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lost in a sea of avatar and name changes

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    lost in a sea of avatar and name changes

    Hi, Everyone,

    I'm back despite my all of my kvetching about MWO's flaws because I need to work on myself to be a better person. It is 7:19 a.m. as I write and I've already been at my computer working for about two hours. I feel that there are about 10 demands for every minute of my life--three generations of in-laws to support, a sick child and my own health challenges. I feel that a whirling dervish is traveling through me while I'm trying to arrange crystalline figurines on a glass shelf. Over the past several months I have been drinking about a bottle of wine each day, and I think that this level of consumption has helped me become depressed and feel utterly inept in meeting the challenges of my life. I don't intend this as a pity party. I know that so many people struggle with more grueling issues.

    I am an avid non-joiner. I learned a long time ago that I would be living a life of complete nonreflection and busy-ness if I allowed myself within the reach of groups. In keeping with this realization, I have given up academe and even the most marginal association with what was once a pioneering dance company (breaking my back helped me make this decision) and, despite my love of animals, I've stopped taking in pregnant strays. I gave up MWO for some real reasons, among them that I knew that I wasn't contributing my fair share. Smart? Me? Yes, reasonably. My behavior: idiotic.

    Since I joined so long ago, people have changed their avatars and names and I now sometimes feel that I'm reading the highly resonate words that could only be from someone I know but the name and the avatar reflected don't fit my recollection of anyone. This leaves me confused about how to respond and, if appropriate, how best to help. Everyone I met through MWO was unique and, trite as it sounds, one brilliant strand in a rainbow of personalities.

    And so I have a request.

    Would anyone who chooses to who has traveled under another avatar/name please let me know? Please feel free to PM me if this is better for you. Sometimes, I think, people change their identities here in order to feel ok about continuing. I am an excellent keeper of secrets. And, as arrogant as this will sound, probably near flawless in this regard. I've had a lot of practice!


    :heart: E (Eustacia)