Feeling sooo irritable.
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Day 4
Day 4
UGH... I was hoping Day 4 would be better than Day 3. No such luck. Having a hard time coping with daily life. It also doesn't help that this is PMS week. I try this every January and so far, this year if proving to be very challenging. In the past I've gone almost the entire month without drinking. This year's goal is to make it to the 24th but, I really think once i get there I'll try to continue on.
Feeling sooo irritable.Tags: None
Day 4
Hey CY! I'm on Day 4 AF too. What do you feel is triggering you? Are you taking any supplements or rx? I am taking L-glut, as is my hubby who is also AF 4. For me, what hard is changing my habits, not vegging out in front of tv, drinking lots of water (flavored), I also make myself exercise (walk the dogs) each day. I am tired and I do have trouble going to sleep, but they are small things.
Don't let your PMS defeat you! Good job on Day 4, tell me the good things, so far. :l
Day 4
day 4 is where usually the physical stuff is mostly gone. Now starts the mental stuff. Stay close to MWO, it helps. Stay clear on what you want. That's all I can say.Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
AF since May 6, 2010
Day 4
Day 4 for me as well (this time - groan). But for me I am really tearful, feel really sad inside. Also a tiny bit paranoid. But am hoping that tomorrow ill be different. It is bed time here, so tomorrow is another day. For all on Day 4 - lets get to day 5 and see what happens then. Baby steps.:lI'd really rather be skiing:H
Day 4
Im just starting my day 4 (again), have you tried taking Vit B, it always seems to calm me down a bit plus it give you energy, I was very ratty yesterday but the heat did'nt help nor did my hubbie, I have no support from him what so ever, but I am determind to do this as I went 40 day before and I felt like a new person and was so happy.....I want and I am going to get there again.:dancin:enguin:
starting over
Day 4
I'm feeling like a whimp on day 1, so ya'll all rock! I'm doing L-glut, milk thistle, liver detox liq., and taking all my heavy duty vits, and adrenal rebuilder.....been cleaning all day, and not having any emotional stuff, didn't buy any of my fav wine, hubby has some red here, I'm just trying not to break down and pour a glass! I think its just the time of day and habit, tomorrow I will get outta here, and break the pattern! I really really want to do this!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Day 4
Each day will bring a new revalation. Some happy, some sad. In time, comes continous clarity. Each day will get a little easier but there will be days as you get some AF time under your belt, it gets a little more difficult. Filling up the time with we used to spend drinking with things we enjoyed before the switch flipped has proved very useful to me. Keep on trying. Remember, 5 days will be better than four, six days will be better then five, seven days will be better than six.....and so on and so on!AF since 2/4/10
Nicotine free since 3/31/10
Day 4
Feeling better on day 5. I knew I would. Each day is brighter (it helps that the sun is shining - even though it is 20 degrees)!!! It is comforting to know that so many others have the same feelings and hopes. It will be tough as Friday approaches and I have to think about something else to look forward to but, onward.
Thank you all for the support.