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Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

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    Men No Pause Here Dec 15-26

    Gee, we just have to keep, keeping on.
    I've had a series of bad circumstances in my life lately. I have to say, thank God not of my doing, but it has really made me look at life as a whole. I have a business which I worked at about 20 hours a day for the last two months, trying to fulfill Christmas orders. I am wasted, I can't sleep. Everyone I think has gotten their orders on time.
    But my personal life has taken a huge hit. Husband and vehicle I have hardly seen in two weeks are wrecked, Meaning some other people wrecked both without my knowing.
    But, I have a choice, I got very mad yesterday afternoon, seeing my vehicle, that took me 5 years to pay off, demolished and I just changed my insurance to liability. Nothing coming from that, don't know who crashed into it. Parked in a parking lot, someone ran into it and left.
    Husband, oh well, like my daughter told me last month, if you weren't drinking Mom, you'd never be with him. Well,(not drinking most of the time) if I could make a living I'd never be with him. Now vehicle gone, it's like what more can happen. Oh beleive me, I know how much worse it could be!!!!!!
    I'm not in self pity, I'm resigned. Life is always going to throw something our way.
    I just have to face all this. I've already gotten 4 orders for after Christmas. I've worked so hard, know I have to raise prices, then worry, will the orders die out? If I had half the orders I do now, but raise my price, I would not be worn out and still have a chance maybe to make a living.
    Sorry gals, 59? year old woman here trying to find my way out of hell. And I will.
    Merry Christmas to you all dear friends!

