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30 days ???

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    30 days ???

    loss sucks

    I think it may be our ages too Bird, although I dealt w/ death of grandmother, grandfather at young age, then older, my dad, uncle and brother all in one year, my poor mom.................

    Yeah,like Bear would say, "suck it up" that is all we can do, not wallow in it, drinking will just make it worse.............

    I hope and pray that this year won't be such one of losses as the last few............... tho I may be losing alot w/ this divorce, Mike is being a dick, won't agree or help w/ anything or be civil as he said he would, then again he was drunk and stoned when he said that, go figure!?!?

    Sick of it, he says he wants me out, the thing is an appt costs almost as much as this mortgage(a nice one) guess I may be living in a dive?? Whatever??

    Enough complaining, sorry...................................


    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      30 days ???

      I guess it is kinda our age, but geeezzzzz we aren't THAT OLD! Bird so great to see you back on here, and so glad you are still AF, that is wonderful, even if I have to take anabuse again, I'm never going back to the drunken days. I was doing day 1 yesterday, and it was going fine, I had sparkling water, and make a pot of Tazo tea, and then before bed, I got the antsy feeling...and I wanted to get a good nights sleep and I'd read ya have a hard time just going cold turkey, so I poured half a glass of hubby's red, didn't get any of my poison in the house...thought I'd just kinda take the edge off and go to sleep....I tasted it, felt awful guilt, sip another sip...thought..."there ya go, gonna let the beast get ya right before ya can get in day 1".....LOOSER!!! I poured it out, got a glass of milk instead, and went to bed, and slept like a log. Didn't wake up with heart palpatations, or feeling yucky, was proud I told the ol beast off! It really gave me my determination and "power" back to pour it out. I already have alot done today, and more to go. I'm getting my roots done today gotta get groceries in, More2 is off to Hawaii, and we are going to have subzero temps here the next few days, nice today, but tomorrow it hits hard, by Fri. we should be good again. So, I'm going to get hair done, get good yummy stuff at Whole Foods, and tomorrow since its gonna be awful to be out, finish organizing some stuff I had sent up from the other house...I swear we are moving my sending stuff up here in boxes everytime I go back, then hubby gets bored and starts sending stuff in boxes...told him to STOP...can you imagine what guys will send when they clean out stuff.....omg......Anyway, seems we are all on the path to having at the very least a sober year, which has to be a BIG IMPROVEMENT over not having one!!! And MA, thank goodness you'll soon be free of Mike, no matter if ya live in a tent, yeah!!!!!! And More2, I found this great supplement, all natural, and I think its helped me kinda get those first bugger of the lbs off, I still want to loose somemore for sure, but it jump started me enough to feel more positive about making headway, gave me my jeans aren't diggin in my hinney....its called....Anoretix....9 patented weight loss ingredients....Anoretix - Strongest Appetite Suppressant Available Everyone have a great day, and I'll check in later!
      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


        30 days ???

        Shorts huh More2? Lucky you its so friggin cold here. I stepped in a bog hole up to my knee while out for my walk today, got water in my boot geez. Yeah Im still AF, had a couple slips but couldnt deal with the hangovers so still on anty...yeah MA it doesnt matter about the apt. Hell, we live in this dumpy 1970s little trailer the past 7 years. Only meant to stay a month but still here cuz the rents only 225 and only have neighbors on 1 side. And the landlord pays the trash and mows the lawn when it gets about a foot high....


          30 days ???

          yeah well...... why should HE get the house? I'm having a hard time swallowing the fact that there is a remote chance he gets ANYTHING. Grrrrrrr.

          Hey bird! Hey TIT! I've been reading posts and all I can say is Whew!!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            30 days ???


            I am a little better now, off to an aa meeting in a bit, will bawl my eyes out the whole time i am sure...................he is such an ASS..............civil, that is what he said we would be last week, now he is flipped to asshole, sorry to swear so much, just so pissed..............scared to death that I will drink, so going to an aa meeting, my fav one...........lots of good friends there..............can't wait for some hugs...................:l

            eating too, what a concept, haven't all day, TIT, don't need that supplement, definitely the opposite, lost so much weight over the past few months I started to think I may have cancer or something, guess it is just stress tho...............

            Yeah, live in a tent or under a bridge, just was hoping to maybe have the house w/ my horses in the yard, had my hopes up...................talked to my lawyer tonight, but she needs more info to let me know my chances, taking the papers to her office tomorrow AM first thing so the divorce can get filed finally!!!

            love you guys will check in after my meeting..........................:l:h

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              30 days ???

              MA- DO NOT move out of the house. Make Mike move! Rent out a room if you need to. Go to Craigslist and look for ads for people looking for housing. I can help you do a background check on them to make sure you're not getting a real whack job, but hells bells DO NOT give asswipe the house.

              Just my pathetic two cents worth.



                30 days ???

                Ask your lawyer about grounds for divorce for his for habitual drunkenness.

                I would try to make his being at home so miserable he couldn't pack his bags and get out fast enough.

                STOP BEING THE VICTIM, MA!!!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  30 days ???

                  Just was checking in on you. It was so great to talk to you last night but I see how quickly things have changed. Remember this will not be easy but so worth it. Having him say he wants it civil and actually doing it are two different things. You said you trust your lawyer and she said she will be your advocate so let her tell you what to do about the house. It is as much yours as his right now. Call me again anytime or e-mail me. BTW Love all your artwork. You are very talented!!!


                    30 days ???

                    U guys!!

                    I am so happy I checked in tonite during my worse night yet..... Loved talking to u to you all!!!! will call again soon, today w/ my hours & being harrassed by mike while trying to sleep etc sucked!

                    Still sucks!!!

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      30 days ???

                      I know

                      I am so used to being the victim, it really sux!! Really feel free at times, then when confronted w/ him I go into that mode, hate that about me.............sorry sorry sorry all the time.............people are always telling me to stop saying that, more than just one............I need to get over that, but 19 years of it, will take some time................locked the door, am home and safe and warm now, listening to some good music, going to tune out soon I hope.................xoxoxo you guys, love you all!!!:h:h:h:h


                      btw thx time, I love doing my art, it feeds my soul....................
                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        30 days ???

                        MA I love that pic of my little doggie. I'll see if I can find one of the cat.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          30 days ???


                          we have the prelim website going, needs LOTS of work, but will have to start at least charging shipping, costs me about $5 to ship anything in those bubble envelopes..........we'll see how it does...........want to do this more than anything, good to have a day off and a clear head, slept in,much needed..................taking Zac for his drivers test in an hour...............yikes...........:H:H:H

                          website is, but it is still in the works, feedback would be appreciated.............need/want to make this work out.

                          love u guys!!!:l:h

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            30 days ???

                            I have the sitting deal (yay!) so I'll be gone end of Feb.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              30 days ???

                              what is that?

                              What is the sitting deal?? I am sad I won't get to see u then, this trip is becoming a major let down in so many ways........................will make it fun and really really bond w/ Zac. Cannot believe I blew it so badly last night, so upset w/ myself...................:upset::upset:

                              Thanks for the call Greenie, you r so sweet..................I love you to death!!!! Thank GOD for friends like u!!!:h

                              u r the only one who posted anything on my thread, do u know how to delete a thread?? I feel like a fool now.............

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                                30 days ???

                                more 2

                                (oops, meant time2!)I will call u again tonight, and ruby and tit, whoever I can think of, have to work and those long boring hours are killing me, used to have a friend in Cal who I could talk to really late, helped, but not any more................sad but oh well, moving is good.............will reach out to u all, since I need you all so much to stay af.............................

                                lots of love,:l:h:l

                                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

