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2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

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    2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

    G'day me little Lamingtons.

    Now as you all know, The Kanga is a True Blue Bloody Tough Aussie Bloke. I mean even Blind Freddy could see that. Anyway, me point is this...... I was given a CD a few weeks ago, obvious sheila music, but The Kanga gave it a burl and, well, fair dinkum! It was bloody alright.

    Now everyone knows that blokes have a feminine side and that sheilas have a masculine side. Up for discussion today is......if you're a sheila, what brings out the bloke in you or if you're a bloke what brings out the sheila in you?

    Try'n keep it bloody clean.

    Now as we all know, this is a second attempt at a friendly discussion. I have tried to copy replies that have kept in with the intended affability of this thread but have realised that it would take up too much space so if you have the patience and the will, could previous civil particpants please re-post your most worthy comments. Thank you.
    :k TheKanga

    2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

    Phew ... this is scary - I've never had to do it twice in such quick succession.

    My "bloke" side enabled me to build the studio in which I sit right now. It is a straw-bale A-frame construction, 20' x 20' (6m x 6m). Straw grown on my property was cut and baled. I then then laid it like bricks in a running bond pattern and secured the bales with vertical steel ties. The internal load bearing uprights are railway sleepers. The bales were then rendered with a 3:1 sand cement mix, by hand, as in traditional adobe*. All windows and doors are recycled, sourced from various second-hand timber yards. The studio is positioned north/south to maximise natural light. Apart from the concrete foundation, the A-frame roof and the electrical work, I did this on my own. It is my safe haven.

    Building it gave and continues to give me enormous pleasure. Thanks for asking.

    *have just adjusted my previous comment - traditional adobe does not include cement. Thus, I meant I applied a cement/sand/#detergent mix (#a perfect surfacatant)


      2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

      Onya Tawn!

      Tawn, as we all know, you are a wonderous woman.........

      We can all appreciate the construction method and materials used. Thank you for your full and descriptive reply.

      C'mon............ this was brought back by special request. Get yer fingers out
      :k TheKanga


        2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

        What brings out the bloke side in me, is usually when there is a problem at work or elsewhere, and everybody knows what needs to be done but they're all standing around scratching their heads, and I step up to the plate, with the attitude like "Git Er Dun!!!" Just do what needs to be done people! Wait, maybe that is a sheila thing??
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


          2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?


          I'm afraid that sounds like a sheila thing. Don't reckon that qualifies.... will consult with me top dogs then get back to yer.
          :k TheKanga


            2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

            my bloke side hmmmm......
            i once changed a water pump on my car
            does that count?


              2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?


              That would count if you could tell us how you changed the water pump on the car.
              :k TheKanga


                2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                The Male Side

                I like woodworking, but it's been along time since I've done any. Also, I want to take a home repair course at night school so I can learn to do things like put up my own ceiling fans and lay flooring in my attic and stuff like that!

                (That is unless one of you gentlemen would like to help, in which case I'll cook you a kick-butt dinner! )


                PS: Thanks for starting the thread again, Kanga.
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                  Thanks for keepin' the side up Kath. Yup I reckon your blokey side is a contender for the prize. As for that dinner well....... being an Aussie bloke I am partial to a side of lamb.
                  :k TheKanga


                    2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                    Crown roast, rack, or leg, Kanga?:H And rare, or medium? Please DON'T TELL ME well done! It would break this chef's heart!

                    I actually did take wood shop, but it was so long ago. I'd like to get back into learning to do some "bloke" things like changing the oil in my car, cleaning my gutters, being able to build and fix things, etc. But for now, I doubt I'm going to win any prizes. I'll provide the catering for the festivities when you award the prize, though, Kanga!
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                      I've been thinking and thinking ....what is my bloke thing? I figured I have two.

                      1. Love to play pool - very competitive about that and would never throw a game to be girly (bet you didn't know we did that so often )
                      2. blokes don't read directions... or ask for directions if lost right? Ok, I will ask directions if lost, but hate reading directions. Reading directions is the last step for me not the first.

                      Other than that....pretty much on the shelia side of things on most occasions.



                        2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                        I've changed the garbaged disposal even had to rewire it the first time.

                        Everytime the drains in the house start to smell or get clogged up I have to set aside the ewww in me and take it all apart and put it back together again.

                        I don't always know quite how I do it, but it gets done!

                        I'm no stranger to power tools either
                        :h :h :h :h


                          2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                          kanga it was 20 years ago but it went somethng like this.take out ,take to advanced autp parts give it to the guy behind the counter. may i have another one?did you take this out by youself.yes.well if you have trouble getting back in give me a call tonight and ill come over and fix it for you(think he was talking about my car?)went home put it back in. no biggie really,but then again it was a 74 gremlin:shocked:


                            2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                            What brings out the bloke in me? I would have to say that number one is hearing the sound of loud pipes on a motorcycle. Makes me want to jump on my bike and take off with the wind in my hair (to hell with the damn dishes and laundry!) -
                            Number two would be seeing a gravel pit just beggin' to be conquered and mutilated with my truck.
                            And I would have to say that the worst thing to bring out the bloke in me is when some bloke opens his mouth and says, "Bet you can't keep up with me drinkin' these shots...."

                            I gotta learn to walk away from that one!!


                              2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                              I have been known to play a good game of pool, a decent hand of blackjack both while smoking a Cuban cigar
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

