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    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

    Morning all,
    And a leisurely start to the w/kend for the young fella with the day/wkend off, and a nice lay in.

    Aussie nurse, great going! The appearance of the word's 'nurse' and 'blew' in the same post, raises my heartrate for some reason.

    Missios, can you still just pull on the speedo's and jump in for the swim, even though you may have to pull out halfway, and just get in there for the experience and not the competition, or is it too late to register?
    Strength to you with the family stuff. Don't forget you can, and are expected to vent, and or lean on us here, 24/7, ok?

    Fick's, Bridge, Angelious, :h Hornos, :thumbysup:

    Of course, Ronnie is beyond the emoticon language, she who can do no wrong.

    Fickos, You are not crap. You are an amazingly beautiful, and inspiring person, in my opinion, and it's so great to have you around this place. You must be awesome in real life.
    Your job news defo would take the wind out of anyone's sail's, but for me, after a little bit of a quiet whinge, and reflection of who i am, what i want, what i mean, and my pricelessness, and the unique magic that is me (you), i'd kick even more arse in the job, and just do it as brilliantly, as you can, (which i'm sure you would anyway) and as positively as you can, with a smile on your face, and totally just enjoy yourself. Have faith in you, and what the universe really does provide for those of us being true to ourselves, and having a red hot go. Something really grand will eventuate from this. Don't forget, you are still there 'till June at least.
    This is how my mind would tackle the situation anyway. Just a thought my friend.

    Pump it up Ms. Sky!

    Have a fab POET'S day folk's!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

      Reggie, how are you going, old salt?

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

        [QUOTE=Guitarista;797593]Evening all,
        Hi Sky! Great going on day 25....Wow! Doing it tough, eh? Have you read the 'gratitude vs. deprivation' spiel in the Toolbox thread? If you're missing the grog routine, a read of that might help you shift your thinking. Keep going to 30 day's at least will ya?! Bravo![QUOTE]

        Thanks Mr G. And thanks Ficks. I have my good days and bad days. It's not the routine I'm missing, it's the actual taste. I am grateful for every morning I wake up sober and alert. The last hangover is still clearly etched in my mind. No worries about going to 30 days and beyond. I don't want to drink again and I hope I will be able to achieve that. Just because I'm doing it tough doesn't mean I'm going to throw in the towel. Not easily anyway. :thanks:
        Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010


          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

          Is everyone ready for Feb Fast?
          Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010


            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

            [QUOTE=Sky;798074] Is everyone ready for Feb Fast?[/QUOT

            YES! ( some days in, but not counting!)
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

              ooooh ooooh oooh - sorry to interrupt - I just saw that Wattle is on line!

              Wattle - how are you doing old/young girl????? How's the new house?


                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                Arvo all
                Just a very quick check in as I have a night game today and I have to get ready
                Mr G you are Soooo sweet, you always cheers me up, not that I need cheerring up at the moment cause I am soooo happy sober its great.
                Tommorrow night will be a different story as my Mum & Dad go back to the UK then, but I have saved lots of jobs to do in the evening as we have a carnival early on Sunday so I have to make pack lunches and all......
                It will be another year until I see them again....but hey at least I can speak to them on the phone.
                Hope you all have a great evening
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                  Hi all only read back a bit Im slack I feel I dont really contribute to this thread with enough support ...I just play the fools card and piss off sorry dont get the wrong impression I AM serious about living my life sober its very important to me and family..... THE RENOS have started so wont be on much...Ronnie,Angel,Bridge,Sky,Miss B and Nurse in the psych ward and all others I may have missed you are all bloody brill and your efforts to live life with out the booze you are so important to this online community...go forth be sober...for those that dont know I take baclofen and it is a life saver for me ...I wish i could take the amazing Gale force way ( Love ya mate you are the best) but I need help with the craving thing for those interested check this thread out ...disclaimer not for every one!!!! ..any way like ronnie my life is full with the wonderful questions my 8 year is the moment she insists stating" Sorry I Farted" every time she pops off..... Im trying to explain to her NEVER tell ....I fished out my old "who Farted Book" which is full of funny photos of people in a room of people with one person looking Suspect...I think my daughter is getting it:H....any way big hugs to the wonderful fickle :land ....luke warm sweaty hand shake for TF :mad-door::mad-door:...where is ASPY hope he is well...sorry to fart on must xbe off BE WELL all..
                  for Gious :b&d: I know he into a bit of B & D

                  Night all I respect you immensley


                    THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                    Morning all,
                    Yep Ronner's, sober is great indeed! You get to a point, well, for me, where my world could come crashing down around me, and it would be okay, such is my joy and gratefulness in being sober. Sobriety is the foundation for me, from which all else flow's. This might sound sad to a 'normal' person/drinker, but it's true for me right now, and that's okay.

                    Nice gig last night, yay! Had to laugh....last night at said gig, a friend asked me do my mates appear any different to me, when in a drinking environment now i don't drink? I calmly pointed at a mate who as if on cue, let rip a raucous, drunken laugh, and said....'i rest my case'. Ahh, it really is fun for me being sober in a bar! Oh, and some grand guitarin' was played...yeahhhhhh.

                    the sun is a shinin', and a whole day ahead, to do with what i please! Ahh, freedom! Not shackled to a bottle, or cask, or bottleshop hours, or another mindless stay at home drunken day. Nope, I my friend's, am Free!

                    A safe, sober, magical day to all.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                      Morning all
                      Great post Mr glad your gig went well.
                      It was a good night last night both my boys won and usually when its a night game the beers come out, which they did ..... but I just drank my coffee so I am pleased with myself.
                      I dont really want today to end as tonight is the night my parents go home, but I know I will be strong and not head straight to the bottle as soon as their car goes out of sight, I have got this far and I want to go further, I am going to go all the way.....Day 29 A/F today and I am going to make sure that I get to day 30.
                      Well thats me for now as I am going to sort my boys school bits out ready for monday.
                      Hope you all have a lovely Saturday
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                        Ditto from me, what Ronnie said Mr G.
                        Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010


                          THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                          Wow - a spectacular day here .... best one of the whole year so far. Fabulous for the ocean win (and no Mr G, didn't jump in ....... I'm not particularly competitive; my enjoyment of it is very tied up with the satisfaction of doing the training culminating in the event.) and some record times recorded. Went for a very long walk with a friend around the coast and beaches were packed. And perfect weather for the AC/DC concert tonight!!!

                          Big week coming up for Wellington - sevens weekend next weekend. It is the one week of the year when Wellingtonians stop being serious and have a good time. Lots of fun .....

                          Ronnie it is great that you are so determined!! Hard for you to see your parents off though.

                          Next weekend Mr B is coming back for a week for some meetings in Auckland and his neices wedding ...... I'm counting down the days!! I'm missing him so much .... although it has also been a useful opportunity for me to spend some time in self-contemplation! Will be good to be in Ak for a bit of a break and to spend some time with my brother at the same time. He is at a point where is going to go into residential care ..........and I'm trying to get my mother up there to see him again, but that means actually driving her up and back as she isn't able to fly because of her medications (she reckons anyway - I reckon she has made this up as an excuse,, as she have never liked flying anyway!!).

                          Hope you all have a lovely evening!
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                            So.... I came home early from my night out with a bloody handsome find this thread empty ???????????
                   Froglet would say....
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                              bridget tells us more about this bloody handsome man..........where did he take you? Are you going to see him again?
                              Well my Mum & Dad have now left and I am a very sad bunny.....BUT on a good note I am sitting here typing away with A CUP OF COFFEE and NOT a bottle of beer, although now I will be awake all night but at least I will be sober!!!!!
                              I am up at 5.30am tommorrow as my middle boy has yet another tee-ball carnival so a very busy day ahead for me, at least it will take my mind off of missing my parents....well for a little while anyway.
                              Hope you are all dreaming of lovely things
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over


                                THE NEXT YEAR THREAD Jan 1st 2010

                                You know Ronnie ... I have to are the BEST Mum....... I just hope that you think of yourself sometimes too.....not just going AF, which is the best move ever.....But treating yourself and just getting some time to yourself occasionally.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

