girl that owned her own company but sold it because her hubby got a job offer they couldn't refuse.
            Oh also a girl that works for the gov't that can't even tell us what she actually does so how impressive is that!
            Also a girl that sells water equipment and makes a killing.
            There's a lawyer too.
            Someone that works on Wall Street in computer technology.
            And a partridge in a pear tree!!
            This is a very cool bunch of people with drinking problems I must say

            Chat is where it is at, this is where I've met all these fine people and I am sure I have forgotten someone.
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Where are all the professional women?

              If you find this unstimulating, why not start a stimulating, thought provoking thread yourself?? Just wondering.


                Where are all the professional women?

                Hey Em! I'm a professional as well and juggle 3 kids..nanny helps out alot. I run my own business in the Health Care field. I would like to post more but, work so much. But, I am here everyday even if it's just to read the posts. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day it seems. You are welcome to email me at any time..I've been in the program for about 5 months and have had my ups and downs but have really benefitted in many ways. It's nice to know you're not the only one.
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Where are all the professional women?

                  I Like to Think

                  Hey Em,

                  I like to think that I'm reasonably interesting, and I AM a professional. Some posts DO get off track or aren't that interesting. Perhaps there is a middle ground? I haven't found ALL posts boring, so perhaps Gina has a point. Got any interesting topics for consideration??

                  How is your son doing, by the way??


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Where are all the professional women?

                    I guess what ruffled my feathers about this post is that this is NOT a disease of intellect. Sorry if we bore you, but this is a disease of obsession of the mind. It crosses all INTELLECTS, socio-economic status', ethnicities, and on and on. We are all here for a common purpose. Try to find commonalities, not differences. I find much in common with the FEELINGS that are expressed. That is where I find the most solace. Gina


                      Where are all the professional women?

                      I think a lot of professionals here are also very concerned about privacy. I personally have run my own business for the past 12 years. I would be the one in Happycamper's list that sold my business because my husband got an offer we couldnt refuse. Thank goodness for the timing because now my Mom has cancer, and I am able to be free of my business to help her. So my posts are not too professional anymore. Life happens. There are other websites if you are just needing to connect with professionals, but if you are here to unite with others with this common struggle, unfortunately it crosses all borders and the professional lines as well. I say that as professionally as I can! My posts of late have had more to do with dealing with a Mom with cancer than trying to stay afloat in the business world. My posts are far from professional probably! But there will come a day that I will be back in that mode too.

                      Maybe you could start a new section for professionals? It really is a hard issue, so I understand. Sorry you are feeling alone. Just know you are not.

                      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                        Where are all the professional women?

                        Very compassionate, Allie.
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Where are all the professional women?

                          Well said Allie.
                          Em, I am on Happy's list too. I am a lawyer. Actually, I think there are more than one of us on these boards. I know for a fact that I certainly don't "act" like a lawyer sometimes, and I certainly don't limit my conversations to my profession as a lawyer. In fact, I rarely speak about my profession. I think that's because for me, personally, this site is more about sharing our common struggles with alcohol and our common experiences, our laughters, tears, etc etc. You get it. I certainly understand when you say that some threads have gone off "track"...but for me, this is so much more than about what I do, and we are so much more than what we do. But i value you and your opinion, just as I do everyone else here. Just my two cents.
                          But, on that note, I would love if you would have an idea for a new thread too...I always love checking out new ideas...
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            Where are all the professional women?

                            sorry if we offened you..we are all in this together
                            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                              Where are all the professional women?

                              just wanted to comment on a wonderful thing you said. I think I will write it down. You said, "This is so much more than about what I do, and we are so much more than what we do."

                              You summed up what I was feeling... just like a true lawyer! Can I hire you?

                              Love ya,
                              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

