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January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

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    January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

    Greetings JJDI's!

    I haven't been able to think of a nick name for our crew this month so I'm going with JJDI. (Jan. Just Do It) And I can't think of a mode of transport for this thread either...Sooty, you might have the month off from piloting!

    LBH, what kind of warm ground are you imagining? Mine would be a blanket spread out on soft grass. Oh, an how are your pansies doing? On Jan. 1 I planted some herb seeds in a little window "greenhouse" I bought at Loews. The kit came with basil, curly parsley and chives. I added cilatro, too. I'm desperate for some green.

    Speaking of "green", Lil, I think I will calculate my savings since not buying wine and vodka. Should be interesting.

    Openheart, I am an independent sort, too so I relate to what you said. But I have needed the support of others to help me with this particular struggle. I wasn't doing very well with it on my own. There is just something so helpful about hearing others as they approach this effort. I get inspiration everyday here. WARNING: This thread can be addictive!:H

    Cyn, I am curious as to what you do for a living and why you travel so much. You may have told us before, but if so, I have forgotten. Please forgive the lapse. I remember someone on here was an expert at personal organization....was that you or maybe FindingMyself. (I miss her.) I can't keep it all straight without faces to go with info, you know?

    Red, going back a few weeks: I looked for another Lives of Saints books and found one that is a novel written about characters in New Orleans. Is that the book you read and enjoyed? I also want to say, it is really great that you and Mr. Red have consciously decided to do this together. It will make your odds of success so much greater! When I started this last year, I could only go to restaurants that didn't serve alc.., like Bob Evans, Cracker Barrell, Perkins, Frisches, and other local Family Style establishments. Then, after a time, I started being able to go to restaurants that served alc, but that alc had never been a large part of being there for one reason or another. Now I can go to any restaurant and I'm fine.

    Sped, Meditation practice is truly very helpful. I have gotten away from it and need to get back to it. I think that the MWO CDs helped me at quieting the monkey in my head, too. I need to make time for them once in awhile.

    Lode, Lav, Lil, MM, SD, Pnut, Savvy, Mau, Cucks, Have a good AF day!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

      Hi everyone lovely to see you all. Hope everyone is well and keeping warm. I've got a cold - but then it is the season I suppose - don't feel ill, just bunged up!
      I've managed to get to the gym today and did an aerobics class - first one in a very long time and didn't make too much of a fool of myself, altho there were times when I was facing a different way to everyone else!
      Dill I dont want a month off from piloting so I think we'll jump back on the boat - well the cruise liner actually and we'll head off for warmer climes again - a lot of us need some warmth!
      Have a good day one and all, see you all later


        January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

        Good morning early ones, Lil, open & Dill!

        Time to get back to routines, work, making money, making happy customers, etc I am grateful the holidays are over with no damage done! Wasn't 100% sure I could do it - but I did
        I'm curious now about my savings since going AF - I will do the calculations today too.

        I have discovered that after using the MWO CDs & a few others I picked up on the way - I am now able to quiet the monkey chatter in my head all on my own. For the past week I've been able to relax & go to sleep without listening to a CD! That's a really big deal for me - the end to my 13 year history of insomnia

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!
        I'll be back later.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

          Cross post Ms Sooty.
          Are you sure you're not piloting a huge sleigh??
          Have a great day, feel better!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

            Grabbed a moment to hop on, and have enjoyed the morning's posts. Dill - yes, I am the organizer - amazing you remembered that. I am doing a special project this month, working with an arts organization in a nearby city. HB is also working there, so I have a place to hang out and can take the dogs (my only source of routine, bless them!).

            Lav - I started with the CDs long ago, and never really got up to speed with them. My desktop computer stopped being able to eject the 'subliminal', which was rather inconvenient, and the small player I bought to do the 'sleep' one stopped playing CDs altogether. It does occur to me that getting on a schedule with the CDs would be a good 'routine' thing I could do for myself, wherever I am. Any suggestions? What other CDs do you use? Maybe I still just have too much Monkey Mind going on to get quiet and absorb the way in....

            Best to all of you - Sped, hope you're feeling better today - Red, what an amazing talk with your HB - Captain Sooty, I'll always volunteer to be crew for you -
            Take care, hopefully more later -
            to the light


              January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

              Hi Lav, sorry I missed you - I don't mind driving a huge sleigh but I am NOT taking it anywhere cold - this will be a summer sleigh - decorated with colourful flowers and garlands - reminiscent of Hawaii (not that I've ever been there).
              Well done on not needing the CDs anymore - that must feel like a fantastic achievement, is there no end to your achievements I ask myself?
              In the Times today there's a big article on a new diet called hypnodiet - I'm thinking of sending off for the book and cd cos I'm sure the same principles apply to weight loss, the link is if anyone is interested!
              Hope everyone is having a good Monday
              Love Sooty


                January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                Good mornin all,
                No work for me yet. I'm a substitute teacher and the teachers here all have an in-service today so I have yet another day off. My hb did go back to work which was a good thing. We are just not used to spending so much time together, usually are doing our own things.
                Lav, your comment about your husband thinking he is happy when you know he's not rang very true. Mine is very reluctant to talk about feelings. Everything is just "ok".

                Cyn and Open, I'm with you. Having a routine means serenity to me. My drinking patterns were so routine. I drank the same thing, same brand, bought at the same stores, hid it in the same places, drank the same time of day. When you take that kind of routine away from somebody, it's damned scary.
                And Cyn, love your's the labyrinth!
                Red, one thing I feel so lucky about is my boys all in one place and it's only 800 miles away. I do get to go to California to see them about 3 or 4 times a year. I love road trips.

                I have therapy today, always good. Errands, Jane Austen.
                Sorry so many of you are freezing.
                Hey Dill, Lil, all to come.


                  January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                  Oh and a big ole hey to Sooty, our fearless pilot!


                    January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                    Good Day. Dill, the blanket on the grass sounds fabulous but I would leap on any warm ground as long as I could move the more prominent rocks out of the way and feel the sun on my bones and the deepest rumble of earth below. Five of the six pansy plants in the pot by the door are strong; of course being me I project all sort of things into the one that is dying off?I still have many things to learn from the yard:H. Your windowsill herb box sounds great. After my first old parrot died last February, Lord Bird Heart built along the wall where her cage used to be, a table with a light fixture overhead that can be raised from a few inches to a few feet and I now have the ?memorial seed bed? in which I plant my baby veggies. I like it very much. The new little TV, by the way has been a hit with my last old bird, particularly Curious George, Martha Stewart, and a bouncy music video in Spanish. The birdie has fabulous rhythm and high kicks. I am thinking about you a lot, Lil, in your undoubtedly pensive six month time. I am glad you were able to shut down the brain clatter and sleep, Lav, you and Lil give me hope (once again); I could not do this with only myself as an example:H. Thank you for your thoughtful posts, Open, you fit right in here. Happy new job, MM, and happy new big project, Cyn. I love putting things in order. I?m with you, Red, wherever this thread lands, we are all learning the same hard things in our own way. I am glad your husband will be with you too this time. Hi Sooty, English Rosie, pilot extraordinaire. Hi, Lode, I am so glad you are here with your perspectives and humor. It?s fun to think of you Shelley, perking along somewhere in this town, I hope the blues give you a break but talk about them on here no matter what; you will certainly hear me should they or any strong emotion descend as my MO by history is to keep things to myself, withdraw, and drink myself into familiar territory. Time for a new skill. Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                      Addiction to MWO!

                      Oh my gosh, you guys...yeah, I am feeling addicted to MWO. I know it is better than drinking, but I have been accomplishing exactly zero workwise and it is starting to seriously freak me out! Today I am going to moderate my posting :H and really focus on my job. My plan: use MWO as a treat later. Procrastination be damned! I'm not in danger of drinking today, I'm in danger of not accomplishing my work goals.

                      Love to all


                        January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                        Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. I got out of work early today because of the snow! I felt like a little kid, excited to be off. My cold is better today, and I am hoping it is totally gone in a few days.

                        Dill, the book I read was called, My Life with the Saints, by James Martin, SJ. Sorry for the wrong title. It is a marvelous book, so if you can find it, do read it. In the past, I avoided restaurants that served beer and wine and it was helpful. Cracker Barrel was a favorite, as I like breakfast for dinner. I will have to consider that again. Really, though, I need to eat in as I want to lose weight.

                        Open, my husband would never go to MWO. He is very private and types really slowly, with two fingers.

                        Lodestar, I think I am addicted to MWO too. I sign on almost every day, and sometimes several times a day, depending what I have going on. This is a much better habit than drinking alcohol. No hangovers.:H

                        Lavande, I found the CDs so helpful to teach me to relax and often fall asleep in the middle of the night. We must train ourselves to relax naturally, much as we trained ourselves to drink to realx and have fun. It is good to be back in a regular routine, it is easier to not drink, in my opinion.

                        I hope everyone has a peaceful evening. AF.


                          January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                          Evening friends

                          Well, I had this day structured so I would finally get some things done that really needed to be done. Then my son calls & asks if I could babysit for a few hours......of course I said yes! It turned into an all day event. I ended cooking dinner for everyone, they just went home. I'm exhausted, the day is over and my to do list is mostly untouched. I guess there's always tomorrow! These are the times I am most grateful to be AF. A year ago I wouldn't have been able to just roll with things the way I did today!

                          cyn, to help with my chronic insomnia I found a CD called Conquer Insomnia by John Parada, ph.D.
                          He has an interesting website : welcome to CHANGE NOW
                          He has CDs on Stress Reduction, Stop Smoking, Weight Loss and many other topics. I actually purchased the CD on eBay, but you can purchase them right from the website. In addition to the MWO CDs - this one has really helped me sleep $15 is a small investment for something that works so well!

                          I hope everyone had a good Monday - back to business! Sooty, a summer sleigh ride through beautiful flower fields sounds perfect. I've never been to Hawaii either!

                          Anyone who now feels addicted to MWO - don't worry about it. I've been addicted to it since last February, I am grateful for it!

                          Have a good night everyone, stay warm.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                            Winding down, but wanted to check in with everyone. The first day back at work was easier than expected--I was even able to come home and exercise, but then ate an entire cadbury milk chocolate and almond candy bar after dinner. Oh well--better than a bottle of wine! No regrets on that choice!

                            I love the "Just Do It" calling card for this thread--it's very motivating for me. "Suck it up, girl; no amount of moaning and groaning is going to change putting one foot in front of the other." That speaks to me!

                            Lav--you have been burning the candles at both ends--protect that Lavand-a-tude and don't forget to take care of your needs, too.
                            Red, I so know what you mean about "feeling like a kid" with the snow and early work release--and am envious--I long to feel that way again without the help of the dastardly spirits. Have been missing that true joy for such a long time.

                            Warm wishes to everyone on our af journey together.
                            "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                              January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                              Good late evening, friends! I did it (sorta). I accomplished about 8 hours of work today. Not a great day, since I usually work much longer hours?but think I?m a little extra tired at this time of the month. Eh, that?s okay though. I think the hormone haze is lifting now with a mid-day nap and some extra vitamins. TMI? ☺

                              Red ~ I LOVE breakfast-dinner! I might make myself some tomorrow even, now that you mention it. What are you doing for weightloss, by the way? Anything special?

                              Lav ~ It is so cool that you could just be there at the drop of a hat for your family. I like that I can answer the phone no matter what these days. Truly awesome. I won?t worry too hard about being a MWO addict ☺ I just want to be sure I finish my work too. If I procrastinate too long, I get really anxious and that is never good!

                              Sooty ~ Love the idea of a summer sleigh for Jan and sorry about your cold. I haven?t been here long enough to know all the modes of transportation that have been used in the past, but I?m fond of magic carpets, flying saucers, or maybe a big pelican like in the movie Finding Nemo! Or maybe we could do a walking labyrinth as a team next month even.

                              Open ~ You are sounding terrific! Eat the chocolate, girl. I have never had a sweet tooth and I?m taking great solace in some dark chocolate at night. With exercise or without, some won?t hurt you. Just think of all the damn empty calories we ingested with alcohol. Ugh. I wish a ?like a kid? joyful moment for you very soon. Bet it?s coming sooner rather than later.

                              LBH ~ Thanks for your kind words. I?m happy to be here too. ?Drink myself into familiar territory? hit me like a bucket of cold water. Yup. Can relate to that. Curious George, huh? Is that still on? Some day he might be Senile George?but let?s hope not for a long time to come! By the way, I think I missed whatever happened with the wall you were building. Did you finish?

                              Shelley ~ Hope therapy went well. Does your therapist support you with drinking issues? I was really scared to tell mine and asked her to promise she wouldn?t write down what I told her about that that so it wasn?t in my medical record.

                              Cyn ~ An organizer sounds like such a great job. How did you get into that field? Do you only do organizations or also personal clients?

                              Dill ~ JJDI is a great nickname for us. Maybe we should make bracelets for those who feel the pull of a drink?WWJJDID? (what would January just do it-ers do?) Hope you had a great day.

                              Lil ~ How was your first day back to work? Are you feeling any more settled with your upcoming anniversary?

                              MM ~ Looking forward to hearing about the new job this week.

                              Peanut ~ Great to see you again. Hope all is well.

                              All good wishes!


                                January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                                Good morning to all.

                                Lodestar, my weight loss program is no alcohol, three meals a day, lots of fruits and veggies, and staying away from sugar and white carbs, most of the time. If I snack it will be yogurt and/or fruit or nuts. Also exercising 4x a week. I know that if I do the above, I will lose weight. If I lost 25 pounds, I would be so comfortable with myself, but even 10-15 lbs. would be good. It is more about feeling healthy and comfortable with my body. I think when we drink we lose touch with ourselves, and overeat with hangovers, unable to exercise, and just follow a bad path. I know that when I do the above, I start to feel good again, get alot done, and it just works.

                                Hey, if any of you get the chance read the thread started by hippie37. It was awesome. Something like three years, one to get clean, one to get sober, and the rest of your life to grow up. Also, insight into grieving the loss of drinking itself and the habits and rituals that go along with it. This is really hard to be AF, especially for someone like me who has drank for over 30 years. So many issues to deal with and realize, but doable, ODAT.

                                Have a productive and harmonious Tuesday.

