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January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

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    January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

    It was said to me a while back "A year to dry out, A year to sober up and the rest of your life to grow up!" I think this is a great saying and one I try to live by in the sense of giving myself time to adapt and heal
    Red- I thought hippies post yesterday was really thoughtful and inspirering. The title is "Letting Go of the Past" Starlight also has another good post."Smoke Screens" I like to read the long term abers post. It really is nice to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    LHB-Does your parrot talk? My daughters parrot just chatters away. It sings like the birds outside and calls and scolds the dogs by name. Very funny.

    Open-Enjoying the small pleasures in life is really a big reward when going af. Sunrises, Sunsets the sounds of a childs laughter...and the wonderful taste of chocolate.

    Lav-speaking of a childs laughter...sounds like you had a lot of that yesterday with your grandson.

    Lod-I am retired. It's great in the summer but not so much in the winter. Right now I would love to put in a full 8 hrs at work! Mr. L is a little nervous as he sees me walking around the house looking for a large winter project that might require his help. Hmmm A little remodel in the kitchen, maybe? :H

    Hello to Sooty, Cyn, MM Shelley and Dill. Everyone is sounding like they are starting the new year strong and determined.

    I am substituting for one of the drivers for Meals on Wheels today. It's suppose to get up to a balmy 18 degrees today. brrrr! I have dug out my earmufs and gloves.

    Everyone have a safe, warm, af day.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

      Be still like a mountain and flow like a river. --Lao-Tze

      Open-Enjoying the small pleasures in life is really a big reward when going af. Sunrises, Sunsets the sounds of a childs laughter...and the wonderful taste of chocolate.
      Yes, Lil, and for me, a good night's sleep is one of the biggest rewards! And the energy and enthusiasm to learn new things. (Not fighting the HO) Also, food in general seems to taste better. Is that just me?

      Speaking of new things, I have been trying new knitting stitches. I didn't used to do that because it takes actual attention and concentration: something I didn't have when drinking. But the reason I bring this up is, my daughter told me that she goes to Youtube to learn knit stitches. I tried it, and sure enough, there are some really good Youtube tutorials where you are shown step-by-step how to do various things. It's AWESOME!

      Here are the links to the threads that Lil and Red mentioned:

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

        Good morning January friends!

        Looking out at a chiily but sunny 23 degrees this morning! Brrr.....We had Lake Effect snow flurries all day yesterday - pretty crazy considering the Lake (Erie) is 300 miles away - what's up with that

        I WILL get to my to do list today - I WILL!!!!

        Thanks for the links Dill - I'll take a look!
        I was never able to learn to knit - my right handed mother & grandmother tried to teach left handed Lav - it just made no sense to me. So, I learned to sew & had a lot of fun with that

        OK, everyone have a great day - I'll check in later!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

          It's hard to keep up with all these posts. I am finally going back to work today. It's been a long break, full of ups and downs, such is life.
          Lode, you asked about addressing my drinking in therapy. Someone else this week talked about not really discussing their drinking with their husband. My alcoholism was to the point where it could not be ignored by anyone around me. I've been in rehab twice. It is a central issue in my therapy. Let me just say it is no longer like the elephant in the living room that every one is pretending to ignore.
          Whew! Feel like I just came out!
          On a lighter note! Open, my mouth watered when you described your chocolate bar. I too treat myself to quality dark chocolate and yes it certainly beats a fine bottle of wine.
          Dill, I would love to learn how to knit. Recently someone did teach me how to crochet but I find my finished products rather horrid looking. My husband bravely wears a scarf I made for him (under his coat) as he rides his bike to work every morning. I need more expert instruction. I have tried the YouTube tutorials. But I, like Lav am afflicted by the left handedness (too much Jane Austen) so sometimes they're hard to follow.
          Hello to all. Am perfectly content to be addicted to MWO, in particular this thread.
          I'm off to conquer kindergardeners!


            January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

            Hello everyone. The sleigh is packed with lovely fruit and juices and we're off to pastures warm and balmy!
            Things ok my end, the snow has melted today but its still cold. I've had a granny nap this afternoon and that's made me feel a bit better ... when I get a cold I certainly get one if you know what I mean - no half measures for me! (But then that's always been my problem :H)
            Hey Lode I don't know what a walking labyrinth is but we'll be happy to give it a try - we can do anything on this thread!!
            Have a good day gang - see you later
            love Sooty


              January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

              Hello all. Thanks for remembering my little wall, Lode, although it might be described by some as a shelf or bump (an "architectural detail"). It is basically done but after the setback of the raccoon or heron killing almost everything in my pond I hated being out there for a while and now am waiting for it to warm up a bit for the next stage of the project. Lil, my parrot talks very well and often makes up her own phrases or forms funny associations. For example, our efforts to convey ?trick or treat? immediately became ?trick or beak? or ?trick or bird?. She calls the cat by his name but refers to the tiny dog as ?good girl? and the big boy dog as ?no?. She is wonderfully entertaining and intelligent. Way to go on the coming out, Sped. Whenever I get the courage to do it here, it feels like one more wedge between me and a drink, one more stone in the wall. I have been making great efforts to be ?strong? but the truth is they are often forced, almost shrill. I sure wish I could just let go. If I never do, however, and if I am always, forevermore just like this, I have to remember over and over that it is still better than what I would be with drinking. I have to keep playing that tape all the way to the dead end. Let?s all stay with our plans. Love, Ladybird.
              may we be well


                January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                Morning all, the pms blues have lifted! Hooray!

                Red ~ Sounds like a terrific program. Being comfortable in our skin is so very important.

                Lil ~ Oops, I didn?t realize you were retired?thought one of your posts said back to work. Meals on Wheels is such a great cause. Hope you stay warm!

                LBH ~ Sorry to hear of your pond ☹ Looking forward to the next phase of the project. ?Trick or beak? made me laugh. You said also, ?I have been making great efforts to be ?strong? but the truth is they are often forced?wish I could just let go.? I don?t yet know how to let go either. I stay tight in my little ball about this right now lots of the time...I figure, it?s a step.

                Shelley ~ Thanks for sharing your therapy experience so openly.

                Lil, Lav & Dill ~ Mom tried to teach me how to knit last summer. She is right handed as am I, but her grandmother who taught her, taught her left-handed knitting. It is the only thing she does left-handed. I didn?t really take to the knitting, as my hands were shaky from not eating and drinking too much at that time. Probably be good at it now.

                Sooty ~ The labyrinth is something Cyn mentioned. Like a meditation walking maze. Might have to have you drag a wagon for the days we are too tired to walk it though.

                Off to work for me. A great day to all who enter.


                  January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                  Wow - everybody sounds so great. So much information too - I think I will go to the Youtube site and learn to knit, something I've been meaning to do forever!!! Plus, the CD's you mentioned Lav - for stress relieve and insomnia - i think I will go for that too. I am of course in the typical early days of going AF (again!!!!) and have been having rough sleeps and the most bizarre dreams!!!! I was not feeling well last night at all, and even almost broke down, but my BF asked "do you REALLY want some wine?" - NO NO NO. He figures it was a bit of withdrawl I was feeling, as I was kinda shakey feeling and headachey, and sooooooooo sleepy, so went to bed at 10:15. Made it through another night. ODAT for me it seems!

                  Hope you all manage to stay warm out there. I did have to chuckle at a headline conveyed to me from a friend about the weather in the East US being quite frigid, having a hard time breaking 30F. Hmmmm..... that would be almost shorts weather for us come spring time. It is quite nice out there right now at 1F, although wind chill are at -17F. I guess it is what you get used to, and we had some -40 days before Christmas (no metric conversion required there!!). It's all relative!!!

                  Well - must run to my new laboratory. Everything is in a cafufal, and I am in my office in the mornings until they get the phone/computer lines hooked up out there. Kind of a drag, but it will sort itself out.
                  Love to all!
                  xoxoxo peanut


                    January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                    Hi ALL!

                    UGH!! It has been already crazy this week....I want Christmas Break back!!!:upset:

                    Oh well...first off there is no heat in my office (OMG!!! AM I C-C-COLD!!!!!!!!!) They put a work order in and hopefully it will be fixed by'm a POPSICKLE!!!

                    Second--I've been surfing the web for 3 days to get the best deal on tickets to the Vikings game in 2 weeks...and I mean...I have REALLY been doing my homework!!! Well, I screwed up today (about 15 minutes ago) and sent my card information through on tickets that were 50 bucks more than seats BETTER I had found on a different website. I tried to call and cancel but no such luck!! Well I guess I'll consider that the 50 bucks I WOULD HAVE spent on beer!! They got it one way or another, didn't they! I hate when I mess up like that!! Grrr.....

                    Everyone sounds so good...I love getting on and hearing about all your days!! I think about this place and check in so often..just never seem like I either have much to add or never time to do it!! Still going strong though!! I'm surprised....I haven't taken my Topomax in awhile now and still no cravings to drink...hope I'm not dancing with!!!
                    I better get back to work...I need to get out of this room and thaw out again!!! Oh...BTW--I've decided to do my Principal Internship this Spring as well as take another class (School Law).....that should keep me busy!!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                      Still going strong though!! I'm surprised....I haven't taken my Topomax in awhile now and still no cravings to drink...hope I'm not dancing with!!!
                      Wow, SD, that is great! I wish I could say I have no cravings. I still do, every day, especially at about 4:00pm. They are getting easier to deal with, at least most of the time. I wonder if taking topa kills cravings. If it does, maybe I should try it. I guess I'll go to the Meds section and read up on it. Is the Vikings games near you? That's so great to go to a Vikings game. I'm a fan of Bret Farvre.

                      Pnut, You sound determined! Way to go saying NO when BF made the offer. I truely doubt I'd have been able to do that. Is your new lab in a new building? Is it nicer than your old one?

                      My day went from zero to 60 when DIL called to aske us to keep g-son while she tended to her mother who has been admitted to the hospital for some gastroenteric thing. She sounds like she is in a bad way. I love time with my g-son, no matter what, but it can be quite tiring. We had lots of fun though!

                      LBH, Lil, Lav, Sped, MM, Lode, Red, Sooty, Cyn, Open, I know I'm forgetting someone, but I am just so bushed, I hope you'll forgive me! Bon rev rose!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                        Have made it another day AF. The weekend will be the challenge, so I'll have to start making plans tomorrow, so I won't be tempted to buy wine. It is so easy to get back into the bad habit of drinking wine on the weekends or for special occasions, I am focusing on staying AF all the time.

                        Dill, thanks for the links to the sites, I went to the smokescreen one and really got alot out of it. I have to quit making excuses and be committed every day. I too am tempted almost every day, or at least have thoughts, like, "it would be nice to have a bottle of wine." Even knowing as I do that it will not be nice at all, just a big hassle and feeling like he**.

                        Everyone, have a beautiful evening. The biggest loser is on again tonight. I can't wait till American Idol starts next week. That show always gets me through the winter months.


                          January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                          Hi all,
                          Oh Dill, I just went to the grocery store to pick up some prescriptions. It was about 5:30 here and everyone was buying alcohol. Felt like I was in a movie in which I'm looking this way and that way with crazy psycho music playing and everyone is holding a bottle of wine or a 12 pack of beer and they look like they just can't wait to get home and imbibe. There, I got that off my chest. Here at 5 months af I'm slammed with cravings just by walking into a grocery store.
                          And thanks for the links to the sites. I especially liked hippie's. Guess I'm still in the drying out stage. Know I got a long way to go. In my life eliminating alcohol got rid of a lot of problems but it also left me trying to figure out how to live without it....forever.
                          Good day back at work. Also had time to hit the gym and walk with a friend (her name is not Jane).
                          Now I'm starving and ready for soup.
                          Good eve to all.
                          P"nut, what kind of lab do you work in?


                            January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                            Evening friends,

                            Busy, busy day for me but a good one

                            Shelley, I am so damn glad our grocery stores don't sell wine & beer! That would have been a huge problem, I'm sure! Good for you being able to handle it the way you do!

                            Red, sometimes I think if I could limit drinking to just the weekends - the way I did way back when I would try moderating. But I know it wouldn't work for me. I'm just finding it easier to ignore what anyone else is drinking & stick with my AFness!

                            Dill, I did the last minute grandson thing yesterday - I was totally worn out when he went home - no kidding. Mine isn't even walking yet - he crawls about 50 mph

                            I'm calling it a day - hope everyone has a warm & comfy night!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                              Snuggling in my cozy blanket and reading your posts. The blanket is warming me from the outside in and your posts from the inside out.

                              I asked my husband to drive me home from work today--he had a late meeting and I was feeling the old familiar teeter totter of thinking of how I could spend my evening and the temptation to stop off to pick something up would've been strong. That worked--am af tonight. It truly felt good to ask him to help and he was grateful I asked. He appreciated that I needed him.

                              What if I could put all this time and energy and focus on something else? I look forward to that. Right now it seems to take all I have to just muddle through a day without alc.

                              Sped--I hear your about looking at the people in the store buying their evening entertainment and being a little envious--that would be me, too! Maybe we could reframe it and imagine them looking at us and being envious that we were able to go through the checkout line without any alc. When I was drinking, I used to look at people and wonder how they could be doing their activities without alc. and I was very envious.

                              Lodes--I'm glad to hear your blues are lifting--I myself struggle with depression--which of course we all know alc makes worse. After an initial very cranky bout the first week of being AF, am now feeling much more even keel. I hope your day at work was as productive as you wanted it to be--you sound to me to be a gal who gets things done when she puts her mind to it!

                              Sooty--aren't naps the greatest? Everything from knowing you are free to take a nap to actually doing it. Wouldn't it be great if our society allowed us a permission free siesta every afternoon.

                              Am off to check out some of the links you all have shared--thank you--the heads up on the good threads is so very appreciated. Take care, everyone!
                              "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                                January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                                Had a minute before I go to bed so I thought I would jump on and see how the thread is moving!!
                                Dill-I shouldn't say I don't get cravings...that's not really it....but Topa totally helps with those!! But what I mean's weird...I've just told myself "I'm not drinking"...and I don't stop to buy it. When I have drank (like over Christmas Break) I "knew" I was going to, allowed myself to do so...put it behind me and am on track again. That and it's to damn cold to make a stop anywhere to pick up al...once I leave school...I'm homeward bound not to leave until morning!! Can you say Seasonal Depression should be arriving in about 2 days But now I have my "date with Brett" to look forward to and also a trip to Florida in March....awww sun!!!!

                                Red-I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Biggest Loser!!! Watched it tonight too!! I think they should make a show and have Bob or Jillian kick the butts of people that may not be super over weight like that but super lazy and not in shape (such as myself)...who seriously sat on the couch and ate double stuf oreos while watching them work out!! How horrible am I?!?! All that working out makes me hungry!!:H

                                Sped--they sell booze at my grocery stores too...jerks I know the feeling of watching everyone load there arms and you think some of them now look at you and wonder how you "get through life" with no al in your cart?! Be proud!!

                                Lav--I feel your pain with kids wearing you son is driving me insane...I know I missed him so much when he was gone but sometimes when he gets back from dads he REALLY likes to test the water again...not to mention I think his ADHD meds might need to be increased....anyway, tough night tonight

                                OH--You mentioned the time you think about al, drinking it or not drinking it and all that entails....I too get so frustrated with the amount of time consumed by this whole thing!! I hate it!! I wonder what "normal" people think about :H

                                To everyone else...Peanut (nice hearing from you!! Stay strong girl!!) Lil, Sooty, MM, Lode, LBH, Chopps...and many others I know I'm forgetting (it's way past my bedtime now)...forgive me!! Have a wonderful night's rest....check back in with you all tomorrow!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


