I won't give a long history...I know it doesn't belong here...suffice it to say I am lucky that I don't have a crazy, messed up childhood. I guess I just got some addiction genes....I am a high functioning drinker who has a serious problem. Since I have been on this site, I have had some major success. Mostly, the support of the people here and especially Topamax has helped tremedously. I am not out of the woods at all. I still love to drink. I sneak alcohol (my family would be so scared if I drink anything at all) and I know that just doing that is obviously not normal. I haven't had a blackout since I started topamax which is amazing since I think I had one every night for years before (and got up every morning for work at 6 am). yes, I am a professional, much more important to me, I am a mother, a wife, and a friend. Most everyone I know would never guess I have this problem, other than those closest to me. I appear fit and together...like many of us.
OK...M husband is home...I got to end this.... so....hope this isn't innappriate...
thats all