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January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

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    January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

    Hello my friends--It is later than usual, so will just do a quick check in before I hit the hay.
    Glad you mentioned the B vitamins, Mandalay and Cyn--need to pick some more up, so am glad for the reminder.
    How was your party, Cyn? You sound quite confident and strong--like you're not worried about being tempted. You go, girl!
    Wow, Sooty--a fully qualified pilot? I KNEW we were in good hands with you at the helm!
    LBH, Miss O, SPED, Savon, everyone--know we're in this together--thank you for being there all.
    "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


      January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

      Hi all,

      Sorry I'm so out of the loop...yaaaaawwwn. I just finished work and it's ten pm. well...not finished actually, but I have to stop for tonight. Just calculated my schedule for the next two weeks and it looks like about 120 hours at a minimum. Sheesh.

      Right here with you all on the AF summer sleigh though and think of you all throughout the day and this is what comes to mind...


      Good night to all


        January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

        Just got done reading all the posts from yesterday and had to say that I had some intense dreams too. Not about alcohol though, about work. This weekend I am working on my resume and starting the search. My job is just too much and I would like to see what , if anything, is out there. It may make me more grateful for what I have, who knows?

        Lavanda, I too will be AF no matter what day it is. I just have to, I promised my self that this is the year I turn 50 and it is time for the bullsh** to stop, the torture, the punishing of myself. Good grief, I want the last part of my life to be healthy and honest. Are you still taking the Amoryn? I think I may need it, I notice that when I am AF for over a week, I start to feel depressed for no real reason. OK, nonstop snow, intense job, cold, but the feelings seem to tempt me to drink to stop them.

        Mandalay, I also feel so tempted on Friday and Saturday. I find it is best to have some plans to do something else, a movie, eat out, something that does not include alcohol. Once you have several weekends AF it becomes more of a habit and mostly easier. You are doing a great job. The first time I went AF it took me over three weeks to start to feel normal, whatever that is. Just keep taking the vitamins, eating well, exercising and giving yourself time. Your ill health did not happen over night and will not go away quickly, but you know that!

        Miss O, I did that in the past, 30 days AF and I am determined to start 2010 the same. I just have to be AF, I want what others here have, who have been sober long term. Positive thoughts sent to you for your success. Running is a great thing, I wish I could run, but the ole knee joints can't take it. Exerciseis so important in feeling well.

        Dill, wow, a drive through and you resisted. Good for you. Thanks for sharing that you are tempted, like me, on a daily basis. I am just furious that I have to fight this off daily. Anger has always been healthy for me, helped me to earn my degrees, etc. My daily drive home is a temptation, but today I commit to being AF.

        Hello to all on this fabulous Friday, strength and hope.:l


          January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

          Afternoon all - well only just - its 12.15 p.m. another beautiful cold crisp day. I guess lots of you are just waking up!
          The ice remains on the pavements but the roads are clear now. I've been for a trudge across the fields with Mr S and the dog and apart from some very slippy bits it was very invigorating!
          I had a walking pole for stability and wore my new ear muffs which I had for Christmas - I'm sure I looked pretty silly but my little ears were warm so who cares?
          Did I tell you about my secret weapon? On Monday I bought myself a couple of thermal vests - thin lacy things (not at all sexy) but extremely warm - gosh are they good. If you haven't got one I would heartily recommend purchase of same!
          Ok I'm going to make lunch now - we're having spicy parsnip and carrot soup with Mr S's homemade wholemeal bread - that'll warm the cockles!
          Have a really good Friday everyone
          See you later


            January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

            Then I climbed the sharp hill that led to all the years ahead. ~Evelyn Waugh

            I guess we are climbing that sharp hill.

            Soots, I like the idea of thermal vests. I wear thermal long underwear everyday in the winter, but I've not seen the vests. Another google moment!

            I'm pledging to be AF today. If I have time I'll pop on here later, but am pressed for time right now. We are having computer difficulties and I'm having to share my computer.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

              Good morning all!

              I suppose we should think about starting the Week 2 thread!! Maybe tomorrow

              Had our 1-2 inches of snow last night - not a big deal but it won't go above freezing today.

              Red, yes I'm still taking Amoryn - it's one year this month. I swear it helped me get my S..t together so I was able to join MWO & commit myself to going AF! The moodiness I felt 2 days ago was very slight & directly related to the dark (sunless) days we had. Overall, I think my mood is quite stable due to the Amoryn - I'm staying on it

              Hey Ms Sooty, be careful out there on the slippery surfaces. I have to make my way out to check on the hens.........they don't like the snow either! Stay warm.

              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!
              I'll be back later.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                Hey, Lav, you are right! We need to think about starting week 2. I figure since there are 31 days in January most weeks will have to be 8 days long. So, week 2 should start on the 9th, week three on the 17th and week 4 on the 25th. (Yes, I've put a lot of thought into this!:H)

                So, tomorrow, first person to post needs to start the week 2 thread and move the thread to Monthly Abs. section, as most on here have 'voted' to do that.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                  Good Morning to everyone "Just Doing It" !

                  OK, woke up this morning with a little bounce in my step....nice !! It's January and we just don't drink......but I know I will be having a conversation with the beast on my way home tonight, since he knows I love Fridays....beginning of the weekend....guilt free drinking night.....but I have my weapon in place.....knowledge....thanks to "rubywillow".

                  If you have not read the thread posted by "Mario" on the Long Term Abstainer Section, it is a MUST READ. I bumped it up yesterday. It will stop you in your tracks !!

                  Sooty, I'll check out the RR Site, at one point. The more info we read, the better.

                  Mandalay, so good to hear that your body is starting to recover the from the ill effects of the poison we put into our systems. Just keep your new routine going with the vitamins.

                  Cyntree, hope you had success at the party last night, and hoping you stilled enjoyed it with out AL.

                  Lav, getting rid of gluten in your diet is a good thing, but very difficult. There is gluten in many foods. I just stay away from the white carbs, only eating multi grain and whole wheat (which does have gluten). Most alcohol has gluten in it too, but no need to worry about that anymore !!

                  Hi Red, even though I'm thinking of a month at a time, I was already tested last night. I'm in my Cycle Class (aka Spinning). It's an hour long class, very intense with very loud music, huffing and puffing, and still the beast was talking to me during class telling me how much I would love to have that one glass of red wine after I finishing cycling !! I was apalled by his cunning style......I thought for a moment and then told him, you know my one, turns into 4 or 6, so just jump back in your little slime hole where you came from. End of Conversation. He is such a freak of nature !!

                  Dill and Lav, start week 2 at any time. I'm with you no matter what.

                  An AF Friday to all of us: LBH, Sooty, Mandalay, Cyn, LAV, Open, Lodestart, Red, Pnut, and to those I forgot !!
                  Miss October :blinkylove:


                    January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                    Good Chilly Morning to you all!!!

                    Well got shoveled out and am back at school today. Parents were told if they didn't want to bring there kids to school today because of the totally freezing temps. they didn't have would be excused...but I think most are here, as most parents have to get back to work!

                    I liked the posts the other day about honesty and the stories of hiding/covering up how much al there was left in open bottles...and always making sure there was enough...but not too much!! That was totally me!! When I would drink beer I would try to hide the cans in things or under things in the garbage so my son wouldn't see...or I'd put my empties in a Walmart bag and take it out to the trask at night before I went to bed so when he got up everything would be sad!!! Things in SDland have definitly changed and gotten so much better!!

                    Sometimes don't you think "we" are the "normal" ones now??? I mean, so many others drink so much more or way more often than most of us here on this thread. We may have the occassional "slip" as we call it....but couldn't that be considered "normal" drinking to drink one night out of let's say 20 or more?? I dunno, just throwing my thoughts out there. I know I feel better when I don't drink and I like going through the weeks (esp. the weekdays) not feeling like crap in the mornings!! Anyway...not sure where I was going with that...but....

                    Well my recess bell just rang, so I have to run and pick up a student...I will check in later! Hope you all have a Fantastic Friday!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                      hi everyone, really cold here too, got my quail in doors in the old guineapig cage, they are nice and warm now. keeps the cats amused too!!, snow here still, hoping to be af tonight, really going to try to get started today, you all seem very commited at the moment, hope it rubs off on me,


                        January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                        Hi tawny, good to see someone from the uk - you never know we might be on line at the same time!
                        I wish you luck for your AF night tonight, you've picked a good thread to join cos we're all Just doing it.
                        All the best and hope to see you later


                          January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                          Can say good afternoon now,
                          No work for me today. MD appt. Vet appt. Later on meeting with a potential reading tutee. I have so much to do in my house but sometimes it feels like a dangerous place to be. It's where I did most of my drinking, especially when I was home alone, just me and my bottle of wine.

                          Miss Oct, can so relate to your Friday night dilemma. I could not wait to get out of work on Fridays so I could buy some wine and start the weekend. I still hate Sundays cause that was the day I spent deciding how bad my hangover was going to be on Monday and whethere or not I should call in sick.

                          Cyn, I love your Zen moment in the kitchen. I know my mind is in a good place when I can take pleasure in a menial household task. To just be able to think about that olive oil and not a million other things.

                          Red, my doctor's appt this morning was with a holistic psychiatrist, who treats depression with supplements, meditation, exercise, etc. It's frustrating to feel depressed when nothing is really going wrong. For me it's scary to when I can't attribute how I feel to some specific event.

                          SD, for me, when it comes to al, I will never feel "normal". It was never about the quantity I drank, it was about the relationship/attitude I had developed with al. Stay warm up there.

                          Sooty, your carrot parsnip soup sounds wonderful. I have just recently become a fan of the lowly parsnip.

                          Man, sounds like you're hangin tough. Don't get tricked by the "gee, I feel/look so much better" ploy. As they say in AA, al is cunning.

                          Hey Lav, Dill, everyone.

                          Good Friday to all.


                            January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                            I love that quote, Dill. When I look back on other steep hills, I have always liked the changing perspective along the way more than the milestone itself. This thread always gives me a lot to think about and I am looking forward to Week Two. I have not returned to my elaborate evening cooking, Cyn, I find I can?t extend myself or enter the spirit of the way I used to approach food without triggers popping up. I have become the Lady of Assembly, the Queen of Sandwich. I am making everything around me more simple. I just finished three days of polishing up the house after the long (long) holiday and keep putting more and more things aside for donation. My garden plans involve the same sort of paring down, of under-extending myself. Lord Bird Heart and I had a great time last night listening to an old Rudolf Serkin Beethoven and working on a picture puzzle of all things. A picture puzzle. I am either enjoying a simple pleasure or I have gone dotty. He made me a tray to put across my seed germination table and we sat under the full spectrum light bulbs which helped take a chunk out of the winter blues and put together pieces of an ocean. It was a lot more fun than it sounds:H. Hold strong everybody with the challenges of the weekend, we know it is worth it. Love, Ladybird.
                            may we be well


                              January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                              Hello JJDI's!

                              The day is coming to a close and it was a nice quiet one. Being snowed in was a nice interlude. I thought I might get some boots on at some point and hike through the wintery countryside, but no. I couldn't make myself leave the warmth indoors. Maybe tomorrow.

                              Sped, I can so relate to your statement that home sometimes feels a dangerous place. I think most of us on this thread had come to the point where we were isolated drinkers, staying home and quietly drinking. I was working in my sewing room today and it is one of the "hot spots" where I did quite a bit of sneak drinking and often stashed my wine. It is actually hard to make myself go in there sometimes knowing that there is no wine to greet me. Oh well. Old habits die hard.

                              Red, I got yet another book called Lives of the Saints (by Nancy Lehman), before you so kindly set me straight on the actual title and author of the book you had mentioned liking. I couldn't even make myself read this one. It was ALL about drunken parties and al-soaked characters living in New Orleans. I will say though that it made drinking rather unappealing to me whilst reading some of the descriptions!:H

                              Soots, Tawny, Miss O, LBH, Lav, Lil, Mandalay, MM, Open, Pnut, SD, Lode, Cyn, Savvy, have a peaceful evening.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                January: Just Do It! ~ AF ~ Week 1

                                Good evening all!

                                Nothing fantastic to report here today.......just as well
                                It's cold, cold, cold!!! Our dinky snowfall from last night will be sticking around for a few chance of melting.

                                I have no big plans for the weekend - just wait & see.
                                Wishing everyone a warm & peaceful evening.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

