So I'm curious about a few things. number one, anyone know of anything i can do besides being Alcohol free to not drink and drive? any thouhts on what i can do? i was thinking of getting the portable breathalizer just so i can blow into it and see the reading before i get in the car-bc like i said, while in that state, im not thinking right but i do feel ok to drive often.(anyone else feel like that?) or putting a picture of a jail cell on my car steering wheel! only problem is other people could see it. hehe
Second, i was wondering if after all this daily drinking ive been doing the past few months, is it possible to reverse your brainc hemistry? like, right now-i OBSESS over alcohol. i need it to feel normal. not even good anymore just normal. i wake up and think of it. when iw as drinking nightly after workk this wasnt the case. i would think of it but not obsess, and just have my bottle of wine at night. so when i start my new job will my brain go back to just wanting it at night or will i still crave and obsess all day!
tomorrow i start my month AF and baclofen, the new drug everyone talks about on here. Im hoping i will love being af after a few weeks. i know its goign to be so hard the first few days my gosh.. im gonna feel so depressed and bored. im nervous lonely and scared..
im curiuos also how many of you have the same issues as me as far as drinking and driving? like u just end up doing it sometimes and wanna kill yourself after?