Take twelve whole months-
Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate and jealousy.
Make them just as fresh and clean as possible.
Cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one different parts,
But don?t make up the whole bath at once.
Prepare it One Day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day-
One part faith, one part patience, one part courage and one part work.
Add to each day ?
One part hope, faithfulness, generosity, and kindness.
Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation and one good deed.
Season the whole with a dash of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun,
a pinch of play and a cupful of humor.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy
Garnish with a smile
Serve with quietness, unselfishness and cheerfulness.
You?re bound to have a Happy New Year!