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    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

    Happy new year folkss. I am a bit late, hope its a good year for all.
    AF since 10/26/2009

    It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

      Think the whole world has gone flat. I'm almost sort of looking forward to getting back to work next week.

      Super-mom, I have new respect for you after our last 48 hours when Mr 11 went from being a sweet natured child to a hormonal pre-adolescent!!!!!!!!! Hopefully he will wake as the former again this morning ............

      Getting the withdrawal headaches yesterday and today ............. hanging on in, but feeling a bit weepy and grumpy. I've done it enough times to know how normal it is. Still feel weepy and grumpy though. Anyone feel like giving me a kick up the arse feeel free to do so.
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

        Morning Aspy - hope you had an enjoyable NYE.

        MissB - nah, no arse kicking from me. Guess all you can do is ride it out.

        I'm feeling a bit rounder this morning but I agree - getting stuck into things again will be good. I'm going to have the weekend off and then really throw myself into new projects on Monday. My list is loooong.


          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

          Thanks Tawney and Zen (from one Miss B to another!)..... Might head off and get the paper and order tea and toast for when I return.....!!

          Like you Tawney, I have a big pile of projects to get into on Monday. Is officially still a public holiday, but I plan on getting a jump on the work year (or at least catch up on stuff that I got behind on last year!)
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

            Morning all!
            Welcome back Rag's! I bet you have some stories to tell. We should be so lucky to hear one or three!
            I should be so lucky....just had Kylie on the blower in one ear, and Deb Harry on the mobi in the other, (and Bridgos undoubtably watching on her hidden camera!). Apparently one of the gal's from Bananarama (remember them?) is hitting the piss pretty hard. Look, i'm usually more than happy to help out a fellow traveller who's having a bit of a runabout's, but it's just a bit much this time of year, so i told 'em I'd get Jimmy Little to ring her. Job done.

            May your flat tyreth alway's be inflateth.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

              A big fat happy new year to you Mr G
              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                Thank's Ms. Zepper!
                And i reckon you'll have an absolute CORKER, the way you're going! All the best to you and your's. Especially the pup's!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                  Yes - you should have seen me yesterday when I thought I had killed my computer, the very first thing I did after getting outta bed I was mooching around thinking oh dog what a year I am gonna have.

                  All good now - me 'puter has dried out and we are away laughing again.

                  2010 - BRING IT ON!!!
                  It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                    Zep - if you are still here ...... was at the SPCA yesterday and there was a litter of 6 pups (about 3 months old) that just looked like yours. I wanted to send them down to you for some love and attention, as you obviously do such a great job.

                    Rags - looking forward to the travel tales!
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                      Hello dears.

                      Happy New Year. Being the bizarre character I am, got through last night. Then trashed it today.

                      The wife in legal name only has just popped by the studio flat. The look of disdain is painful. However, it's a good tune going on so that's something.
                      "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


                        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                        "Morning Zen,
                        Big Kev was a chappie of large dimensions who flogged his cleaning products (which were very good) on tele. He was a chummy, chatty chappie and a good salesman.

                        Ooh Hartley, that sounds a bit grim. Hang in there.
                        Tawny and others... have taken out the stained (dog wee ) carpets in another 2 rooms and Mr rags has taken it to the tip. He also came up withthe great idea that as the main (soon to be guest , if we ever get any) bedroom ensuite is so dark and wesyern red cedary, why not go with it and make into a japanese style bathroom. Now isn't he a clever boy. He then expanded that to doing a rice paper makeover of the louvre wardrobe doors I spent a week cleaning and painting. So I've just ordered a couple of how to make shoji panels from Amazon. And just googled a japanese shop at Mittagong about an hour away. " I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so...."
                        But first where can I get a 6mm nail punch? The 5mm one I have is a bit small for the verandah nails. Then the sanding, then the painting in a light colour so I can walk on it barefoot in summer.

                        Mr G, how goes everything??


                          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                          Rags - them's BIG nails! An engineer's punch might do the job. Try McJING Tools Online.


                            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                            Guitarista;783734 wrote: Morning all!
                            Welcome back Rag's! I bet you have some stories to tell. We should be so lucky to hear one or three!
                            I should be so lucky....just had Kylie on the blower in one ear, and Deb Harry on the mobi in the other, (and Bridgos undoubtably watching on her hidden camera!). Apparently one of the gal's from Bananarama (remember them?) is hitting the piss pretty hard. Look, i'm usually more than happy to help out a fellow traveller who's having a bit of a runabout's, but it's just a bit much this time of year, so i told 'em I'd get Jimmy Little to ring her. Job done.

                            May your flat tyreth alway's be inflateth.
                            Oh, this time of year is too hard?


                              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                              Mr. G - no point asking Jimmy Little to ring the young gal. He only talks to Jesus on the Royal Telephone.

                              Hi Never. How you doing today?


                                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                                Thanks Tawny, will google them.

