I'm not in fantastic shape, I hate to say... Drinking a lot less..Maybe 2 bottles of red, twice a week (yes, I know not ideal but better than EVERY night!)
At least I'm having 5 AF days a week..
And I'm back at the gym (under sufferance) but it does make me feel much better!
Feeling reasonably anxious and depressed...2 weeks off to think about your life can do that...
On the bright side , I've got lots of surfing in, over the last few weeks with some mates

I think I'm a bit weird because I have 4 good mates who are all married and popping out Babies, that I spend a lot of time with and I wish I was where they are...
I feel like I've missed the boat...
And I don't have the balls to get what I want, because of the way I feel...
NB: Please don't reply if you are someone, that you know I don't wan't to hear from.