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Suggestion for a new tool

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    Suggestion for a new tool

    Dear Roberta,

    For me, one of the most difficult parts of the program is motivating myself to exercise. It is difficult despite the fact that I know that I would feel better if I were to get myself to the gym. I'm probably not the only person here who has that struggle.

    I'm wondering if it would make sense to construct some sort of tool bar where interested participants could record how well they met their exercise goals.

    I have found that recording a 0 or a 1 on the moderation log has helped me feel better and, until this last trying week, this little exercise has helped me develop confidence in my ability to moderate.

    Whether or not you feel that the addition of such a tool would be useful for the group as a whole, thank you so much for establishing this program. It has given me hope that with time I will truly be able to moderate.

    All of the best, Eustacia

    Suggestion for a new tool

    Great idea

    Hiya Eustacia, that sounds like an excellent idea...i used to be very good with looking after myself....But in the past few years have found it to be too much of an effort...proberly feeling sorry for myself...i would love to get back in shape....I think being held accountable on a place like this would help...It has with drinking.
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      Suggestion for a new tool

      Great idea, Eustacia! I'll bet with a little modification our current toolbar might work.
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Suggestion for a new tool

        great idea! im so lazy i drive to the drug store and it is only a half a block. how sad is that?:H


          Suggestion for a new tool


          I have the feeling that you are very close here to making a breakthrough.

          I mentioned in another thread about having full year wall calendars for 2003-2005 where I wrote the number of drinks I had on those days I would binge. It was a record in my face every day of the damage I was continuing to do.

          Now I have a new full year wall calendar. I write in the little squares the type of exercise I do, and how I did it. I also keep a log book of each day that I exercise.

          To me, the physical exertion is the new HABIT. It replaces the destruction, with construction. I am building myself up, rather than tearing myself down. Those calendars are my own tools to measure, and now I see something new and weird.

          On the drinking calendar, a large gap in days between binges was a good thing. Now, on the exercise calendar, a large gap is a bad thing. My thinking has been reversed.

          There is nothing, absolutely nothing that can substitute for physical exertion and activity. No CD, no supplement, no fellowship, no diet....nothing. It is, and continues to be the foundation and core of my recovery.

          I exercise for myself primarily. When I go out, or hit the weights, bicycle, stretches, or even just skip rope, it's a act of love. It is me being kind and loving to myself for once. It is my hope that maybe I can pass some of this mind set on to others here.

          When you exercise, you ARE NOT punishing yourself. YOU ARE finally being kind, compassionate, and loving to yourself. It is the foundation in my personal program, to be nice to myself, rather than mean. Drinking myself into oblivion was the true punishment. When I got drunk, I was being mean and cruel to myself.

          Does any of what I wrote above make any sense?

          All you have to do to start, is concentrate on being good to yourself. I hope you see it the way I do.

          Be well.



            Suggestion for a new tool

            I like your suggestion, Eustacia. I, too, find it hard to be motivated to exercise.

            What you say makes sense, Xtexan. I know that every time I take a drink (and every time I smoke a cigarette) it is an act of self-destruction. I am focusing on the drink problem right now because it is the more immediate concern -- but smoking is just as likely to kill me in the long run.

            I have been blessed with a relatively good build and healthy body, in spite of my sedentary lifestyle. Even as a child I tended to watch television or read instead of play sports. These days I have to force myself to get off the couch for even a short walk around the neighborhood. It was easier to do when I had a dog: she gave me no choice but to walk her!

            Anyway, my plan is to incorporate suggestions into my hypno program that will also take away my desire to smoke as well as make physical activity more appealing to me. Do you think this is too much to expect from hypno? Or is it just a matter of getting of my ass and doing it?
            "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


              Suggestion for a new tool

              good idea, I think RJ was working on something like that??? Seemed like she said she had some new suprises. who remembers?
              Gabby :flower:


                Suggestion for a new tool


                I think that a hypnotic CD with messages to stop smoking, and one to start exercising would be a great idea.

                Every single suggestion, message, and reinforcement to the mind one can use is essential.

                I constantly use all sorts of self-motivation audio programs. Its not like the mind is separate from the body.

                I found that "forcing" myself through a shear act of will is not a good way to go. Sure, it may get you motivated to exercise once or twice, but the perception that one is punishing themselves is still there. The perception that exercise is punishment has to be changed. This is hard to do.

                Any book, CD, video that fills you with a sub-conscious sense that you desire to exercise is valuable. Too many so-called "exercise gurus" come off as drill sargeants. I say to hell with them, as it just reinforces the perception and mindset of self-punishment. As drinkers, we have all had our fill of the self-punishment garbage.

                I seek out things to feed my mind that say exercise is play. It is fun. It is life. It is love.

                This is a fundamental, deeply ingrained perception that really needs to be reversed. I see children jump rope, and run until they are wiped out. They are having fun. Then when the education system comes in, it ruins that "fun" we had back then.

                I have started a thread in the holistic section about this, but stalled on it. Its because I want to be very careful, and not fall into the appearing to be the "drill sargeant" type of motivator.

                A great idea I say.



                  Suggestion for a new tool

                  Workout tool

                  Thanks, Eustacia and others for the fabulous suggestion and feedback. Thanks also for reminding us about such an important element of MWO: exercise! I will absolutely follow up on this.

                  Until we get to work on a new online application, have you had a chance to read any of the exercise entries in my new blog? If not, be sure to check this one out, as it includes reviews on a few online resources you may find of interest. Another one posted recently includes info about "four minute workouts" which I'm testing and really enjoy! Would love to have others try them out.

                  Thanks again for the suggestion and the commitment to exercising. You made my day. :-)

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