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2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

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    2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

    :k TheKanga


      2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

      Wait a bloody minute.... does that look a bit rude?
      :k TheKanga


        2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

        Hiya Kanga,
        I don't think we have met yet, but I am a tru blue Ozzie sheila. I was a motorbike courier for 12 years, and riding a bike all day and working on it all weekend brought out the bloke in me... I suspect I WAS almost a bloke for all those years.... I used to hang out with a lot of hard drinkin' hard partyin' blokes and drink them unda the table on a regular basis... maybe that's part of my problem?
        We are both of us angels, with only one wing... together, we can fly...


          2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

          Just give us one more letter that goes with the "T" word.........

          C'mon Kanga we're in the "club"
          :h :h :h :h


            2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

            I am a die-hard football (American football) fan. I sit out at games in the rain, sleet, snow - whatever. And I stay to the bitter end no matter the score. I watch football Sat afternoon and most of Sunday. I own the NFL rulebook. I plan fall vacations around my team's football schedule. Other than that, I'm pretty girly-girl....


              2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

              Yay, I'm glad to see this thread still breathing, I've been thinking about my bloke side. Here's what I came up with it's not much. I can drink and swear like a sailor, but most of us have that one in common. How about:
              - whizzing standing up, not perfect posture, can't write my name in the snow, yet.
              - not too happy about this one and hate to admit it but a lot is at stake here, as of late I've been growing a bit of a moustache and have been saving my upper lip.
              How about it am i in?


                2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                If Spacie is not allowed into the club there is no justice in the world. Peeing standing up? Never tried it but now I am curious to try. Cracked me up!!!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                  peein standin up???? I wasnt gettin involved in this thread but that one got me really bad. I will be laughin all day bout this. Oh my gosh! :H gabby
                  Gabby :flower:


                    2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                    Oh and Spacie....if you can whizz standin up...I put money on ya that you'll be writin your name in the snow in no time!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!
                    Gabby :flower:


                      2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                      Thanks for the vote of confidence, the trick i'm sure you know is not to get mud on your shoes.


                        2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                        Okay folks.......

                        I think I'm beginnin' to smell a winner!

                        Imagine - step into my office for a mo.

                        G'Day Aerogirl, good ta meet ya. First of all you get points for bein' Aussie (A joke don't you sheila's start a bloody riot). Good effort.

                        Nomore - Well done.

                        Spacie - what can I bloody say........

                        Gabby - an honour to have you "involved". I'm assumin' yer stickybeakin' and not enterin' the race?

                        But Spacie.................. I take my hat of to yer..........

                        C'MON........... this is gettin' serious

                        STRAGGLERS TAKE NOTE TIME IS TICKIN'
                        :k TheKanga


                          2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                          the kanga


                          bygones ......etc


                            2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                            Is up up to you....


                              2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                              ggrebu off

                              Seems there's just no bloody gettin' away from it..................
                              :k TheKanga


                                2. Is it wrong for a bloke to listen to sheila music?

                                Yeah what is this?
                                Anyways this thread is hilarious. Wish I could add to it but I am definitely a sheila through and through....
                                Oh and that peeing standing up is CLASSIC! LOL!!!!!
                                LOVE you guys!!!
                                Over 4 months AF :h

