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    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

    evening all!

    logged in last night but was so completely taken aback with Mr G's antics that I was left speechless!!

    Aspman ........ great job on the boot camp!! Is it one of those horribly early morning ones just to make it even more full of fun???!!:H:H

    Time to bump my own exercise regime up a bit again. I'm still feeling like a misery guts myself .... but a lot of that is about Mr B being in Canberra for all this month and next. And definitely had enough of my mother. She has reverted to hyper-critical parent mode. But not exercising (just haven't had the time much since before Xmas) is definitely contributing to my feeling a bit down in the dumps. So back to the gym tomorrow for me (I should have gone to swim squad tonight, but after 10 hours working I opted for the lavendar bubble bath instead!!)

    But you are so right Tawny ..... we just have to learn to live with our embuggerances big and small, and deal with them.

    Angel ....... thinking of you of you are out there. Hope you aren't having to deal with too many embuggerances yourself :l
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

      Meant to mention - Jane ... knnow exactly what you mean about the screen close down! Its one of the reasons I dont log in to MWO from work unless I can be sure that people aren't going to need to get to the stationery area which is just behind me!!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

        Miss Behaving;793216 wrote:

        Angel ....... thinking of you of you are out there. Hope you aren't having to deal with too many embuggerances yourself :l
        I'm here...just taking time to settle into the new routine. And my family's fucked...I just have to stop contact for my own mental health. I sent one brother (the one that went nuts a couple of months back)a birthday text the other day & he came back calling me a bitch & telling me to fuck off...I've never done anything but try to support him. Meanwhile another brother is now saying he's suicidal & is always angry & saying no-one's helping him - his idea of help is to go to his ex-partners & kidnap his son for him....
        I haven't seen Jim regularly either of late - major embuggerance. But, I start with a personal trainer on Friday morning and today discovered that the other girls in the office do a kick boxing class which I'll join too.
        Ugh, enough moaning from me...
        Love youse *mopey face*


          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

          Guitarista;792849 wrote:
          and Geoff? well, he kept insisting on having a feel
          See?? The good things always happen to someone else....tehehe


            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

            Ahh, Angelios. Keep your chin up, beautiful friend. Kickboxing is good. I hope you are getting some degree of creative satisfaction from new job?

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

              I love all of youse. Well, not actually 'love' but I really do 'like'.

              'Cause you're real. I think.

              And if I were even vaguely that way inclined, I'd add a huggy throbby hearty gizmo thing right now Bur I'm not. So - get overit.

              Mwah mwah mwah


                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                Mornin peeps,

                Jane, Zenners, I've been at this for years.. it took me a long time to figure out just which way to jump with it and what I want to DO about it.

                Just putting my twopence in here... need to vent a wee bit.. having lots of wierd thoughts.. last night was HEAVY.. just finding this difficult at the mo. Observing triggers & cravings then thinking them through. For example: small person chucks wobbly & carries on like pork chop at 7.30pm.. I think 'I will deal better with this with a glass of wine in my hand'.. I observe rediculousness of thought and decide to go to my room. Bed, calm, good idea! I then announce I'm shutting down for the night = Dumb thought leads to sensible action.

                I am allowed to be tired. Hmmm pondering why I become the collapsable girl every eveing after dinner though.

                Found an Aussie amino mix that is as good as MWO's. Still trying to figure what I need at what time to preserve my equalibrium.

                When triggered I get that yearning sensation in my throat. I realised years ago when quitting the fags I had a similar sensation whenever an argument appeared immanent. Oh well, I did it then.. can do this now.

                That is all


                  THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                  Hey MissyB & Angel,
                  Hope embuggerances are few today my dears.. and yes, Kickboxing is excellent Angel... even that Cardio Boxing thing is Awesome! Tho not sure if it made more or less agressive.. or whether I was just letting the top off something
                  Only know the punches this little woman was throwing at me last time I did it were massive! It was V satisfying at both ends tho. Praps us ladies need to box more often.


                    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                    My current batch of EBG™ seems to be working extremely well and I don't have any probs at the mo. Quite the contrary - I'm feeling great. So yesterday morning I sat in an area I'd been working on, admiring the plants I'd just watered and listening to the wind-chimes and feeling really calm and serene; appreciating the general beauty of things. So why on earth would the "a G&T would be nice" thought creep into my head? This was at about 10:30am. I haven't done morning drinking for years now. Guess this crap is pretty deeply ingrained.

                    I got up, slapped myself upside the head and cleaned the bathroom. It was only a thought. Another one came along pretty quickly.


                      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                      Guitarista;793258 wrote: Ahh, Angelios. Keep your chin up, beautiful friend. Kickboxing is good. I hope you are getting some degree of creative satisfaction from new job?
                      Thanks doll (and everyone else) - yes I'll be kicking the crap outa that kick thingy. The job is wonderful G - loving it.
                      I better get to it.
                      Have a lovely day all.



                        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                        tawnyfrog;793471 wrote: So why on earth would the "a G&T would be nice" thought creep into my head? This was at about 10:30am. I haven't done morning drinking for years now. Guess this crap is pretty deeply ingrained.

                        I got up, slapped myself upside the head and cleaned the bathroom. It was only a thought. Another one came along pretty quickly.
                        Hmm, it'll prolly never leave us entirely but hey, you'll have a clean bathroom!!!
                        You did good.



                          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                          Morning all
                          Angel & ficks i hope you are feelling better today, and well done ficks for leaving the booze alone...great job. Like Tawney says....its only a thought in your head!!
                          This is really mind over matter which I think Mr G pointed out one time but it is so true, I am on day 20 now and already i feel my life has changed for the better, I know 20 days is'nt alot for many but I am so proud of myself and I like myself again......well thats me done for now.....
                          I think im off to the beach to make a sandman....if my boys dont change their minds AGAIN, then I must cut the grass, its looking a bit like a jungle, at least it has cooled down now, well untill the weekend anyway then it will be up to 40 again, so id best get as much done as poss.
                          Hope you have a great day
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                            So, in light of today's threads re CowGal, I feel really crappy about making jocular posts.

                            I'm sorry.


                              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                              I just logged in and saw the news about CowGal. That is so tragic.


                              Just putting my twopence in here... need to vent a wee bit.. having lots of wierd thoughts.. last night was HEAVY.. just finding this difficult at the mo. Observing triggers & cravings then thinking them through. For example: small person chucks wobbly & carries on like pork chop at 7.30pm.. I think 'I will deal better with this with a glass of wine in my hand'.. I observe rediculousness of thought and decide to go to my room. Bed, calm, good idea! I then announce I'm shutting down for the night = Dumb thought leads to sensible action.

                              I am [u]allowed to be tired. Hmmm pondering why I become the collapsable girl every eveing after dinner though.

                              Fickle - you might be finding it hard work but you are doing so well!! I find tiredness and noise are major triggers for me. Today I had to run a 6 hour meeting and there was construction work going on over our heads ....... by the end of it I was just about crawling the walls. Have been practicing just shutting myself away somewhere quiet for 5 minutes when I start to feel like that and do some deep breathing, and that seems to help .....!

                              Angel - my heart goes out to you. And yep, keeping our own sanity is pretty important, even if it does mean cutting off or limiting contact. Go kick butt!! Or a hanging bag at least!!

                              Ronnnie: How on earth does your grass grow[/u] in that heat??!!

                              Hello Tawny, Mr G anyone else who is around. Another early night for me ......
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                                Hey Miss B, hope you are having a nice quiet calm and restful evening after that meeting & stuff!

                                I'm afraid it is physical for me too.. not just a thought... I actually think it's to do with the sugar stuff.. had it again today but held it off till I scoffed some fish & salad so now am past it.

                                It is soooo hard to eat right isn't it when there is freakin meetings & crap all day!

