So in no particular order....
1. My first cup of coffee in the morning
2. Walking the dogs
3. Getting into a freshly made bed
4. Buying new wacky coloured socks
5. The smell of fresh bread
6. An open fire
7. De-cluttering a cupboard
8. Rooting through a charity shop and finding a bargain
9. Chatting on the phone to a good friend
10. Swimming
11. Going for a run
12.Listening to music
13. Singing along to a song (must be alone

14. Dancing with absolute abandon (ditto

15. Talking to a stranger
16. Stroking my dogs
17. Wearing nice undies
18. Seeing a clean and tidy house
19. Watching a good film
20. Reading a good book
21. Sleeping well and nanna naps
22. Giving to charity
23. Volunteering for a good cause
24. Making a plan for my day and carrying it through
25. Looking through and organising photographs
26. Hearing the dawn chorus while still in bed
27. Grooming my dogs
28. Watching the waves at the seaside.
29. Walking along the sand
30. Eating a delicious meal
31. Seeing a blue sky
32. Feeling the sun on my face
33. Going somewhere new
34. The feeling of my skin after pampering with some homemade beauty products
35. Curling up in PJs at the end of the day in front of the TV.
36. Looking at the stars.
37. Hearing a piece of music that I havent heard for ages.
38. Researching a topic on the internet.
39. Spotting wildlife while walking in the country
I could go on and on I think, these are the sort of things I want to focus on in my day to day life, not comparing myself to others or focussing on things I havent got.
Whats on your list?