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What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

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    What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

    Do you like, or hate it?

    Personally, I do believe there needs to be some changes made. However, they need to start by making insurance available across state lines, and getting rid of bogus lawsuits. The middle class in this country is disappearing at a rapid rate. Its a shame members of the sentate don't believe people should actually work for a living and pay their own f'ing bills. While I'm at it...... if you want to cut down on obesity in this country, then don't allow people using public money to buy shit food.

    I hate the dem's bill with a passion.

    What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

    This is a dangerous topic, and not really the best place for it. Religion and politics...
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      What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?


      We agree. And I will add that anything that government touches gets fucked up. And I pay for it, as do you. I agree in reform, but this ain't it.


        What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

        IMO...something definitely needs to change. The problem is that we are already paying for the uninsured in the form of higher health care costs and higher insurance rates.....Nope.....there is no FREE healthcare. Secondly, those on public assistance also usually receive medicaide...this is funded by those of us that work and pay taxes. It is the middle class that is being sucked dry already. I am afraid that we can no longer hide under a rock and act like this problem will just go won't. Over the past 10 years this problem has escalated way out of proportion with the rest of inflation. I hope that people will actually read and learn about healthcare in the US.

        Also to the point that Loop made about discussing politics....I understand the point you are making and why. But, I also find it disturbing that US citizens cannot and will not concern themselves with truly understanding politics and our government and the current issues. If they did, perhaps these topics could be discussed and even debated intelligently and calmly!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

          more2...I would expect nothing less from you..why do you start a thread with a question when what you really want do is simply express your fervent opinion and anger against the dems

          As a person umemployed this year I could not afford my premium. I hope premiums go down but I do not trust the health insurance industry. I have worked & paid taxes my entire life and I have NO problem receiving unemployment from the government when I need it. And I have no problem having a cheaper policy that I might be able to afford. Do you think anyone in this country enjoys not working? That is far right-wing, radical propaganda.

          I am glad to see that parents with seriously ill children or adults with pre-existing serious illnesses will now be allowed to buy. Key word - buy!

          medicare, a govt managed system, runs well, those who take advantage are the providers

          I would say wall st and the insurance industry pretty well fucked the country..guess who is left to fix & unfuck it ..the government


            What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

            im an aussie so ive not looked to much at this. But in the begining it was health reform, now the word insurance has been slipped in, did i miss some thing?
            AF since 10/26/2009

            It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


              What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

     is complicated


                What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

                Aspman, the issue is that in the US, most of us have to buy health insurance from private insurance companies. These companies are for profit companies wanting to make money for their stock holders. This is a horrible way to run health care.....companies do not want to pay out when illness happens. These companies also deny health care for pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure etc. Health insurance costs are at rediculously high levels and the general public has a very hard time affording care. Currently those below poverty level are usually able to get government insurance. Also those over the age of 65 are elegible for gov't insurance.

                Right now in the US, there are more that 50 million citizens without health insurance!! This is an abomination in such a well developed country.

                The government must step in to fix this mess!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

                  Here we go again...! Ha! Not PC revisited. We need to revise our Health Care.....but this version Sucks.........IAD ( I can explain why.....but it would start a whole lot of crap again..Ha! )
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

                    The threat of closing a strategic military base vital to national security for a vote really irked me:

                    Reports: White House threatens Senator Nelson, health care and abortion or loose your military base in Nebraska ? Saynsumthn’s Blog


                      What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

                      AID....I agree with you. This version is not the answer. I truly wish, that politicians on both sides of the fence, could and would put their ego's aside and the good of this country and it's people first.
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

                        I am afraid we (the U.S.) are going at this backasswards as usual. React rather than think and plan.

                        Our healthcare costs are way out of control. My daughter was in the hospital for 2 days. Her total bill was $17,000. They did little for her except one upper GI and some lab work.

                        A friend had twins who were born premature. They were in pre-natal care for a week. Total cost, a whopping $450,000. They were not sick or weak but just premature and small. While he would have expected this to be costly, almost half a million is a little ridiculous.

                        Hubby had routine blood labwork done, cost $500.00 +. For routine labwork!!! Come on people. This is ridiculous.

                        It will do no good to cover everyone in this country for healthcare if we don't address the cost of healthcare. We will just go bankrupt while feeding into a broken system.

                        My worthless $0.02.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

                          This has become political, and about Obama trying to make good on promises while his ratings slip. But again, I can see all sides to the issues, and once the government promised something 'free' it became impossible. Nothing is free. People who work (and work hard) cannot continue to pay for those who will not. I didn't say can not, but will not, and those who produce children to get more income, who ulitimately become a long-term government burden. Government, and many of those dependant on it, have lost accountability. I have seen, worked, helped, aided, many people first-hand this year, that I chose to help, not counting the staggering amount of taxes we've paid. And let's not forget a majority of Americans do NOT want this bill passed. Give the citizens some credit that THIS one is not the right one.
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                            What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

                            Cindy you give an excellent example of the rediculous costs that we all incure due to the high amount of no pay and indigent care that our hospitals are dealing with. My husband works at the Denver hospital that is responsible for the care of those without insurance who cannot pay. There is a minimum of a 5 hour wait in this ER. Many of these cases are not emergency cases, but clinical cases that must resort to using this ER. The burnens put of the medical providers at this and many other hospitals is inhuman! On top of this, the healthcare providers have not received merit raises in over 7 years! This inspite of extended work hours and higher patient load! The cost of those without health insurance who do not pay for care is causing much higher costs for those that do pay. There is No Free Health the end tax payers and providers do Pay!

                            I am furious that the Repubs insist on removing the ability for those age 55 to enter the medicare system if they choose to do so. This one part of this bill would have really helped the citizens of this country in many ways and on many levels!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              What are your feelings about the US Health Care Bill?

                              You have hit the nail on the head. If the problems of the costs for healthcare in this country are not addressed it will not matter if every man woman and child has insurance- because the costs of health care and the way it is 'distributed' (as Kate mentions) is completely out of whack.

                              For example- I visited an emergency room for what amounted to 6 hours where I was not admitted to the hospital, a few tests were performed and I was released. The total bill was 7000.+ I am one of the lucky ones who has health insurance. I received a letter from the hospital that gave me the total amount of the bill (7K) and noted that since my insurance and the hospital had a 'partnership'- the insurance company would only be charged 3800. Therefore I was getting a 'discount'.

                              I ask- WHAT IS THE EXACT COST OF THE TREATMENT???? NO ONE could tell me. If I did not have Insurance Co A and instead had the non-preferred Insurance Co B the hospital would have billed Insrurance Co B the full 7,000. In that instance Insurance Co B would have balked at that high price and an arbitrator would have been brought in to 'negotiate' what would be paid. The 2 parties would have settled for something in the middle. (5k?) Again- lost in this mess is 'what is the real cost of the treatment?"

                              Until this methodology of doing business is sorted out I am afraid our system will remain broken and no amount of insured individuals will correct the problem on the other side of the desk.

                              Rant over.

                              PS- One more thing. About 10 years ago I was in an emergency room. When I received the itemized bill (after asking for it as I had no insurance) - I noticed that I was charged 27.00 for a BAND AID. This was for the Band Aid only. I was charged SEPARATELY for the labor to put it on.

                              OK- rant over now I swear.

