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My latest poem....

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    My latest poem....

    The Last Step
    By John B Scott

    A Christmas eve all alone
    No Children's laughter heard
    No presents to bring seasons joy
    I'm a homeless alcoholic and I'm scared.

    Yes I know nobody forced me to drink
    and nobody can make me stop
    All I ask is a warm dry place
    I'm tired and about to drop.

    Last year I had a wife and child
    I watched them leave and cry
    The drink had gotten the better of me
    All I did for them was lie.

    Do you know what it's like to be a drunk?
    Your whole life controlled by drink
    Always planning your next bender
    Of nothing else you think.

    Jesus Christ what do I do
    Help this poor wretched man
    Is this what you had in store for me?
    Is this your punishing plan?

    Is this really my lot in life
    To die upon the street
    Or will you send an angel to help me to my feet.

    I have always been an angry soul
    Even raised my fist to fight
    I swear to you let me live til' morn
    I will change with all my might.

    I will seek the help of a caring soul
    and never drink again
    and use your gracious gift to me
    To help others ease their pain.

    A year has passed since I prayed my prayer
    An angel came to me
    Dressed in jeans and with tatoos
    With a sandwich
    and a cup of hot tea.

    "If you really want to change your life
    we can feed and shelter you
    just don't take another drink
    that's all you have to do".

    Its Christmas eve and I'm clean and sober
    With a sandwich and some tea
    A helping hand to this poor man
    For without Gods grace.. that's me.
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    My latest poem....

    Wow! You are a talented guy, Sean. I'm happy your angel found you.


      My latest poem....

      Very nice Sean.
      Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010

