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Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

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    Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

    Also known as Meno Princesses!! :H
    I love that!!

    Ok ladies, I'll start the new thread, with the last post of the old one so we can continue. Sound good?

    From NewCreation...

    Congratulations on your four months! That is so incredible!

    Let me tell you a little about what kind of Christmas I am having. I had thought about giving up drinking about 6 weeks fact, I was the one that started this thread!
    Anyway, because of all of our social committments I chickened out and decided to wait until January 1 to quit. So I have been partying regularly with friends
    but also drinking much more than usual using the holidays as an excuse (also in anticipation, I am sure, of having to quit next month). Well, I think these have
    probably been my bluest holidays yet! The alcohol has only exacerbated any melancholy that I have been experiencing. I so wish that I had quit a month ago as planned.

    I think that perhaps this year is much harder on all of us if we let things get to us in that there is so much unrest and concern for the future in the world right now.
    I think we all dream of the old Perry Como type Christmases with only 2 channells on the tv and no cable and no internet that constantly bombard us with bad news.
    Don't we all long for a simpler time?

    Basically, I just want to ENCOURAGE you.....focus on how strong you have been, how much worse your life would be with alcohol in it, and how much more terrific
    your future is without it. You have come this far; once the holidays are over you will be so very thankful that you kept your resolve. I look forward to joining you soon.

    P.S. I know that some of you will want to encourage me to quit now and you would be right. I just feel that since I have waited this long, I might as well spoil it for myself
    for the rest of the season. Is that crazy or what?

    Shall we continue, I love this section...

    DLA :l
    Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
    Sir Walter Scott

    Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

    Was thinking for newbies joining, may be a good idea to show how this thread got started.

    Can't link it so will do the next best thing...

    Originally posted by New Creation-
    Dear All,

    Have been hanging around here for about a year, I think. Still drinking and still sick of it. Taking the "easy" way out (though continuing drinking is certainly not really the easy way) and have decided to try to quit in January after all the holiday social committments. In the meantime, I am gaining strength and resolution by reading all of your threads. I would like to make a proposal and see what you all think.

    A little bit about me first: I am 56, about 25-30 lbs overweight, belly fat, out of shape, puffy face, little energy, fight depression, drinking for about the last 35 years, have been thinking I should quit for quite a while, two adult children that drink more than they should (thanks to my example, I think) and strongly desiring to be alcohol free for the rest of my live on a CONTINUOUS and EVERLASTING, NOT TO SLIP UP basis the joyful life that I have experienced the times that I have managed to quit and the life that all of you describe.

    My proposal is this: that we gals in our 50's have our own thread. Not that we do not absolutely love and cherish, learn from and are supported by other friends in other threads. But in reading many threads it seems that we ladies in our 50's , and there seem to be quite a few of us, seem to have so much in common. We seem to be so concious of the fact that alcohol keeps us from being as attractive that we could still be at our age, that our aging bodies and minds are having a hard enough time "keeping up" just on their own and that we are realizing that alcohol is absolutely devastating both, some of us are saddened with regrets of how our drinking has affected our children, our marriages, our relationships. I just think that having a thread with girlfriends that I know are just where I am might be a very good thing (that sounded very Martha Stewart, didn't it?)

    What do y'all think? Would there be enough of us who are interested?

    DLA :l
    Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
    Sir Walter Scott


      Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

      good on you DLA!!!!!!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

        I posted on the previous thread. I am not new to mwo, but am newly returning. I have been drinking 1-1.5 bottles of white wine per day for several months now. There is no major a-hah moment in my life, but I KNOW that it is time to be done. For many reasons, I will be doing the taper down, rather than a medical detox. I do have some l-glut powder I will try using today, but no kudzu. Honestly, I never felt it much before.

        I was going to be posting over the past few days, but encountered technical difficulties! The computer is back up and running, and I am back on. However I will be having (lots) of company over the next 2 weeks, so may not be on as much I hoped.

        Today is my birthday, and as my gift to myself, I am beginning the taper down tonight. I am buying some fizzy water to mix with my wine, and will hold it to 1 bottle for the night mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with the fizzies. I know that still sounds like a lot, and it is, but I am concerned about too rapid a detox. I will be cutting down a little every day for the next 2-3 days, then start alternating nights with the lesser amounts and fizzies. After a week, or less, depending on how I feel, then I will cut to every 3rd night, then I should be able to be done? Does that sound reasonable? Am I dragging it too far? I know this is dangerous territory, continuing to drink-only smaller amounts. If I could drink reasonably, I wouldn't be in this position.

        Anyways, so the past few nights I have had hot flashes like crazy. It is cold here, but I am throwing off the covers, and drinking ice water in the middle of the night! I think they increase when I am drinking more. I am looking forward to relief on that front as well!

        Enjoy the day all.
        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


          Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

          Glad to see you girls are still keeping this thread up and running. The last time I was here I was embarassed by my lack of following through with my goals and now I see that we really are all the same and fighting the same demons. I found out two days ago that I will be a Granny for the first time in August. When the little one starts coming around I don't want to hold him/her with booze on my breath or a glass of wine in my hand. There has to be some respect for the little person and he/she deserves a Granny that is the responsible one. We live on the river and need to be extra cautious when junior starts toddling around outside. I can't imagine the horror of a mistake made and a tragedy happening. As many of you know I am a half-bottle of wine per night chickie and still at it although often it's less and less often it's more. Sometimes I don't even think I have a 'problem' (denial) and then when I plan on abstaining and don't it hits me full in the face that it controls me. So anyways, hello girls. A reminder, I am a Canadian, little shrimp who's 53, peri-menopausal and happily partnered up with three grown children (one of whom drinks too much). Thanks for being there.

          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

            Good morning, all! Tip, YES, tackle this now. I truly speak from experience. My oldest grand is 16, and my biggest regret is the drinking I did around her.
            Ruby Factoid: When I was about 13, Daddy bought me a wonderful quarter horse, Rocking Red, and we were at our remote cabin riding. When I started home Red took off like a rocket down the dirt road, but didn't turn in our drive tho I was reining him that way hard. He decided to listen too late, went down an embankment, scraped me off on a tree, cantered off to the barn casually with me in the ditch and Momma yelling 'Catch the horse' 'Is Connie hurt' and Daddy stomping back and forth between us! Long story short, I lived. Lord, I wish I could survive that today!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

              Hubs chides me for reading this kind of story, he says I'd adopt the world if I could. But I do want you to read this. It's a story of horror for a real life babe, and just one of the lucky ones who is getting help. I love men, but I don't believe we should leave them with such responsibility, like running the world. In a world run by women, this would never happen. Sorry about my soapbox! LOL

              Doctors airlift boy with 42 needles stuck in him
              By BRADLEY BROOKS Associated Press Writer The Associated Press
              Thursday, December 17, 2009 6:11 AM EST

              RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A 2-year-old boy with more than 40 sewing needles stuck in him is being airlifted to another hospital in northeastern Brazil because two of the needles are close to his heart, an official said Thursday.

              A police official, meanwhile, told The Associated Press the boy's stepfather had been arrested, that he had confessed to sticking the needles into the boy with the help of a woman and that authorities were investigating whether black magic was involved.

              Surgeons at a hospital in the town of Barreiras in Bahia state decided not to try to remove any needles after discovering that two were very near the boy's heart, said an official at Hospital do Oeste. Like the police official, she spoke on condition of anonymity as she was not authorized to discuss the case.

              She said that doctors had located 42 needles in the boy — eight fewer than they had reported finding Wednesday. The boy was in intensive care but was in stable condition before being airlifted 240 miles (390 kilometers) to a hospital in the coastal city of Salvador with a special heart unit.

              Dr. Luiz Cesar Soltoski at the Hospital Oeste, who was treating the boy, said Wednesday that surgeons had hoped to remove most of the needles — some as long as 2 inches (5 centimeters).

              The boy's mother, a maid, took him to a hospital in the small northeastern city of Ibotirama last Thursday, saying he was complaining of pain. Three days later, after X-rays revealed many of the needles, doctors moved him to a larger hospital in the nearby city of Barreiras.

              The mother told police she didn't know how the needles got inside her son, whose name was not released because of his age.

              The boy's father, Gessivaldo Alves, earlier told the newspaper A Tarde that he believed his son could have been a victim of a black magic ritual. Alves reportedly said he visited the home where the boy was living and found unspecified items that could be used for black magic.

              The doctor said he believed the needles were stuck into the child's body one by one.

              "We think it could have only been by penetration because we found needles in the lung, the left leg and in different parts of the thorax. It couldn't have been by ingestion," Soltoski said.

              Doctors found no signs of outside wounds on the boy. X-ray images carried by Brazilian Web sites clearly showed some of the needles deep inside his body.

              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

                I posted in the last thread with all kinds of resolve to quit my 1 - 1 1/2 bottle a day wine addiction. In the last week I have had a day on and a day off..which is better but not where I want to be. I know this can be like dieting - I didn't put on 30 extra pounds overnight and they arent' going to come off overnight.

                I am going to try some supplements...I have L-Glut and Kudzu - but I have an awful time remembering to take them. I struggle taking my regular medication...I hate taking pills. Is there any of this stuff in liquid form?

                There are so many sad stories of people and children like the one just posted. People fiighting to live and have all the blessing I have and I'm sitting her and risking destroying my health and family.

                I know this sounds silly and I know it is part of the addiction; but I truly hate the thought I can't drink my favorite wine anymore...I love the taste of it.

                One of my first steps and committments is to come here every day with a report of my progress, even if it isn't good news. This is one of the most supporting and caring groups I've encountered. Blessing to all, Fox


                  Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

                  Hi Foxtrott
                  Im experiencing a similar pattern to you. I was usually 2 bottles of white wine a night but have been cutting right back. I seem to manage one or two days AF then feeling fantastic and invincible again I blow it...!

                  But im not going to beat myself up as you say, its better than it was so that progress.
                  I had a deadline of Dec 31st to quit completely and the last few weeks will have at least halved my normal intake which will hopefully help we go completely Af.

                  Keep going and we will get there.....
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

                    Fox - I get the L-glut powder and mix it in with juice or just put a spoonful in my mouth and wash it down with coffee. The powder is MUCH better than the pills.

                    I'm at about 2 days AF, 1 day drinking. Have limited myself to 4 or less the days I drink. So, I am drinking about half what I usually do. I know I'll get there eventually. Progress is progress, eh?

                    Happy holidays everyone.

                    Cheers without the beers,

                    Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                    That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                    Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                    Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                      Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

                      A wee message to you all from my mate George!!

                      I hope this works .....! Attached files [img]/converted_files/1117308=5424-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

                        Good morning, MenoPrincesses! Good to see you all here. Fox, your feelings about the wine are all too familiar to most of us. We've developed a relationship with AL that is such a big part of the problem with breaking up with it. It's part of our life, something we spend SO much time with. The trick is finding new/different things to fill the time you used to spend with AL. I know, easier said than done. No one said this was easy. If it was, think how different the world would be.
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                          Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

                          Good morning all,
                          I too want to start posting daily. Have been around MWO for awhile but very sporadically, I'd never post when I was drinking...too embarrassed I guess. So I've always kind of felt like I'm on the outside looking in, not really part of MWO.
                          Ruby, you got me thinking about the whole notion of breaking up or losing a relationship with alcohol. Remember the book On Death and Dying that describes the stages of grief. Eliminating alcohol from my life was like losing my life partner. First I was mad about it, then depressed about it. Then I started bargaining, Only drink at night, only drink on weekends. Final stage of grief is acceptance of the loss. I'm getting to that point slowly but surely.
                          Not working today. Taking my mother-in-law to lunch. We have not always gotten along but my father -in-law went into a nursing home a few days ago and my mother-in-law needs someone to put the focus, caring on her for a change.
                          Actually this is how I want my Xmas to be this year. After 40+ years of selfish self indulgence (ie drinking), it's time for me to start thinking about others, their needs, what would make them happy.
                          Oh how I ramble early in the morning.
                          Guess what a week from today is??


                            Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

                            Hi ladies, to fill my non AL time I have been crocheting scarves for the young women in the family. One for my daughter, my daughter in-law and my 13 year old step-grand-daughter. It keeps the hands busy and I have tried it while drinking and I drop stitches and really screw up. I feel like I am making progress with slowing down with lots of little failures and many successes. Crocheting is easy, the kids are thrilled with the home-ade scarves and it is practice for the new baby on the way. I must have my wits about me if I am going to make a layette set or a baby blanket. Sounds corny but it works for me. The more I read here the more I see that I can't deny AL's control over me. I think I am slowly winning the battle.

                            The step-father piercing that little boy with needles was more than cruel. It made my stomach heave. I cannot stand the idea of helpless children suffering at the hands of angry adults. Innocent children are stuck with people taking care of them sometimes with very limited ability and many unresolved issues.

                            I wish all of you a peaceful, serene holiday season with lots of rest and time with loved ones. Lucky me - my two youngest adult children invited me and my live-in partner to accompany them to Cuba (us Canadians are allowed to travel there) on the 27th of December for a week. It's the first time I have been away or spending any real prolonged quality time with my 22 and 26 year olds. Can't wait.

                            I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                            ? Lao-Tzu


                              Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

                              I just learned to crochet and it's a wonderful thing for me to do. I actually feel like I'm meditating when I crochet; for me achieving that empty mind is very relaxing.
                              Lucky me too, my 24, 26 and 28 year old sons are all coming home for the holidays.
                              How exciting for you to get to go to Cuba!

