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professional posting a thread

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    professional posting a thread

    state of the world


    So glad you brought up the 800 lb gorilla in the room. We are living in times so appalling as to be overwhelming to any decently sensitive human being, yet we are supposed to ignore what is going on and just live as if it is all hunky dory.

    Where is the outrage???? I am outraged every day over Iraq and just about everything that is going on right now. I could take up reams, but don't get me started! The death of innocents. the foolish, idiotic sacrifice of our wonderful young people. Oh, god.

    This is REAL. Yet we are supposed to live as though it isn't.

    Yeah, I am with you. I am a professional but I don't think one has to be to be struggling with this. I do hope that there are all kinds of people out there who finally see what has been done to the human race!!!!

    All the best and thanks.



      professional posting a thread

      I think that one of the things that gets to me about my drinking is that without it I would be a much nicer person, I'd have more time for my kids and others including myself.
      Just think what the world could be like if we didn't spend our time and money blocking it out with booze or other drugs!
      Just a thought
      Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


        professional posting a thread


        I'm strating today. 1st Oct - if you still need a partner I could do with one.

        I'm 38 year old, IT and Project Management Specialist from UK with hubby and 2 kids and a drink problem.

        After three bottles of wine last night:upset: I am determined to give this up.




          professional posting a thread


          I'm strating today. 1st Oct - if you still need a partner I could do with one.

          I'm 38 year old, IT and Project Management Specialist from UK with hubby and 2 kids and a drink problem.

          After three bottles of wine last night:upset: I am determined to give this up.




            professional posting a thread

            good luck!!! So good for you to have set a date. Personally I am nowhere near that point, but I wish you all the best! And hope you can find a buddy to go through this with you.
            Kindest Regards, C


              professional posting a thread


              come on and join me ( us )?... It is the first night of day one...andi I didn't make it ...completely. I had two glasses of wine (sigh). But, I am so much better every day, and not giving up on getting better and better yet.

              Nice to meet you..Hope we get to know each other.
              formerly known as bak310


                professional posting a thread

                Need a Buddy too

                Hi Bak310 and Cheeks
                I'm starting today 2nd Oct I tried and failed on the 1st I'd love to join the two of you if thats ok.
                I live in Australia originally from the UK.


                  professional posting a thread

                  Hey Cheeks, Overit, Bak...check out the monthly abstinence board and you'll find a whole slew of partners... Everyone on there is attempting abs! Some folks have a few days, some have weeks, others are into the months and one of us just celebrated an entire year of abs! We'd love to see you there so check it out!
                  "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                    professional posting a thread

                    Well done!

                    Hi Beth, I know you from chat...this is a great post, great to hear a little bit about your story. So many women are hiding our drinking behaviour, we are lucky this is a safe place to come. I'm struggling all the time, but i feel a turning point has come since I found this site and made friends here. Are you doing Abs? How's it going for you? Ann


                      professional posting a thread

                      thank you

                      ...for postig your thoughts. i am ..or was in your same place. i am also a igh functioning prfessional - my drinking has gotten way out of hand. i am so shameful of this, the only thing i don't so is go to bars that open at 8 am. i am having trouble finding a doc to prescribe me topamax. i need it. i have been to every shrink in the owrld (literally) and for some reason they wont rx me for that. they must not understand. thank you for being here. you give me inspiration mesa


                        professional posting a thread

                        just me

                        It is just me Mary Anne, this is inspiring me soooo much!! I want to STOP instead of mod for about a month, so count me on board (I hope ) on Monday though, gotta get through the weekend ya know!?

                        I haven't had time to read for so long, miss it, but definitely Bak310 (is that right, sorry if wrong) go post on the mod or abs boards whatever is right for you now....

                        Hugs to all you whoo have sooooo helped me so much over this past difficult month or so!:thanks: :l

                        Mary Anne

