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Are you a perfectionist?

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    Are you a perfectionist?


    I'm Temma Ehrenfeld, the Newsweek reporter who wrote about My Way Out early on. Right now, I'm writing a story about perfectionism for a magazine called Psychologies, published by the European chain Hatchette fillipacci. It comes out in London (and there are versions in Paris and other cities). For my article, I'm looking for revealing anecdotes from women and men between ages 20 and 50 who consider themselves perfectionists. You need not use your real name for this story.

    Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    1. When you finish a task, do you usually feel you haven't done it as well as you could? Do you check your work over and over for mistakes? Is it hard to consider your work "done"?

    2. Do you procrastinate?

    3. When you have a big success, do you feel happy? Does your happiness fade quickly? Do you think your success was a fluke and can't be repeated? Do you immediately start thinking about the next challenge?

    4. Do you often doubt your own judgment? Do you need to poll friends and family to ask if they approve of your decisions?

    5. Do you expect more of yourself than you would someone else? For instance, if you're 10 minutes late to a meeting would you be annoyed at yourself, even though if a colleague was 10 minutes late you'd think of him as being "basically on time."?

    6. If you make a mistake, do you try to hide it--even from your closest friends, or spouse?

    7. Are you afraid your loved ones would think less of you if they knew everything about you?

    8. Do you feel that your family or coworkers or friends demand perfection from you--more than they ask of themselves or other people?

    9. Are you often disappointed in other people? Are you often annoyed that other people are careless, disorganized, or unprepared?

    10. If you attend an event--a play, movie or concert--with a group of people, are you often the only person who didn't like it? Do you have more criticisms or higher standards?

    11. Let's say you enjoyed a movie, but there was one detail that didn't make sense in the plot, or you didn't like the ending or one of the characters. Would that flaw keep bugging you? Would you not recommend the movie to others because of it?

    12. Do you have a hard time holding back criticism of your spouse or children? Do loved ones or coworkers complain that you're too picky or critical or demanding?

    13. Have you ever lost too much weight because you were trying so hard to thin and perfect-looking? Lost sleep because you worried you weren't good enough? Suffered from depression because of a perceived failure?

    Okay, you answered a lot of these questions you're a perfectionist.

    1. Why do you think you became a perfectionist? Were you always like this from childhood? Did it develop or become stronger in later life--perhaps in times of stress?

    2. Have you tried to be less perfectionistic? Read self-help books? Listened to feedback from others and tried to change your ways? Was it hard? What did you feel? What happened?

    3. How has your perfectionism affected your work? Has it helped you get ahead? Does it make you afraid to try new things?

    4. How has your perfectionism affected your marriage? Your kids?

    5. How do you think your perfectionism relates to your drinking problems? Do you drink to give yourself relief from constant self-criticism?

    Please tell me your stories--those "ahah" moments when your perfectionism was noticeable and you saw that it was affecting your life. (And by the way, you don't have to answer all of these questions, or answer them completely with no typos. )

    It's okay with me if you'd also like to post your responses on the message board but I would like to be written directly as well at with some details about yourself, your job and where you live, and if you are married or have children. Again, if you would prefer to be anonymous, you can give me the background information without your name. We can talk on the phone or continue by email.

    I'm learning a lot about myself working on this story--I had no idea how perfectionistic I am. One of the psychologists I've spoken to says that perfectionism is the "psychological common cold." It's everywhere.

    Best, Temma

    Are you a perfectionist?

    I'm wondering why you are asking a particularly skewed population about perfectionism. Are you writing about alcoholism and perfectionism?


      Are you a perfectionist?

      Congrats Temma!
      We have had lots of imposters here, and so anytime RJ makes the least change, she shares it. This is new to me, but then again I have been away for a few days. Hopefully some others will help me understand. So I am assumming you are who you say you are! We have not heard about this? Just doesnt sound like RJ to post a survey without warning or asking. I have been away a bit and so may be out of the loop. And is this your survey or RJs? Just wondering. There are websites out there to help perfectionists. Google them.

      I am in no place to make decisions, and I hope I am wrong in my assumption here. But on a personal level, I dont feel you are in any position to pose a questionairre. Period.

      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


        Are you a perfectionist?


        I am aware of your great work and will reply to you directly. Thanks for the opportunity.


          Are you a perfectionist?

          Wow, let me explain!

          Sorry gang, I guess I should have provided a head's up!

          Temma emailed me this morning to ask if she could interview me about being a perfectionist. We've become quite close since she first wrote about MWO last year and we keep in constant contact. It was my idea to take the question to the board--I told her I thought our members were much more insightful than me! She had mentioned that in her research she'd found possible ties between perfectionism and addictive personalities, which didn't surprise me given the number of highly functional, successful professionals who hang out here. I told her our message board discussions cover the gamut and all topics were welcome.

          I found Temma's questions pretty interesting and I think they simply serve as a basis for those who are interested in doing some self evaluation. In fact, I read them to my 17 year old daughter today, and it spawned a very interesting and revealing conversation about our personalities!

          So it's all quite innocent, nothing sinister and very much my doing. As I've told Temma, I'm always impressed by the level of intelligence and humor here and I told her she'd probably get some very good feedback for her story.

          (Speaking of humor, someone responded to me saying she'd love to participate but was perfectly sure she wasn't perfectionistic enough, ha.)

          Hope that clarifies any concern about the situation. And yes, Temma is a highly regarded health and science reporter for Newsweek Magazine and Newsweek International among others. Her pieces are also found on MSNBC. She is a warm, generous, funny New Yorker who I'm very proud to call my friend. :-)

          Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


            Are you a perfectionist?

            Thank you for explanation. Back to you, my warm generous funny, insightful and supercompetent friend. Alcoholism is very much associated with perfectionism, and RJ has indeed told me that you folks are smart and candid. Tawnyfrog (what a great name), I'm eager to hear from you...By the way, you don't have to be neat and have sharp pencils to be a perfectionist--I send out emails with typos but I qualify for all kinds of other reasons. Basically, are you hard on yourself? Applying the label to yourself can be therapeutic--it clarifies things. Write. Temma


              Are you a perfectionist?

              I beleive this is true at least of me. Close family and friends are always telling me that I shouldn't be so hard on myself! Procrastinate because I might make a mistake is my m.o., which then becomes a self fullfilling situation and wamo nothing gets done. Creates all kinds of anxiety that I try to medicate away. This became a lifestyle that was impossible to stop once it started. If i could rewrite history I would.
              I don't know where this all started but my guess is that when my 4 year old sister died when I was ten, I as akid tried or thought that if I had done "better" she wouldn't have been sick or she wouldn't have died. Then my brother born with same disease died at 14, somewehere along the way I began to drink and the rest is history. I guess I feel I am never good enough or that no matter how hard I try it won't be enough. This is hardwired in my personality and I have ended up missing out on a lot of life. Well that's it for now. I'm interested to read other procrastination stories, oh by the way, I quit drinking, again --3days ago!


                Are you a perfectionist?

                Hi Temma
                As a background (since you request it ) I am a lawyer, live in Toronto area, Ontario canada. I am married (common law) and dont have children.
                I definitely am a perfectionist according to your questions. In particular, I DO procrastinate, I definitely start worrying/thinking of the next challenge as soon as I complete the first one, I tell myself (even when accomplishing "biggish" things - like when I was called to the Bench and became a lawyer) - "no big deal - anyone could have done it - I am lucky - or fluke"), I think I expect more from myself than I expect from others; I DEFINITELY hide my mistakes from loved ones and others and worry all the time about what others would think if they knew about my mistakes or if they knew everything about me.
                As to when/why this developed, probably when i was very young though I cant pinpoint when - probably as a sense of gaining control over my life. My parents always has high standards too though I wouldnt dream of blaming anyone else. I have often drank to 'escape' the stress/anxiety associated with my own expectations for myself and self-criticism.
                Hope that helps!
                Over 4 months AF :h

