It is fantastic to have access to the net again and be able to post. As many of you will still be in repose as I write down here in NZ, i hope this post finds you absolutely in top- notch order!
2009 was an interesting year for this recovering alkie. I was slipping and sliding heaps at the beginning of '09, and made the very dumb decision to drive whilst under the influence (AGAIN) and so, for the first time in my life I found myself in prison. I GOT OUT THIS MORNING - and liberty is something I will never take for granted again. It was a very enlightening 8 and a half months and I have sincerely missed you all.
I soooooooooo look forward to catching up sometime soon, but as I am just using a friend's comptuer whilst visiting them, i will not be able to be very consistent at first.
however, I am now coming up ten months sober - and as a result, life actually is bloody FANTASTIC. Great big Happy New Year to all,,,,, hope to chat soon
x Kapo