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    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

    Hi all
    Thanks Sky and everyone for all your best wishes, I am going to decorate the outside of my house in a minute with Ausie flags as we have to be up early in the morning.
    I have just come back from getting all our bits for our celebration BBQ....Steak & Prawns....yum yum
    If I sdont get a chance......I hope you all have a wonderful Australia Day
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010


      Ronnie, repeat after me:-

      "Oztrayans all let us ring Joice, for she is young & free" - I want you to sing those words loud & proud baby. Joice is a bloody legend & a Strayan icon - she sits on a tuckerbox near Wagga Wagga & loves to have a beer with Duncan (but they never ever ever get rolling drunk)

      You're all bona fide nutjobs & I loves ya.
      I also think the Strayan of the year is bonza - youth mental health, as you are all aware, is something close to my heart. Those crazy feckers I'm related to.

      I'm having some true Aussie tucker for dinner - yes, a stir fry.



        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

        oh and welcome Mazzie...good to see ya mate (I've come over all ocker)



          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

          Phew -thank dog you showed up, Angel ... I've been singing
          "Australian girls are all called Joyce,
          they give us sex for freeeee ..."


            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

            Well, tonight's dinner is another classic Strayan dish. The old kake soba. Mmmmm.

            Nice to see you Grinder!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010


              Well, I had Sauerbraten with Kartoffelkloesse and Rotkraut just like the women of the Mallee have been cooking for centuries. Well, a couple a'hundred years anyway.

              Moving to the digesting chair. Hope it still fits.


                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                Thank's for the warning. Err..... i'll just be over in the lounge for awhile.......

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                  Angelcakes;795834 wrote: she sits on a tuckerbox near Wagga Wagga & loves to have a beer with Duncan (but they never ever ever get rolling drunk)
                  bugger me .... never knew this was Slim Dusty before tonight!! I grew up thinking it was a John Clarke original ("I love to have a beer with Robert"...... aka Rob Muldoon)
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                    Man vs. Wild.
                    Well, he's sure got the yuppies mesmerised. There'll doubtless be another series. The bloke's a clown, but, the thing i admire about him is he's got an angle. He went to the broadcast bunnies with the concept, and sold it. He's laughing all the way to the bank, but i hope to Jesu christu he doesn't ever, ever get lost in the wild. :aussie:

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                      Happy Oystralia Day!!

                      From across the Tasman, hope you guys are all having a lie-in. Except of course for Ronnie!!

                      And just a chance to say thanks for all the nuttiness and support that you bring to this thread!

            [/video]]YouTube - Australian National Anthem - Advance Australia Fair

                      (there is even a picture of reggie at the end of this clip......)
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                        Happy Australia Day all you Aussies.
                        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                          Morning All

                          To all Aussies out there - have a great day. And everyone else too. Ronnie, hope becoming an Aussie is a good thing for you - enjoy the ceremony. Thanks for the welcome Angelcakes and everybody.

                          I luv reading what you guys have written - always have a laugh - thank you. I'm way too serious thats for sure but maybe if I hang around here long enough I might loosen up a bit!!!

                          So whats everyone doing today. So good to be having a holiday for starts.
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                            Morning Mazzie and all to come, hope you all have a wonderful Australia Day.

                            Hang around with us Mazz - it's bound to rub off.

                            Angel - I agree - stoked to see Patrick McGorry get the main gong but I'm a tad miffed that Maggie Beer got Senior Australian of the Year. I was SURE I had that in the bag.

                            Ronnie - I hope your ceremony will be wonderful. They're usually very emotional.

                            Right - I'm off to hose down the wombats and clean the echidnas.

                            Let the celebrations begin:[/video]]YouTube - Herb Patten - Allegro Music Australia - Boutique Event Entertainment Booking Agency


                              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                              HAPPY STRAYA DAY EVERYBODY:aussie::aussie::aussie::aussie::aussie:
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                                I hear that over in Perth, there are 2000 + folk's getting their citizenship today. Wow! What an atmosphere that'll be, and our Ronnie is one of them. Yay!

                                Of course, for many of us, today is a double edged sword, with the pain of European settlement still being endured by our indigenous brother's and sister's. But, for me, and many other's i know, i see us all moving ahead together, sometimes too slowly, but nonetheless, moving forward, as one people, united in our diversity. Lot's of room for improvement, but, what a nation we are!

                                And this humble little thread, is a fine example.

                                Have a reflective, and ripper of a day all!

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

