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January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

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    January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

    Lav, Yes! That quote is so descriptive. I have been working on my commitment, as I mentioned. That is why I copied and saved this one. I've read it several times.

    Question: When you used your dehydrator on the cherry tomatoes, did you have to slit them or cut them in half or anything? I'm definitely going to try that next summer! We have already been getting seed catalogues in the mail. It's so much fun to dream about planting weather, especially on a bitter cold night like this!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

      AF January

      Hey all. I just put my story in the newbie thread. For now, I am shooting for 30 days AF. My ultimate goal is to not drink at all.

      Fridays are a big trigger night for me...That happy hour feeling in ingrained in my DNA...I am going to try going to yoga for starters.

      I definitely have to have my eye on the big picture, but at the same time think in terms of "one day at a time." Otherwise, this is going to be way too overwhelming. Overwhelment is my middle name and problem one of the biggest reasons I drink at all. Mom of three teenagers (Teens are so stressful!), I work, my marriage is pretty "eh" right now. I am trying.

      Peace to all in 2010.


        January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

        Welcome MauMcl, one Friday at a time, stick with us. Wow, Lodestar, thank you for telling the story of last night, it not only struck a chord with me it played the whole tormenting, redemptive, scary, hopeful, exhausting, seemingly never ending, f-ing song. People here who know so keep saying it gets easier and I am quite certain in what passes for my soul that it is worth it. I know you hate to be the center of attention but get over it for just a little while because I am so thankful you made it through, I am brimming over with thanks for you being here safe and sound. I hate that internal fight, Dill has expressed it so well also, what a waste of brain space, but there it is so we deal with it or not. Let?s deal. Hope you have some peace and un bon reve rose. Love to you and all. Ladybird.
        may we be well


          January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

          Mau, welcome aboard and wishing all the best for you in meeting your goals. I'll check out your post ~ hang here too, it's a comforting spot and whatever you want it to be.

          Red, was a night of miracles that's for sure. It has been a day of eating, resting, reading, and posting. Could be worse, eh? Glad to see you and hope you feel better soon!

          Lav, I hope you're right about the corner! That would be a relief. I'm pretty sure I'll have another one to turn in a bit ~ hopefully only going in AF circles though

          Dill, I had seen that post by Savon and thought long about it when she posted. Thank you so much for reposting the entire quote. And MM, thank you very much for saying that you find some strength in my story of last night (if that's what you meant). I'm glad I wrote it down for myself and it feels good to relate to all of you.

          LBH, you got me ~ and I'll get over it. I very much appreciate your wish of pink dreams and had to laugh at your "struck a chord" played the whole "f-ing song" statement. Oh, you have a way with words, my friend!

          Sending peace, strength and hope to all.


            January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1


            Happy new day to everyone. I found this thread in the long term abs section. It talks about how it is after having some long af time. We have just come through the holidays and some rough times so I thought it would be nice to hear that there is 'light at the end of the tunnel'

            One important thing I learned in 2009 is that even the bad times are better when I am af. How about you all? I know we have learned at least one good positive thing about ourselves since we have started this journey.

            Welcome to all the newbies :welcome: This is an exciting thread here full of lots of support.

            Wishing everyone a peaceful, af day.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

              Good morning all,
              Just returning from the airport. Son #2 off to Atlanta for job interviews. He's very excited/nervous.

              Dill, I loved your Goethe quote yesterday. I don't really believe that all things happen for a reason but can appreciate moments of synchronicity, things seemingly falling into place.
              I too took down my Xmas decorations without drinking and was cognizant of my sober state through out the whole task.
              Lodestar, your post about as LBH calls it the "internal fight" was achingly familiar to me. I always lost that fight it seems. I remember being in the car, driving to the store to buy a bottle of wine, getting there, driving home without buying it and then turning around to go back to get it. It was exhausting mentally, that "internal fight". I take Antabuse now so all that fight's gone out of me. I'll take it forever if I have too. I am so solidly committed to never drinking again.

              Yesterday loaded up some Jane Austen on my iPod and took a two hour walk listening to Mansfield Park. It was heaven.

              Good morning Lil.


                January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1


                I think I'm Finally on the right thread! I posted on the "get your ass in gear" thread, thinking that was the Jan. one.

                ANYhooooo. I'm on board for an AF January!! I am at 3 wks today. Would be Very good to tack on 4 more weeks. Like Mau, I'm coming around to the idea of "not drinking at all"... but still like taking things in smaller chunks.

                I've been on ODAT thread pretty much since I first got on MWO. But I think I'm ready for a bigger commitment. (OUCH - there's "that" word! lol)

                If I may offer some words of encouragement for those of you attempting this for the first time... I was ALL over the board at first. 1 day here & there AF, then a few strung together, then a week, back to every other day - you get the picture!

                BUT if you keep trying, one of those attempts will be easier (not sure why!) and will stick - to your astonishment!

                I've already been noticing good things (that actually started almost from beginning). I'm able to do things (fun things, often) that I would've blown off due to love affair w/bottle.

                Life is simpler (in a good way!) AF. No more waking up feeling anxious, forgetting what you did or said the day before (HATE THAT)...

                I think this love affair is Finally over!!

                (Having said that... I know how easy it would be to think of Some excuse to go back. Can't take it for granted.)
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                  Good morning friends!

                  Brr, my teeth are rattling - it's a very windy, chilly 27 degrees right now, at least the sun is out

                  Today is my turn to undecorate, haven't had a chance to get it done. Doing this job without a hangover will be a definite plus!!

                  Hello & welcome to our group Mau! We change the name of our thread every month.......last month we were the Determinators!!! If nothing else we are collectively determined beat AL to death

                  Greetings Dill, lodestar, LBH, Lil & Shelley! I know you are all stepping in the right direction & I'm right there with you
                  No more mental gymnastics for me - I made the decision & accepted long ago that I can never drink again!
                  Now I need to focus on some physical gymnastics to get some extra pounds off this aging carass

                  Wishing everyone a great Saturday, I'll be back later!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                    Hi Savvy - cross post.
                    Congrats on your AF 3 weeks, god job
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                      Thanks for the inspiration!

                      Today is Saturday. Today I am not sick and hungover like yesterday. Today I will participate in my family life and take down decorations, etc. Tonight, I will not drink! Tomorrow will be another day of waking up and not feeling sick and ashamed. I embrace this.

                      Good day today everyone.


                        January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                        It continues to amaze me how much of the struggles and turmoil we have in common.

                        The further away from al I am getting, the freer of the war inside me I feel. Just knocked off 10 days af--when I started this last August, I really didn't think I could do that without being sealed away in a monastery.

                        But, it's really okay--and truly better than okay. I'm not thinking about it the moment I awake. I'm able to drive past a liquor store without longing to sneak away to pick something up. It's really coffee in my coffee cup these days. I came back from a dinner party and wanted to breathe all over my son so he would know I was completely sober (mom's acting happy--must've had lots of wine!). And I'm definitely not so good at arguing anymore.

                        So much energy has been put into this whole al thing--gosh, what am I going to do with my time?

                        Loved the change of focus post--thank you, for sharing, Lil!

                        It is reminding me of a song we used to sing at a church camp when I was goes kinda like this (maybe you know it?)--"Hide my light under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine......" Can change it to, Hide my light under a bottle, NO!

                        Wishing us all an af day on our way to an af month!

                        "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                          January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                          Hey all. I'm on day 2 AF and I decided I could use all the input I can get. Plus, get to meet new friends (must on subs).

                          Feeling a little weak from withdrawal, but nice not to wake up still a little drunk. Which, especially on the weekends, was very common.

                          So, count me in! :thanks:


                            January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                            Good Late Saturday morning to everyone,

                            Dill thanks for the entire quote. I just printed it.

                            Lone, Yes, I did mean I found strength in your story. You expressed that horrible mind game perfectly.

                            Sav, Glad you found us. I second your story for all the newbies!

                            Shelly, I'm very jealous...It's so cold here..I want that walk so bad

                            Mau, I have 3 also. 2 20's and 1 17. very crazy household. you cracked me up about beathing on your child. :H

                            OH, Yep I'm going to let it shine. Loved that song.

                            Lil, I'm going to go and check out that thread

                            Lav, red, lbh and all, Wish you a lovely first sat 2010, MM


                              January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                              Hi Hart, Glad your here


                                January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                                Thanx MM, gosh as a superhero you should have no problem

