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Any tips to get through Holiday parties???
Any tips to get through Holiday parties???
Hi. I have been SOBER for 6 days now and I can't tell you how much better I feel. I say SOBER and not AF, b/c I suffered such horrible discomfort with withdrawal symptoms--I guess that means I was a heavier drinker than I thought! Anyway, I went 2 days AF, then had 3 glasses one night to feel better, 2 the next, 1 the next--and today is my 6th day and hope it will be AF as well as tomorrow night too. I hope I am over the "hump" for the awful withdrawal. BUT, I have a girls dinner on WEd. night --about 10 of us get together every year for a Christmas dinner. EVERYONE will be drinking...the thing is, I sort of trust myself that I will only drink a couple especially since I proved to myself that I could do it when I was just "weaning" for withdrawal...but if I really don't FEEL much like drinking, does anyone have any tips for what to say? I mean, it shouldn't be that hard...I'm jsut worried how to deal with any possible "ribbing"...this is a real FUN and sometimes crazy rowdy group of moms who I love dearly, but this is a night KNOWN for getting drunk and in fact, some often take cabs! Any tips please?? Is it too early for me to going? I almost think it would be harder NOT TO GO than to decline drinks...but I need some help with how to "address it." Thanks!!!!! :thanks:Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.Tags: None
Any tips to get through Holiday parties???
Hello Keg... and congrats on tapering down.
You know... I've spent countless times rehearsing what I might say in defense of not drinking AL at a function or party. Only, to not ONCE being asked to explainI've said this before... WE are the ones obsessed with thoughts surrounding AL
'Normal' people really couldn't care less what anyone is drinking.
But, if you really do find yourself explaining... antibiotics works, so does 'just not feeling well - coming down with something', big day ahead/early morning... that sorta thing
Good luck and have FUN! If you feel up to it, that is... if you are truly worried it may be more sensible to skip this yearOkay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
Any tips to get through Holiday parties???
Hi again Keg.
These parties seem to be so difficult especially the ones that seem to be centered around the bar. When someone asks me if I want an alcoholic drink, I usually say, no thanks, I don't drink. If it's somebody who knows that I like a glass or two of wine, I just smile sweetly and say - too many calories for today/tonight. Now if I happen to be carrying a plate laden with goodies from the buffet and they glance at it, I just say again, sweetly, - I prefer to eat the extra calories rather that drink them. Just stick to fizzy water or plain water with a slice of lemon and you'll be fine. I someone still insists that you have a drink say that you are on medications for a recent stomach problem and that alcohol in any way is totally restricted. What could a person answer to that???
Somehow you'll get through this and find out what level you are able to drink wine at and manage to keep at that level. If you find yourself starting to drink more and more and aren't able to moderate, then you will just have to accept the fact that you cannot control the drinking and will have to stop. With stronger meds to deal with the withdrawals and help you face the fact that you are one of us who don't have the "stop switch" and once we've had one drink, we're on our way to many more. Good luck with the party. Just try to be breezy. Act like drinking fuzzy grape juice or fuzzy water with a slice of lemon is your new "cool"!!
Looking forward to your posts to keep us up to date. Write anytime. There is always someone somewhere available to answer your questions or offer some support.
StirlyFor every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay: