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Defining Yourself

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    Defining Yourself

    I always think it's much harder for men in recovery to get in touch with their real feelings due to the misplaced conditions on us through society. I was always lead to believe that a man was not supposed to show his emotions. I learned that through my own father who was not one to show his feelings in front of his children. I don't blame him for my own situation it's just probably the way he was brought up and so on and so forth. Children were also expected to be "seen and not heard" in my family and that meant emotionally as well for me.

    As a child I found it very difficult to show my own feelings in front of people yet I was overly sensitive and felt the need to cry due to how I was feeling at times. This usually meant isolation, where I would have to deal with my emotions away from other people, usually my bedroom. Hence, why I have probably sought that isolation through the latter and more damaging years of my drinking due to the intensity of the shame and fear that had been suppressed over the years

    We have given ourselves as men such a hard task of keeping up the appearances of what it is supposed to be, to be a man. Ego is the biggest culprit in this facade. It's only through deflating ones ego that we can allow ourselves to stop trying to define who we are supposed to be in the eyes of the rest of the world as not only men but people. Only then can we see ourselves for what we truly are and that we are no different in essence from women.

    I have tried so many ways to try and define who I am as a person (and a man) under this guise of many masks, even through my sexuality. I feel love for both men and women today but I do not 'lust' after men in the way that I would women. Sex, Love and intimacy were very warped notions in my head at one time and the boundaries were almost non existent. As a man having the usual lustful thoughts held no taboos in my eyes during my active years in addiction where I considered myself to be a hedonistic bisexual.

    It is only through my recovery and my awareness of myself that today I have stopped trying to define myself with putting a label on me. I have a greater understanding of me as a person today and I don't have to define myself by ANY man made label. I am who I am and even my name is just another label. Father, Son, Brother, Friend, Lover...etc etc ALL just labels.

    Recovery for me is not just about putting down the drink and drugs. It's about getting in touch with who I am with all my 'glorious' defects too so that I can become all that I can be!! I can't possibly live my life without defects of character to be honest, because it's a part of our human nature I believe to have what I would call "The Seven Deadly Sins!" lol. They keep us in check and show us when we are in need of balance in our lives. The yin and yang if you like.

    I'll leave you with this thought from Eckhart Tolle

    "Give up defining yourself - to yourself or to others. You won't die. You will come to life. And don't be concerned with how others define you. When they define you, they are limiting themselves, so it's their problem. Whenever you interact with people, don't be there primarily as a function or a role, but as the field of conscious Presence. You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are."

    Love and Light
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Defining Yourself

    Hi Phil,
    Yet another very thoughtful post from you....I so enjoyed reading this first thing this morning. I too have been and remain on a "self discovery journey" since becoming sober. For so many years, I used alcohol to mask my thoughts and feelings......these days self discovery is like "Peeling and Onion", layer by layer I am not only discovering who I really am, but I am also accepting each layer. I am definitely working on refining flaws....but like you, I am also comfortably accepting myself.

    Phil, I am thinking how very lucky your daughter is to have such a thoughtful daddy! I hope that you are able to spend lots of time with her! Isn't it grand that we can break the cycles that we grew up with and raise healthy, well adjusted adults in our own children!

    XXX Kate
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      Defining Yourself

      Yet another wonderful, honest and thought provoking post Phil.
      Someone here told me once that I was 'becoming comfortable in my own skin', and it really struck a chord deep inside me. I never was before and since I started learning a little about the deeper, spiritual side of who I am, I am beginning to realise that labels and opinions don't matter. Should definition be required then it's how you live and love that defines you.

      With love and respect....

