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An Coffesion

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    An Coffesion


    Something has been playing on my mind for around 6 weeks now and there is nobody here in uk I dare tell.I had full blown passonate sex with my hubbies best friend.I was not pre meditated it just happened, totlaly fearking me out How do I deal with this, i feel soooooo guilty:upset: There is no way I can talk to hubby about this Has anyone else gone through this??? Help needed in getting my had around this!


    An Coffesion

    Never been there......How did it happen?????
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      An Coffesion

      Just Did


      We were on a camping trip, both had a little to drink, everyone else had gone too bed, he kissed me and the rest is history?!? Cant understand why I did it?? Have been married for 23 years and this is the first time I have strayed I feel such a slut for want of better word.



        An Coffesion

        Is he married? How does he feel about it? Regretful?
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          An Coffesion

          Married with 2 kids!


          Have not spoken with him about it, he is married with 2 young kids and his wife is a friend of mine! situation from hell , however it does feel better too talk to someone about it,thanks. I am just hopeing that in time the guilt will pass?!



            An Coffesion

            I would definately take that one to the grave! Hope it wasn't very good so memory will fade as well.....
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              An Coffesion

              Too the grave


              That is what I needed too hear. Too the grave, put it down to experience! Hope that I can pull this off, no point in wrecking 2 relationships :upset: thanks



                An Coffesion

                I agree - take it to the grave and make sure he does too!


                  An Coffesion

                  agree too

                  Had one afair in my life and it is going to the grave w/ me thanks to the advice of some very valued friends' advice, don't want to wreck my marriage over one stupid drinking episode!!



                    An Coffesion

                    Absolutely keep this to yourself forever!!!!! You will hurt a lot of people if you tell. Forget about the guilt. Learn from this. And stay away from the guy.

                    Stuff happens. Don't beat yourself up. Just go on.



                      An Coffesion

                      I agree, just hope it is easy enough to steer clear of the guy and that there are no real feelings there.
                      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                        An Coffesion

                        There will never be any purpose to share that with another living soul.
                        :h :h :h :h


                          An Coffesion

                          I think even the professionals say on that one.....get the Guilt Guard and dont tell. gabby

                          ps...big oh my gosh....I never get any excitement
                          Gabby :flower:


                            An Coffesion



                            Thanks for all your support, there is no emotions involved so as I thought this will go to the grave guy still a good friend but he wont tell either just needed to tell someone:l thanks again too you all



                              An Coffesion

                              The guilt will get better over time. I have been where you are and I know how bad it feels like your soul is dying! Just remember you haven't decided to enter into a relationship with this guy, it was a one night, too much to drink thing. I would never tell your spouse or anyone else and try to forget about it. You were drunk and your inhibitions were gone otherwise you wouldn't have done it. That's why we are all here trying to drink less because we do those things when we drink too much!

                              The guilt will get better. Just forgive yourself, be extra nice to your hubby, and try to learn from the experience and know that it won't happen again.

                              Good luck!

