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    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

    Did someone call me?


    Hallo' Underoos-

    -Mr Gack


      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010


      nothing to say.

      Have a good one ...... bit late for work
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

        Morning all,

        It's nice to be wearing my old clothes again. Didn't recognise myself in my Australia Day clobber.

        Good luck with addiction counsellor today Miss B - hope she/he is a good one for you.

        Guess now that a lot of the kids go back to school it's officially the end of the silly season and everybody's back at work etc. So let's get on with our year and stick to our plans.



          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

          Good Morning Everyone

          Thanks for the welcome. Day 2 AF for me. Think I still have remnants of a hangover from the last one I tied on! This seems like a fun thread. I'm a bit undecided on whether I want to do antabuse or just do it along (some L'Glut) Any input would be welcomed.

          What's everyone up to today? I have the day off and apart from maybe a walk or bike ride and some ironing that's it for me.


            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

            Lunchtime check in from me.

            AussieNurse - good stuff on Day 2. Can't comment on the antabuse or any other meds - I only took supplements in the early days. I don't know if you've read the My Way Out book (it's an easy read, down-loadable) which I think(?) is how a lot of us started. From there we formulated our own plans to see which route we'd take. Some of the regulars here went cold turkey, others are using baclofen - one recurring thing I notice is everybody seems to think that exercise is of major importance.

            I finally managed to get the ute off the stump using a jack, hand saw, hammer and chisels. I started this process yesterday, just sawin' and whittln' away little pieces but gave up after I whomped the back of my hand with the hammer. Went back to it today and guess what - whomped myself in the same place three times more. Guess my career as a hand-model is buggered.

            The up side is ... I have a going ute again which I shall take to the tip tomorrow to do a delivery and (hopefully) a pick-up.

            Life on the land is grand.
            Even with a fat hand.
            Glad I don't work in a band.
            Do love a nice ampersand.

            (add appropriate smiley gizmo here)


              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

              Tawny - that sounds right painful!! Hope you have some arnica on hand. Ice?? Or is that too much to ask of an aussie fridge at the mo? Glad you have the ute going again though.

              You haven't got Mr Rockefeller holed up with you have you?? (apologies if this doesn't make sense ....... in the news here but may not be where you are)

              Aussie Nurse ...... you are probably better qualified than anyone else to decide about antabuse. I do know that when I talked to my GP about it, she advised against it (she is unusual in being quite anti-medication unless absolutely necessary) in favour of trying out diet, exercise and supplements as a first option. She also suggested trying acupuncture ...... I haven't done that, but have heard good things about its success rate for people giving up smoking.

              Betty-puss is driving me nuts with her daily offerings of the latest kill. I can only be grateful that she has given up on larger items (rats, blackbirds) and now is content with wetas, moths and some other insect that I cant name (but about 6 inches long). She has a 12-hour clock .... brings them in every day at 5am and 5pm. We have an abundance of bees at the moment, and I rather suspect that she might get a sting before too long .....uchy:

              Counsellor today was good. I really liked her as she was quite unorthodox ........ what she was saying sat well with me on an immediate level, but will hold off saying what I liked about that until I have processed a bit more. Anyway, this session was just an introductory one to see whether we thought we could work together. We will meet again next week to discuss that and if we agree to go ahead, will commit myself to 10 sessions.

              sorry for the lone/long rave ........ it is because I dont have Mr B to rabbit on at!!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                Decision made

                I have decided against antabuse, mainly because of the risk of liver damage. I have started on naltrexone - I know overseas is used in the sinclair method but over here is used as a deterrant for someone to stay sober. I've decided on Nal because if I were too cave and have a drink I wouldn't get a buzz/numbing effect so would defeat the purpose for me. I know it's not going to be easy and I need to get out walking or ride my bike to get those natural endorphins happening. I start my new job on Monday - very exciting - big challenge and finally normal hours 9-5.30 mon - fri. No more night dutys etc. so that might help getting some balance in my life. Also I really want to do well in this job so I need a clear head. I have also got some L'glut and shall start that tomorrow.

                I ain't got Mr. Rockefellar here, although the store he was alledgely spotted in is not too far from here. It's extremely mysterious isn't it? Something a little suspicious I'm thinking - mmm. maybe wife or family member knocked him off. Maybe I'm just way too cynical! lol.

                Hope everyone has a lovely night.


                  THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                  OMG has the frigging ute been on the stump all this time ?:upset::H
                  Be back later gators....muchos buisioso......cracking onto a bloke on the internet:h:H
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                    Don't know what all the fuss is about. Rocker's is on a bender with Peter Andre in Croatia. Well at least that's what i think Mick Kelty was mumbling about when he rang me about 'Hapless Hewitt's' performance at 4.00 this morning, though he admitted he'd had a few. (I just told him.....keep punchin' Mick. One day at a time bro' can do it, me door's alway's open 24/7 etc, etc, )

                    Ronnie, you haven't fallen into the Austraya day bowl of punch have you?!.......;-)

                    Great news on the ute Hornos!
                    Missios, best wishes with the counseeling. Sounds like a not unpromising start?
                    Nurse Oi, great stuff on day 2 af. That is a fantastic effort! Keep going, and get a couple more day's under your belt, and you should start to feel great. Have you read the 'Toolbox' thread yet? Important reading, particularly in the early af day's.

                    Fickopolous, how are you going there? Please check in......

                    What are you up to Bridge?

                    Esky, Pan, Beagle, Sky, please check in and let us know how you are going.

                    Where's me fish Reginald?:bowtie:

                    (back 2 back Rex)

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                      :yougo: You shameless hussy Bridget! :ey::rockband:

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                        Evening all....
                        Just catching up on the goings on.
                        Aussie Nurse - welcome, good to see ya. Haven't tried any meds myself but diet, exercise & good ole' determination is my thing. I'm a shipload better than I was a year ago. Oh, and these people keep me real.
                        Bridge - go crackers!
                        MissyB - I'm so glad your going to a's quite brave I think.

                        Saw a VERY un-Strayan thing yesterday at 'The Biggest Aussie Barbie' which was hosted by some lovely new Strayans. They had banger sangers BUT, the sangers were sitting there all ready(so no barbie smell)...the banger had gone cold & tough and they charged me $7.50 for a banger sanger...$7.50???? I said 'let's blow this barbie & hit the beach'....which we did, along with everyone else in Sinney. Was beaut...but every man & his dog were, champers, goon...was tempted, said no & slept like a baby. Woke up feeling refreshed & happy.

                        Will check back in tomoz.


                          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                          $7.50 for a feckin snag?! Lawdy!
                          Well done Grinder in not succumbing to another illusion/delusion, that we need a drink to have fun. Bullshit. And a delusional lie. Have a lovely sleep.

                          Well, g'night all, sweet dream's, and take care out there, especially you there in the wing's.....;-)

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                            Evening all
                            I had a great day yesterday, although I did go through a tiny tough patch as all the neibours decided to turn up at our in the evening but I got through it and just drank cola all night, so I am very proud of myself today.
                            Well I got my boys hair cut today ready for the start of school on Monday, just got to make sure I have all their school bits and then they are all ready.
                            Well im off to lay on the sofa for the night.
                            Sweet dreams all
                            :dancin: enguin:
                            starting over


                              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                              Forecast for today: "the odd shower is possible. 23 degrees". It has been the same forecast for the whole of the last week and it bears no resemblance to the actual weather. Yesterday it was fine all day and 27. The day before that it was cold and windy and 15 degrees.

                              Its so great that the only thing I have to moan about this morning is the weather!

                              Cats being particularly endearing this morning and I am reluctant to leave them for work .........
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                                Morning Missios, and all to come.
                                You are still in the arena Missi, and that is moving forward.

                                Well, had Steve Jobs on the blower about half 3 this morning telling me Susan's (Boyle) had a burgaler!
                                She shooed the bloke away, but you'll never guess who it was....................Yep, one Andre,P. Now, what is WRONG with this bloke?! He doesn't need the money, he's just being an eeidjot. Apparently drunk again. Look, i'm not that keen to intervene, but it's been suggested to me to ring Jimmy Little. Must admit, my patience is wearing very thin with this clown, and a few week's with Jim, might be just what the boofhead need's.

                                Anyway, enough of my personal woe's. Have a safe, sober, and magical day folk's!

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

