Thank you for all your good wishes yesterday, it meant loads :l
Glad you got there safely Grimmy,
LJ, so pleased you are on the mend lovie...
Zeppers, thats brill about the 2nd place!
Opes, hope the weather is improving for you today?
Mario, hope your PC is behaving :-)
Happy birthday to Adam yesterday!
JC I hope you are keeping warm up there??
Pops, you make sure you enjoy your 2 weeks OK??? I am sure you will
Zenny, I think the CT thread was about the 22nd April?? But dont quote me on that :H
Limey, sounds like your b;day was brill, I am delighted for ya!
KT, how are you feeling after your gardening marathon? Better??
Tigger,good to see your bounciness as ever!
Tulipe, your day with the kiddies sounds like it was a good one. Thats lovely :l
Gyco, as always its great to see you and sounding so good too!
Phew, I always get nervous about these roll calls, in case anyone gets missed out !
Anyway, please forgive me if I did, but my memory aint what it used to be.

Off to a clients party today, so looking forward to that.
Have a fabby day folks :l