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    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

    NIght Bridge xxx
    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

      :H:H:H Wavey :goodjob:
      Bet the next one is better & just as entertaining
      Wonder how long is gonna take me to get up the nerve.
      I utterly agree with your theory on not isolating.. have similar plan myself.
      Nighters all!


        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

        Nice to see you Fickle

        Was just thinking/wishing you were online...

        Have you read back about my date?
        What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

          Hi Wavey,
          Yep.. gave me a good chuckle
          I can imagine the nervous buildup and then the relief & inward laughter!
          What a silly goose.. but I guess at that age it's 'normal' behaviour for most city dwellers.
          Main reason why I left the city actually.


            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

            Thought I should report in.. new job is great, really busy & lovely people, learning lots. Also, plenty of opportunity to be social. I've realised starkly how unused I am to being sociable and I've really got to work on 'going out'.

            Had nice fish & chips with kiddos in the park, then home to do a bit of watering (my own + neighbours gigantic garden as they are away) then watched Babe with the kids. They loved it!

            On the way home in the car, my son asked me "Mum, do you wish you could turn back time?" and I said, "Well no. Actually I would not want to live through the things I've lived through again. I think I am happier now than I've ever been and things are going really well for us now. I just wish I could be young & fit again, that's all." Then I realised I'm not actually that 'old' yet.

            So there is my mission from the Goddess of Bounteous Buttocks! Joining Bridge in a challenge. The possibility of getting fit again is here!

            Bit of fencing & digging tomorrow.. still no sign of sunflowers I'm afraid, drought frizzled half my shrubs too.


              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

              Ahhh I must be off to bed. Promised I'd be up early for a 'fixit' day - gotta get most of the work done before it gets too hot!!
              Night Wavey, sweet dreams


                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                fickle;787390 wrote: Thought I should report in.. new job is great, really busy & lovely people, learning lots. Also, plenty of opportunity to be social. I've realised starkly how unused I am to being sociable and I've really got to work on 'going out'.

                Had nice fish & chips with kiddos in the park, then home to do a bit of watering (my own + neighbours gigantic garden as they are away) then watched Babe with the kids. They loved it!

                On the way home in the car, my son asked me "Mum, do you wish you could turn back time?" and I said, "Well no. Actually I would not want to live through the things I've lived through again. I think I am happier now than I've ever been and things are going really well for us now. I just wish I could be young & fit again, that's all." Then I realised I'm not actually that 'old' yet.

                So there is my mission from the Goddess of Bounteous Buttocks! Joining Bridge in a challenge. The possibility of getting fit again is here!

                Bit of fencing & digging tomorrow.. still no sign of sunflowers I'm afraid, drought frizzled half my shrubs too.
                How old are you Fickle? (If you don't mind me asking)
                What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                  THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                  My sunflowers are 2 feet high
                  What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                    Here I am again..

                    Nowhere near ready to sleep, due to Holidays and not drinking..

                    And all you lot are in bed...

                    I s'pose I'll watch shit DVD's for the next few hours..

                    Night all xxx
                    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                      Morning all!
                      Waves, did you eventually get to sleep? You didn't passively ingest coke did you?! Good to see you friend, and you're over the 'hump' now, re dating, non? Yes. And there are plenty of people out there with lot's and lot's of different addiction's. Shop around. Maybe a nice girl with a bit of O.C.D. might be useful. You could let her loose cleaning the house one weekend?

                      Great to hear you like your new job Fick's. Your description applies to mine too. I'm lucky to have landed in such a good team of folk. My bosses are great too. Respectful, flexible, open to new idea's/project's. Lot's of room to be creative. Total opposite to truckin' world, where it's deadlines and moron city.

                      How are you going there Sky? Have you read the 'toolbox' thread in monthly abstinence section?

                      How' your w/kend Jane Rees, of 1/247 Lygon st. Nth. Carlton, 3044. ph. 934578450?

                      Hornos, have a great w/kend down here! Err, just went out to get the paper. Saw some chick in a flowing pink frock laying some rubber in a ute down Lygon street. Was that you?

                      Have a great day folk's, and shake those asses!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                        Yawn .... stretch.....hmmm Saturday.
                        Looks like our little fella had post date wind down to deal with last night. Sorry Davo. Tried to stay up with you, but did all the mowing etc yesty & was knackered.

                        Day 2 for me , Fickle fellow Goddess of Lipolysis.....and I'm fully expecting headaches and withdrawals. Carbs are the root of all evil. Added to that I'm getting together with some old uni buddies who still think they're 18 or 12 or something. There will undoubtably be booze as well as carbs aplenty. I'm actually MUCH more worried about the carbs, which is just bizarre.:H I'll just BYO in a big way and tell them I'm pregnant ..... hat should do it.
                        HAve you officially started my love? Picked a plan Stan ?
                        The cicadas were up early and screaming this morning, so it's gonna be a hot one.
                        Have a super special one Mr G. Working ? Or gone out to comb the streets for an OCD girllfriend ?
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                          Morning all
                          Its sooo good to wake up happy, im loving it....
                          Well tomorrow the whole family including hubbie which is a first in a long while will be driving down to Rockingham and going on a full day tour watching the dolphin and feeding the pinguins (sp) then seeing the sea-lions.....I cant wait, although I will have to get up at about 6am and drag the boys out of bed so that should be fun!!!!!
                          Well I think I might have a lazy day hanging around the pool today with my boys
                          Hope you all have a great weekend
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                            Great going Ronnie! Once again enjoy hearing your are 'in the ZONE'!!:l

                            Wavey, I've told you how old I am already... short term memory loss???:H

                            Thinking of Tawns at the BIG GREEK WEDDIN' in the HEAT! Every lady I've seen today at the shops has been a sweaty mess including me. Hope you did NOT wear a cardie.

                            Thinking of Starty & Ktab etc in the BIG FREEZE! (have family on Hols in London right now too)

                            So glad you're job's still great G'man, am hoping mine stays so too.. another thing to put on list to be rid of... my eternal suspicion that I'll jinx myself if I say things are going well.

                            Bridgee, my plan was to start this weekend, however was convinced by someone I should not leap from binge to zero overnight. Started 'titrating down' my daily dose a few days ago and am down to 2 standard drinks yesterday. Am doing same today as the heat is doing my head in. This has worked for me before (modding is ok provided I'm quickly on my way to AF) and expect to be day 1 AF either Sun or Mon. Mon might be easier as weekends are crazy for me. MUST not overdo exercise as that sends blood sugar into a whirl & I forget myself. Must get AF at least a week FIRST! This is a bummer as the exercise improves the mood.

                            Did heaps today with kiddos.. Bought new spade AND mattock (oh joy!!), planted heaps of agapanthis seeds in special little raiser (they are great survivors in drought), young fella got me over my car wash phobia and we now have sparkling wagon with no bird poop in sight. It was actually fun! :H I got kiddos over their dish washing phobia by convincing them if we did it all together we could have it all done in 45 mins and proved it. My fave workout tape + threat of no x-box helped

                            In about an hour it should be cool enough to get out there and finish fence + do a bit of digging with new bits & pieces.

                            Won't be on here tonight as I know I'll drink if I do. Twill be an early night for me after gardening & dinner. Reading very good book by Dr from Kogarah. Have to start new thread on that.

                            Angel, MsB, Sea and anyone else I've not mentioned, still reading & enjoying your posts!

                            Will check out your work in the lounge later Reggie

                            Go well everyone!!


                              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                              Hi all. I've just spent a very long day sorting out clothes to get rid of. I've been very savage about it, knowing I will regret it, but the clothes that I hang onto in the hope that one day they will fit again is ridiculous! I've also sorted/thrown away paperwork that is old and or useless. Bit of a worry throwing away personal particulars in the recycle bin, but I just didn't know of any other way to get rid of so many. It has half filled the bin. Found a few interesting notes I'd written to myself years ago both when sober and drunk. It was very disturbing reading.
                              Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010


                                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                                Hi guys.
                                Ficks and Bridgee are you knocking the carbs on the head?
                                What plan are you using? I struggle with carbs reduction as I am a veggie, its hard to raise the protein levels of my diet..
                                Sky, when I have a clear out I burn personal info, I wouldnt want to leave it for anyone to find. We have a little portable incinerator great for that sort of stuff.
                                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

